Advances in Clinical Medicine
Vol. 12  No. 12 ( 2022 ), Article ID: 59583 , 5 pages

青年男性以胸痛为首发症状的SAPHO综合征 1例并文献复习


青岛大学附属医院风湿免疫科,山东 青岛






A Case of SAPHO Syndrome with Chest Pain as the First Symptom in Young Male and Literature Review

Mengqian Li, Qingmin Guo, Mingshu Sun*

Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao Shandong

Received: Nov. 21st, 2022; accepted: Dec. 15th, 2022; published: Dec. 27th, 2022


Objective: SAPHO syndrome is a kind of autoimmune nonspecific inflammation which is lack of understanding and easy to be misdiagnosed in clinic, so as to grasp the clinical characteristics of the disease and discuss it with reference to the literature, so as to provide reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment. Methods: A young male patient with SAPHO syndrome with “chest pain” as the first symptom was analyzed, and the related literature was reviewed to summarize the clinical characteristics. Results: The patient was admitted to the hospital because of the main clinical manifestations of “pain in the right sternoclavicular joint for more than one year” with acne on the face, front chest and back. The C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were increased. There was no obvious abnormality in blood and urine routine, liver and kidney function, ENA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA), anti CCP antibody, rheumatoid factor, immunoglobulin (Ig), ANA, HLA-B27; Chest CT plain scan: the right clavicle is thickened and sclerotic, and dead bone can be seen locally; Partial lamellar osteosclerosis of sternal stalk; It is more likely to consider chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (autoimmune disease, SAPHO syndrome). Plain CT scan of sacroiliac joint: bilateral sacroiliac joint space is OK, joint surface is not smooth, slight osteosclerosis can be seen under the joint surface, and ankylosing spondylitis cannot be excluded. MR of bilateral sacroiliac joints: no obvious abnormality is found. Whole body bone imaging: left mandibular branch, bilateral clavicle and sternal handle imaging agent concentration focus, corresponding CT slice shows osteosclerosis (right clavicle is preferred), in which the right clavicle is thickened, so it is considered that SAPHO syndrome is more likely. Conclusion: SAPHO syndrome is a rare disease characterized by abnormal bone, skin and joint. The diagnosis of SAPHO syndrome needs to be based on clinical manifestations and imaging examination, and the whole body bone imaging is specific for the early diagnosis of the disease. Early diagnosis and timely treatment are important.

Keywords:SAPHO Syndrome, Chest Pain, Diagnosis, Treatment

Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).

1. 引言

1987年由法国研究者Chamot等首次提出了“SAPHO综合征” [1],是一组包括痤疮(acne)、滑膜炎(synovitis)、脓疱病(pustulosis)、骨肥厚(hyperostosis)、骨炎(osteitis)为主的罕见的影响骨关节和皮肤组织的自身免疫性疾病,该病病因及发病机制不明,临床表现多样,目前尚无特异性的诊断指标及统一的治疗策略,因此容易误诊耽误治疗。本文回顾分析青岛大学附属医院风湿免疫科收治1例青年男性以胸痛为主伴面部、前胸及后背皮肤改变的患者,现报道如下。

2. 病历摘要



查体:T:36.6℃,P:85次/分,R:19次/分,BP:91/68 mmHg。神志清,精神可,面部、前胸及后背痤疮,伴手掌脓包形成,伴脚掌皮肤脱屑,右侧胸锁关节肿胀,局部皮温不高,轻压痛。双肺呼吸音清,未闻及干湿性啰音。心律齐,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及病理性杂音。腹软无压痛。双侧“4”字征阴性。双下肢无水肿。



3. 讨论并文献复习

SAPHO综合征是一种患病率约为0.04%的罕见病,在女性中更常见,可发生于任何年龄阶段,其中中年妇女占主导地位 [2] [3]。SAPHO综合征分为两类:脓疱性银屑病骨质疏松症(Pustulo-Psoriatic Hyperostotic Spondyloarthritis, PPHS)和慢性复发性多灶性骨髓炎(Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis, CRMO) [4]。此病发病机制尚不清楚,有研究表明感染、遗传、免疫和环境因素可能在疾病的发展中发挥作用。比如痤疮杆菌的抗原是启动炎症的因素,尽管它只是偶尔在细菌培养中发现 [5];多达30%的SAPHO综合征患者已被证明与HLA-B27基因的存在有关 [6];免疫系统功能障碍与SAPHO综合征的发生有关,Li等人 [7] 发现SAPHO综合征患者血清IgG4升高并与疾病活动性相关。一些细胞因子被认为在SAPHO的发病机制中也起着重要作用。TNF-α升高对SAPHO综合征骨炎的发生起作用 [8]。SAPHO患者血清白介素-6 (IL-6)升高与C反应蛋白(CRP)、血沉(ESR)呈正相关 [9]。在有前胸壁病变的SAPHO患者中,观察到血清白介素-8 (IL-8)升高,这表明这种细胞因子参与了骨和关节炎症 [10]。

SAPHO综合征的临床表现多样,其特征临床表现包括皮肤损伤及骨关节病变,其中典型的皮肤表现是严重痤疮和脓疱病,约80%的患者出现脓疱病,约5%的患者有痤疮,还有5%的患者没有皮肤病损,皮肤表现与骨关节病的发生没有时间规律性,所以临床上容易误诊为其他骨关节病或皮肤病,很难明确诊断 [6]。实验室检查缺乏特异性,影像学检查(包括X线、CT、MRI以及全身骨显像)在诊断疾病方面有重要作用。在疾病的早期阶段,全身骨显像是有用的,大约85%~90%患者前胸壁显像剂摄入增加 [3],典型表现为胸骨、肋骨、锁骨等区域的显像剂异常浓聚,即“牛头征”,是SAPHO综合征有诊断价值的表现之一,与本例全身骨显像表现一致。在CT检查中,高达45%的患者可观察到侵蚀和硬化性改变并伴有新骨形成和骨质增生症 [11],在本例胸部CT中可观察到此变化。

对于本例的诊断采用2003年美国风湿病学会Kahn标准(满足其一并同时除外反应性关节炎和肿瘤骨转移者即可确诊):1) 骨和(或)关节病合并掌跖脓疱病:2) 骨和(或)关节病合并重度痤疮;3) 成人孤立性无菌骨炎或骨肥厚;4) 儿童慢性复发性多灶性骨髓炎;5) 骨和(或)关节病合并炎症性肠病。根据临床表现、体征以及辅助检查,符合1) 2) 4) 的标准,患者SAPHO综合征诊断明确。

该病没有规范的诊疗指南,经验性治疗、对症治疗为主,早期发现并治疗的患者预后良好。非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)为一线用药,这些药物可以减轻关节症状,但对皮肤病变没有影响,皮肤病变可给予雷公藤、外用糖皮质激素或中药制剂治疗。二线用药有糖皮质激素以及改善病情抗风湿药,比如甲氨蝶呤、柳氮磺吡啶和雷公藤等。由于痤疮杆菌被认为是SAPHO综合征的重要诱因,多西环素或阿奇霉素等抗生素在其治疗中也是有用的 [6]。有报道表明TNF受体拮抗剂对于一线、二线治疗无效的患者可能有效,如英夫利昔单抗、依那西普、阿达木单抗被认为是一种安全、有效的选择。双磷酸盐类药物可以通过抑制巨噬细胞中细胞因子的分泌,起到抗骨质疏松及抗炎的作用也可用于该病的治疗 [12]。

本例患者单用非甾体抗炎药疗效不佳,入院给予免疫抑制剂沙利度胺和非甾体抗炎药双氯芬酸钠合用效果明显。SAPHO综合征以往报道病例鲜少使用沙利度胺治疗,本例使用后症状改善明显可为后续临床治疗提供经验。沙利度胺的作用机制复杂,目前尚不完全清楚。它是一种免疫调节、抗炎和抗血管生成的药物。抗血管生成作用于血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)和成纤维细胞生长因子2 (FGF2)。抗血管生成和免疫调节可归因于其抗肿瘤活性,因为这两种作用可能与该药对细胞因子分泌的影响有关,通过减少循环中的CD4+ T细胞和刺激CD8+ T细胞、自然杀伤(NK)细胞和辅助性T细胞(TH2)细胞来发挥作用。此外,沙利度胺还可抑制TNF-α、IL-5、IL-6、IL-8和IL-12的产生,增加IL-2、IL-10和干扰素γ的产生 [13]。有研究表明,此药对于某些自身免疫疾病(系统性红斑狼疮、白塞病等)的皮肤及黏膜病变治疗有益 [14]。SAPHO综合征患者有骨关节病变也有皮肤损伤,所以使用非甾体抗炎药合用沙利度胺治疗,对骨关节病及皮肤病变都有一定效果,所以沙利度胺对于SAPHO综合征的治疗是有一定依据的。

4. 总结



李孟倩,郭庆敏,孙明姝. 青年男性以胸痛为首发症状的SAPHO综合征1例并文献复习
A Case of SAPHO Syndrome with Chest Pain as the First Symptom in Young Male and Literature Review[J]. 临床医学进展, 2022, 12(12): 11657-11661.


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  15. NOTES

