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World Journal of Cancer Research
Vol.3 No.2(2013), Article ID:12417,3 pages DOI:10.12677/WJCR.2013.32003

Research Progress on Prevention and Cure for Hormone-Dependent Neoplasm by Phytoestrogens*

Youfu Ke1#, Wen Chien Kao1, Lok Him Tsang1, Chunxiang Li2, Kemin Wei3, Junxian Zheng3

1School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

2The Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Quanzhou

3Zhejiang Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou

Email: #keyoufu@gmail.com

Received: May 5th, 2013; revised: Jul. 18th, 2013; accepted: Aug. 6th, 2013

Copyright © 2013 Youfu Ke et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Through exploring literatures about prevention and cure for hormone-dependent neoplasm by phytoestrogens we found that: Phytoestrogens are plant-derived polyphenolic natural heterocyclic compounds including flavones, lignans, coumarins, stilbenes, quinones, triterpenoids, sterols, mycoestrogen and so on. Phytoestrogens have both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic activity, with a two-way regulation ability and extensive preventive and therapeutic effects on hormone-related diseases. Experimental and clinical studies have shown that phytoestrogens can prevent and treat hormone-dependent neoplasms such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, prostate cancer (including benign prostatic hyperplasia), colon cancer and so forth. Its anti-tumor mechanisms are: directly involving in the body’s endocrine regulation, anti-oxidizing, inhibiting tumor angiogenesis and metastasis, repressing oncogene expression, promoting anti-oncogene expression, inducing tumor cell apoptosis, inhibiting tumor growth and proliferation and so on. There are many Chinese materia medica containing phytoestrogens, which are promising chemoprevention and treatment for hormone-dependent neoplasms.

Keywords: Phytoestrogen; Estrogen Receptor; Estrogen-Like Activity; Hormone-Dependent Neoplasms; Chinese Materia Medica






Email: #keyoufu@gmail.com

摘 要:




1. 引言

本植物雌激素(Phytoestrogen, PE)是来源于植物的杂环多酚类天然化合物,其结构类似于内源性雌激素,能够与哺乳动物的雌激素受体亚基(Estrogen Receptor,ERα或ERβ)结合,具有雌激素样或抗雌激素作用。依据分子结构可分为黄酮类(Flavones) (包括黄酮、异黄酮、黄酮醇、二氢黄酮、查耳酮等)、木脂素类(Lignans)、香豆素类(Coumarins)、二苯乙烯类(Stilbenes),尚有醌类(Quinones)、三萜类(Triterpenoids)、甾醇类(Sterols)以及真菌雌激素类(Mycoestrogen)等。PE中异黄酮(Isoflavone)是特别引人瞩目的一类,在豆科植物中含量丰富,主要有大豆甙元(Daidzein)、染料木黄酮(Genistein,金雀异黄素)、大黄豆素(Glycetein)、大豆苷(Daidzin)、染料木黄酮苷(Genistin)、鸡豆黄素A(Biochanin A)、刺芒柄花素(Formononetin,芒柄花黄素)等。在体内,异黄酮可转化为活性更强的雌马酚(Equol)和去氧甲基安哥拉紫檀素(O-demethylangolesin, ODMA)[1-5]。因PE结构与雌激素相似,可与ER结合,发挥类似他莫昔芬(Tamoxifen)一样的抗雌激素或雌激素效应,在哺乳动物体内产生双向调节作用。

2. PE的效应


3. 含PE中药的研究


4. PE预防激素依赖性肿瘤


5. PE治疗激素依赖性肿瘤


6. PE防治激素依赖性肿瘤的机制


7. 存在的问题



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*基金项目:浙江省科技厅基金资助项目(No. 2008F3036)。

