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Journal of Advances in Physical Chemistry
Vol.1 No.2(2012), Article ID:916,2 pages DOI:10.4236/JAPC.2012.12003

Differential Polarimetry Measurement and Analysis of the Content of VC

Baoliang Sun1*, Wentao Sun2

1Department of Physics, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang

2Life Science and Bio-Pharmaceutical College, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang

Email: {*sblwuli, randp10}@163.com

Received: Jul. 5h, 2012; revised: Jul. 17th, 2012; accepted: Aug. 3rd, 2012


Determination of vitamin C content of the main iodometry, spectrophotometry, polarimetry, HPLC, TLC scanning method and other methods of measurement, iodometric method for the measurement process is more cumbersome and difficult to exclude excipients vitamin C compound interference; higher spectrophotometry, HPLC, TLC scanning method of measuring instruments, and increased testing costs. In this paper, methods of physics, by means of linear regression theory, the use of vitamin C in different pH solution in the optical rotation were significantly different, and the differential characteristics of the optical rotation and a linear relationship between concentration within a certain range, by difference show the polarimetry VC injection of content were measured at the same time to study and analyze the influencing factors of the experiment. The results show that the VC injection in 2.50 mg/ml. To 12.5 mg/ml concentration and differential optical rotation of the linear relationship, the related equation y = 0.1835 x + 0.0113, the correlation coefficient r = 0.996. Compared with other measurement methods, the method is simple and reliable, the result is reasonable, so as to achieve fast, simple and accurate determination of the purpose of the VC content, especially for small and medium-sized hospital departments for the rapid detection of drugs.

Keywords: Vitamin C; Differential Polarimetry; Optical Rotation; Assay





Email: {*sblwuli, randp10}@163.com

摘 要:

维生素C的含量测定主要有碘量法、分光光度法、旋光法、高效液相色谱法、薄层扫描法等多种测量方法,其中碘量法测量过程较为繁琐,且不易排除辅料对维生素C复方制剂的干扰[1];而分光光度法、高效液相色谱法、薄层扫描法等对测量仪器要求较高,加大了检测成本[1]。本文应用物理学方法,借助于线性回归理论,利用维生素C在不同pH的溶液中其旋光度有显著差异,并且其差示旋光度和浓度在一定范围内呈线性关系的特点,通过差示旋光法对VC注射液的含量进行测定,同时对实验的有关影响因素进行研究分析。结果表明VC注射液在2.50 mg/ml~12.5 mg/ml范围内浓度与差示旋光度的线性关系良好,得到的相关方程为y = 0.1835x + 0.0113,相关系数r = 0.996。对比其他测量方法,该方法简单可靠,结果合理,从而达到快速、简便、准确的测定VC含量的目的,尤其适用于中小医院相关科室对药物的快速检测。



1. 引言

物质能使偏振光的振动平面旋转的性质叫做旋光性,如乳酸、葡萄糖及果糖及一些药物等都具有较强的旋光性。能使偏振光的振动平面向右(顺时针方向)旋转的叫做右旋体,向左(逆时针方向)旋转的叫做左旋体。而使偏振光旋转的一定角度叫做该物质的旋光度,用φ表示。表达关系式为: (a:比旋光度,即用1 dm的旋光管,待测液浓度为1 g/ml,所测得的旋光度;c:待测溶液浓度;d:旋光管直径)[2]。应用旋光仪直接测量旋光性物质的旋光度以测定其含量的分析方法为直接旋光法。若同一物质在不同pH值环境下其旋光度不同,称为差示旋光现象,利用这种性质测得旋光度以测定其含量的实验方法称为差示旋光法[3]。利用差示旋光法测定VC含量,能得到良好的线性关系,并且在一定程度上可以消除其他因素的影响,该方法具有快速、简便、准确的特点,结果合理可靠。

2. 仪器与药品

WZZ-1自动指示旋光仪、WXG-4圆盘旋光仪、恒温水浴锅、电子天平、NaHCO3、冰醋酸、VC注射液(2.5 g/20 ml)(多多药业有限公司)。

3. 实验方法和结果

3.1. 差示旋光度曲线的绘制

1) 用煮沸过冷却的蒸馏水配制浓度为5%的醋酸溶液和5%的NaHCO3溶液。

2) 分别量取1、2、3、4、5 ml的VC注射液两份于50 ml容量瓶中,分别用上述5%的醋酸溶液和NaHCO3溶液稀释至刻度,以前者为空白,测定差示旋光度,做差示旋光度对浓度的回归曲线,回归方程为 [4](见表1和图1)。

Table 1. The differential rotation data of VC-injection for different concentration

表1. 不同浓度下VC注射液的差示旋光度

3.2. 稳定性实验

1) 取3 ml VC注射液,按上述方法测定差示旋光度,每隔10分钟测定一次,并观察溶液变化[5],实验结果见表2,结果表明该时间范围内差示旋光度变化较小,VC注射液稳定性较好。

2) 开封后放置一个月,VC注射液颜色由无色变为黄色,稀释10倍后测其旋光度为1.225,较表2所得结果明显变小,说明开封放置一段时间后VC注射液的稳定性较差。

3.3. 温度对差示旋光度的影响

取3 ml VC注射液按上述方法分别在20℃、40℃、60℃下测定差示旋光度[4,5],所得结果见表3,说明VC注射液的差示旋光度随温度的升高而降低。

3.4. 样品测定

取3 ml的VC注射液,按实验方法测定差示旋光度,代入回归方程中,并计算回收率[6]。所得差示旋光度结果为0.881,回收率为63.22%。

4. 结果讨论

1) 图1表明,VC浓度为2.5~12.5 mg/ml时,差示旋光度对浓度有较好的线性关系。

2) 表2表明,VC短时间内(50分钟)稳定性较好,但长时间放置后会被氧化。

3) 表3表明,差示旋光度数值随温度的升高而降低。

4) 样品测试所得回收率偏低,分析原因如下:

a) 对于开封时间较长的VC注射液,溶质存在轻

Table 2. The results of stability test

表2. 稳定性实验结果

Table 3. The differential rotation data of VC-injection for different temperature

表3. 不同温度下的差示旋光度

Figure 1. The linear curve of the experimental data

图1. 实验数据回归曲线


b) 回归曲线实验时间和样品测定时间前后有一个月的时间间隔,室内温度有一定程度的变化(温度升高),而温度对差示旋光度也有一定的影响,实验结果也证明温度升高,差示旋光度变小,导致回收率偏低。

参考文献 (References)

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