Asian Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine
Vol.04 No.01(2015), Article ID:14983,5 pages

Diagnosis and Treatment of Small Tail Sheep Poisoning with Oxytropis ochrocephala

Baocheng Hao1,2, Chengyang Xia3, Jianzhi Liu3, Baohai Wang3, Yonghao Hu2, Jianping Liang1,2

1Key Laboratory of New Animal Drug Project, Gansu Province/Key Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmaceutics Discovery, Ministry of Agricultural/Lanzhou Institute of Husbandry and Pharmaceutical Sciences of CAAS, Lanzhou Gansu

2College of Veterinary Medicine, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou Gansu

3Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Institute, Tibet Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Lasa Tibet


Received: Mar. 7th, 2015; accepted: Mar. 19th, 2015; published: Mar. 26th, 2015

Copyright © 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


A case of suspected locoweed poisoning of small tail sheep was reported, which happened in Yuzhong County, Lanzhou city, Gansu province, in October 3, 2014. The suspected poisoning sheep have different ages and genders. Through asking the keeping staff the feeding condition of the sheep, observing a variety of symptoms of suspected poisoning sheep such as hind limb weakness, eyes dull, not eating, weight loss, dog sitting type, head and neck back and circular motion when handing sheep ears, and observing, identifying and comparing the collecting plants of the grazing grassland, it is diagnosed to be a typical locoweed poisoning disease.

Keywords:Small Tail Sheep, Locoweed Poisoning, Oxytropis ochrocephala, Diagnosis, Treatment



1中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所,农业部兽用药物创制重点实验室,甘肃省新兽药工程重点实验室,甘肃 兰州

2甘肃农业大学动物医学院,甘肃 兰州

3西藏自治区农牧科学院畜牧兽医研究所,西藏 拉萨



摘 要


关键词 :小尾寒羊,疯草中毒,黄花棘豆,诊断,治疗

1. 引言

疯草(Locoweed)是棘豆属(Oxytropis DC.)和黄芪属(Astragalus L.)中有毒植物的统称,动物长期采食会发生中毒。由疯草引起的中毒病统称为“疯草病”(Loco-disease)或称“疯草中毒”(Locoism)。发病动物主要是山羊、绵羊、马和牛。

疯草中毒是一个慢性过程,动物采食疯草初期,上膘较快。经过一段时间后,营养状况开始下降,继而出现精神沉郁,反应迟钝,被毛粗乱,基本以神经调节机能紊乱为主,如走路蹒跚、进食困难、肌肉缺乏协调性、精神沉郁,反应迟钝,头部震颤,母畜流产,公畜不育[1] -[3] 。疯草中毒导致心脏右心室肥大,肝内充血。脑、肝、肾、肾上腺、淋巴、脾脏等脏器病变后,牲畜主要表现为神经元、肝细胞、肾脏近曲小管上皮细胞以及肾上腺髓质部的上皮细胞与皮质部的球状带出现明显的空泡变性 [1] [4] 。心肌纤维肿胀、断裂、横纹不清或消失。小脑的蒲肯野氏细胞萎缩、变性。胶质细胞与神经元中线粒体扩张,线粒体嵴减少,基质溶解,疏散呈圆形或椭圆形空泡,滑面内质网增多。粗面内质网较为普遍的出现肿胀和脱粒,轻者表现为呈扩张程度不一的葫芦串状,重者出现内质网断裂和现囊泡化等。

2. 疯草中毒机理

研究发现,苦马豆素阳离子与α-甘露糖苷酶亲合性很高,是α-甘露糖苷酶特异性强烈抑制剂 [5] ,因为它与甘露糖阳离子的半椅状空间结构十分相似。同时苦马豆素能够和α-甘露糖苷酶活性作用位点特异性结合,导致酶丧失水解活性,其结合位点是α-甘露糖苷酶的第92、95、204、206、228、341、471和472氨基酸 [6] 。

苦马豆素主要通过抑制高尔基体α-甘露糖苷酶Ⅱ(MAN2A1)、内质网/胞质α-甘露糖苷酶(MAN2C1)和溶酶体α-甘露糖苷酶(MAN2B1)活性,使细胞内蛋白的N-糖基化合成、加工、转运以及富含甘露糖的寡聚糖代谢等过程发生障碍,从而导致细胞表面膜黏附分子、细胞膜受体正常功能变化,出现内分泌、生殖及免疫功能异常和细胞广泛空泡变性,使动物中枢神经系统和实质器官受到损害,造成细胞功能紊乱,尤其是神经细胞功能紊乱,使动物表现出一系列神经症状。尤其当生殖器官的组织细胞发生空泡变性时,可导致繁殖机能障碍 [7] [8] 。此外,苦马豆素对家畜机体细胞免疫功能具有一定的影响,导致机体免疫功能下降[9] 。

3. 临床资料


4. 诊断

4.1. 问诊


4.2. 临床症状诊断


Figure 1. Poisoning of sheep eyes is dull, not eating, weight loss

图1. 中毒羊目光呆滞、不食、消瘦

Figure 2. Poisoning of sheep is hind limb weakness, dog sitting type

图2. 中毒羊后肢无力、犬坐式

Figure 3. Poisoning of sheep is hind limb weakness, take circular motion

图3. 中毒羊后肢无力、转圈运动

Figure 4. Poisoning of sheep is thin, not feeding

图4. 中毒羊消瘦、不食

4.3. 采食疯草鉴别


5. 治疗

应用由西藏自治区农牧科学院与中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所联合研制的“速康解毒口服溶液”,根据体重确定给药量,对131只病羊进行救治,具体按照成年羊100 mL/只,幼小羊50 mL/只,每天给药1次进行灌喂,并连续给药三天,治疗期间辅以精料,充足饮水。第四天观察有102只羊精神面貌与饮食情况基本恢复正常(见图7图8),在治疗过程陆续死亡5只,还有24只体质很弱、中毒严重的小尾寒羊无法站立、不能采食。

6. 讨论



Figure 5. The plant was collected, named “Oxytropis ochrocephala” (collected it in Oct. 3, 2014)

图5. 采集到的植物“黄花棘豆”(2014年10月3日采集)

Figure 6. The poisonous weeds distributed on grassland, named “Oxytropis ochrocephala” (taken on grassland in Oct. 3, 2014)

图6. 草场上分布的毒草“黄花棘豆”(拍摄于2014年10月3日)

Figure 7. The sheep is starting to eat

图7. 开始采食

Figure 8. The sheep recovered feed

图8. 草场羊群恢复采食




郝宝成,夏晨阳,刘建枝,王保海,胡永浩,梁剑平, (2015) 一起小尾寒羊黄花棘豆中毒病例的诊断与治疗
Diagnosis and Treatment of Small Tail Sheep Poisoning with Oxytropis ochrocephala. 亚洲兽医病例研究,01,1-6. doi: 10.12677/ACRPVM.2015.41001

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