Modern Linguistics
Vol. 08  No. 03 ( 2020 ), Article ID: 35977 , 8 pages

Metaphoric Concept of Personification in Quality British Press

Sazonova Marina Dmitriyevna

Department of English Lexicology, Faculty of the English Language, Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow

Received: Apr. 28th, 2020; accepted: May 29th, 2020; published: Jun. 5th, 2020


In this paper, we considered conceptual personification, which realises in English-language short informational messages. In this study, we classified linguistic means, by which an object was personified in the English-language brief news discourse taken from quality British printed media (The Economist, The Times and The Telegraph) and their online variants. In addition, we classified objects which were subject to personification. For each group of personified objects, we estimated the percentage of the personification examples number.

Keywords:Conceptual Personification, Conceptual Metaphor, Metaphorical Projection, English-Speaking Discourse, News Discourse, The British Press, Media Discourse, Mass Media, Lexis





摘 要


关键词 :概念人格化隐喻,概念隐喻,隐喻投射,英语话语,新闻话语,英国媒体,媒体话语,传媒,词汇

Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).



隐喻理论随着时间的推移而演变。在20世纪,随着认知科学的发展,隐喻开始被视为一种思维方式,它推动了认知语言学领域的进一步发展。这一学科认为,思维作为一个整体是言语化的,正是借助语言我们建构思想,将思想系统化并传播自己关于世界的知识。有关此方面的第一批作品之一是E. R. Mac Cormac的隐喻认知理论,他将隐喻定义为一种认知过程。根据Mac Cormac (1990) [1] 的说法,比较相似但略有不同的语义概念时会出现一些隐喻( [1], p. 1)。

二十世纪八十年代,J. Lakoff和M. Johnson (2004)提出概念隐喻理论,他们将概念隐喻视为一个领域的知识投射到另一个领域的知识,并认为“我们在日常概念系统范围内进行思考和采取行动,日常概念系统就其本质具有隐喻性”( [2], p. 25)。



目前,新闻话语越来越受到研究者的关注。Т. А. van Dijk (1989) [3] 和A. A. Kibrik (2008) [4] 的作品为新闻话语研究奠定了基础。新闻话语是媒体话语的组成部分之一。同时,同时应该指出的是,新闻话语本身的概念尚未明确界定。T. van Dijk认为新闻话语是代表某种媒体事件的话语,1988 [5],但在我们看来,这个定义过于宽泛。不同的研究者将不同类型的文本归于新闻话语,包括新闻公告,2011 [6],所编辑文章的标题,2003 [7],标题,导语,主要事件,背景,上下文和在媒体话语中所进行的评论 [5]。关于英语新闻话语的研究有:Panchenko N. N. (2005) [8],Spodarets O. O. (2011) [6],Kovalchukova M. A. (2010) [9],Stepanova M. A. (2003) [7],Klimyonova Yu. I. (2010) [10],Vorotnikova Yu. S. (2005) [11] 和Krotova E. A. (2010) [12]。从事德语法语新闻话语研究的学者有:Borodko D. A. (2013) [13],Aleksanyan A. R. (2014) [14],(2012) [15] 和Goncharova N. A. (2013) [16]。

Panchenko N. N.研究了1996~2005年英文印刷媒体样本中连载的新闻报道。作者在他对新闻话语的定义中,2005 ( [8], p. 7)对E.A. Krotova (2010) [12] 的观点表示认同,将其定义为“大众媒体话语的主要类型,它是某个社会团体的集体活动的产物,通过媒体生成、传播和解释新闻文本,从事媒体收集、处理、发布和解释具有社会意义的新信息”,2010 ( [12], pp. 9-10)。

根据T. G. Dobrosklonskaya的观点,新闻话语是“一组在新闻广播领域发挥作用的文本,是所有语言内部和语言外部特征的统一,与其制作,发行和感知相关”,2016 ( [17], p. 17)。

在本文中,新闻话语被理解为在短消息中实现的话语:报纸和杂志中出现的三行到两段的信息性消息的文本。因此,我们认为应该对分析性文章、作者评论和新闻消息进行区分。这些不同类型的文本在作者对已发生事件所持有主观态度的程度上存在差异。我们对旨在描述该事件的短消息进行了研究,发现它似乎并未包含撰写报道记者的个人意见。然而,R. Fowler (1991) [18] 认为选择新闻消息的过程是媒体话语的一部分,不能被视为客观的。



在语言学文献中,人格化的定义和受人格化的单位定义因语言而异。在英文文献中,拟人化本身通常被定义为“人性化”,无生命的物体和现象被认为是人格化的对象,1973 ( [19], p. 15),1960 ( [20], p. 17,在德语文献中,人格化被理解为“人性化”,其中动物,植物生物和无生命物体被认为是人格化的,1975 [21], p. 204)。在法语文献中,拟人化以两种方式定义:a) 动物化 1970, ( [22], p. 207);并且b) 动物化和人性化,1974 ( [23], p. 135)。在这种情况下,无生命的物体和抽象概念被认为是人格化单位,1970 ( [22], p. 207),1974 ( [23], p. 135)。在俄语词典中,人格化通常被定义为“动物化”。

因此,可以对人格化下定义:a) 人性化;b) 动物化和人性化;c) 动物化。

在《我们赖以生存的隐喻》一书中,J. Lakoff和M. Johnson在隐喻概念中加入了人格化,并用专门一节进行描述。两位学者将人格化理解为隐喻,其中物质对象被解释为一个人,使用有关人类动机、特点和活动的术语,赋予无生命物体人的思考经验,理解一个人在与人类动机,特征和活动方面与无生命实体交互的经验成为可能。 作为拟人化的例子,J. Lakoff和M. Johnson (2003) [24] 引用了以下陈述:

Inflation has attacked the foundation of our economy. The dollar has been destroyed by inflation. (2003) ( [24], p. 33).

正如我们所看到的,人格化作为隐喻概念的定义不同于人格化作为修辞手段的定义,根据I. R. Galperin (1979) [25],他在自己的作品“修辞学”中给出了以下关于人格化的定义:“将生物(人)的特点或行为归属于物体、自然现象和抽象概念”,1979 [25],1977 ( [26], p. 130)。但是,在这两个定义中有许多共同点:指向无生命或抽象事物,并此对对象赋予人的行为。然而I. R. Galperin (1977) [26] 给出的例子和Lakoff和Johnson给出的例子有很大不同。I. R. Galperin (1977) [26] 提供的例子塑造出了生动的艺术形象,包括悲伤的叶子和金色的尘埃,它们在阳光下快乐地跳舞:

“The leaves fell sorrowfully.” “In the slanting beams that streamed through the open window the dust danced and was golden,” (O. Wilde), 1977 ( [26], p. 128).

正如我们所看到的,当艺术作品中形成了一种生动,鲜明的抽象概念作品时,这一概念往往可以获得人的属性和特征。Lakoff和Johnson (2003) [24] 给出的那些例子乍一看与人格化没什么关系。例如,通常的非形象表达方式为“时间将到来……”,“时间早已过去……”,“行动时间到了”,2003 ( [24], p. 43)也是人格化。因此,人格化的隐喻概念可能无法创造生动,生动的形象,但毫无疑问,它存在于文本中。


I) 地理事物,这里我们指国家的名称,地理区域,世界分区,省份等:

1. One city offered to rename a part of itself Amazon. (The Economist, 2017).

2. The West hoped that opening up to China would turn a communist giant into a market economy. (The Economist, 2017).

3. Why America is more tolerant of inequality than other rich countries. (The Economist, 2017).

4. As the country gets richer, it is changing. (The Economist, 2018).

5. How the West got China wrong. (The Economist, 2018).

6. Now America fears that China is reaching tech parity. (The Economist, 2018).

7 . The country faces lengthy coalition talks. (The Economist, 2018).

8. Some states in America plan to attach new conditions to health insurance for the poor. (The Economist, 2018).

9. If the West is going to protect itself, it needs to treat Mr Mueller’s work as a rallying cry. (The Economist, 2018).

10. They learn …how a rival Chinese city wants to steal the limelight from Hong Kong. (The Economist, 2018).

II) 商业组织、科学组织、公共组织等其他组织的名称:

1. Companies hope that up to 400m Indians are on the path to prosperity taken by China. (The Economist, 2018).

2. The party believes it needs to approve some form of major legislation. (The Economist, 2018).

3. The company denied that the decision was connected to Brexit. (The Economist, 2018).

4. Facebook is considering running an underwater fibre-optic cable around the whole of Africa and naming it Simba, after the Lion King lead character. (The Times 2019).

5. The ruling Law and Justice party refuses to back down. (The Economist, 2018).

6. Did Honduras’s ruling party plan to rig an election? (The Economist, 2017).

7. Germany’s Christian Democrats, their Bavarian sister party and the Social Democrats (SPD) concluded a new “grand coalition” deal (The Economist, 2018).

8. The IMF reckons that five sub-Saharan nations are already in “debt distress”. (The Economist, 2018).

9. The Royal Bank of Scotland has reported an annual profit for the first time since the financial crisis. (The Economist, 2018).

10. What’s more, RBS faces what could be a costly claim from America’s Department of Justice. (The Economist, 2018).


III) 政府机构和联邦服务机构的名称,包括政府和政府组织:


1. The government wants to slow the decline by raising the fertility rate. (The Economist, 2018).

2. The government responded by arresting more than 800 people, before agreeing to increase aid for the poor. (The Economist, 2018).

3. The government plans to raise the minimum wage 55% above its present level. (The Economist, 2017).

4. The Supreme Court has given the Trump administration a major if temporary victory. (The Economist, 2017).

5. On Monday America’s Department of Justice said it would challenge a merger between AT&T and Time Warner. (The Economist, 2017).

6. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, an arm of the government, has sent guidance to every home telling residents to squirrel away “cash in small denominations” in case of emergencies. (The Times, 2019).

7. A parliamentary committee suggested that the British government was responsible for human rights violations caused by Northern Ireland’s 19th-century abortion laws.. (The Times, 2019).

8.Today the Chinese government said that it had taken over Anbang, a car-insurance company. (The Economist, 2018).

9. His government has ignored a ceasefire and thwarted a UN peacekeeping mission. (The Economist, 2018).

10. Fisheries Management Scotland says figures released today by the Scottish government show the species is at “crisis point”. (The Times, 2019).

IV) 抽象概念

1. Their hope is alive, thanks to another late, untidy, but utterly precious Divock Origi goal. (The Times, 2019).

2. The second and third goals came with Coutinho. (The Times, 2019).

3. The deadlock in coalition talks in Berlin is a serious headache for Angela Merkel. (The Economist, 2017).

4. As a summit last week showed, current EU members remain wary about their suitability for joining. (The Economist, 2017).

5. The legislation needs surgery, not a guillotine. (The Times, 2019).

6. The fighting, sustained by the rivalry of Saudi Arabia and Iran, is going nowhere. (The Economist, 2017).

7. Damian Green’s exit gives Theresa May a problem—and an opportunity.(The Economist, 2017).

8. His death comes at a dismal time for the movement. (The Economist, 2018).

9. Sharp power [policy] is pervasive, breeds self-censorship and is hard to pin down. (The Economist, 2017).

10. But surveys suggest that these fears can be stuffed away for the evening. (The Economist, 2017).

我们把思想活动对象(Humanitarian grounds justify Syria attack, says Theresa May. The Times, 2018), 身体活动 (a superb…performance put Hampshire in a strong position. The Times, 2018), 自然现象 (Freezing temperatures of the past few weeks followed by several days of glorious sunshine will bring spectacular blossom and bumper crops of fruit. The Times, 2018), 言语活动(The warning comes after the UK’s military strike in Syria yesterday. The Times, 2018), 思想活动 (The decision to call an early election rests with the taoiseach. The Times, 2018) 和情感表达 (It (love affair with uniformed men) also leads to a lot of fuzzy thinking about the armed forces. The Economist, 2017)归为抽象概念。

V) 物质客体

1. Martin McDonagh’s new film believes in humankind’s capacity for change and redemption. (The Economist, 2017).

2. But although the film has a slower start and less action than earlier instalments, it gives the franchise a new and electrifying sense of purpose (The Economist, 2017).

3. This week our cover looks at an extraordinary gamble in the American economy. (The Economist, 2018).

4. A new film tries to restore her as an empathetic figure, and one of Jesus’s most important female followers. (The Economist, 2018).

5. This week our cover examines China’s “sharp power”—the tactics it uses to coerce and manipulate opinion abroad. (The Economist, 2017).

6. It [opera] gives a sense of historical perspective on sexism, inoculates against duplicitous seducers and shows that helicopter parenting does not work.. (The Economist, 2018).

7. Our cover this week tackles the death tax. (The Economist, 2017).

8. The judge agreed with an application by The Times and other newspapers, which argued that the public interest demanded transparency in the sentencing process. (The Times, 2019).

9. Our cover this week warns that an American strike on North Korea could drag in China. (The Economist, 2018).

10. Our cover this week reports on the war in Yemen. (The Economist, 2017).

VI) 宗教

1. The faith [Protestantism] is finding new followers elsewhere. (The Economist, 2017).

Protestantism helped shape the modern liberal West. (The Economist, 2017).

2. Can religion provide a way out? (The Economist, 2017).

3. Protestantism has played a large part in the development of the modern, liberal world. (The Economist, 2017).

4. To improve religious knowledge, religions may need to remove themselves from the teaching process (The Economist, 2017).

VII) 时间范围

1. Yesterday saw the disclosure of two serious design flaws in processors that power most of the world’s computers (The Economist, 2018).

2. The stable years that followed brought sensible greys and silvers.(The Economist, 2017).

3. November saw euphoria. (The Economist, 2018).

4. A win at the Oscars ceremony this coming Sunday can have a transformative effect on their finances. (The Economist, 2018).

5. The months July and August take their names from Roman Caesars. (The Economist, 2018).

6. Most of the private wealth that changes hands in the coming decades is likely to go to women. (The Economist, 2018).

7. March saw the most murders in London for more than a decade. (The Economist, 2018).

8. A garden from Chelsea Flower Show will also be dug up and planted at an NHS trust in coming weeks. (The Telegraph, 2019).

9. Friday marks one year since the suspension of the region’s devolved legislature. (The Economist, 2018).

10. Australia’s prime minister, has made tax cuts the centrepiece of his government’s budget for the coming fiscal year. (The Economist, 2018).



在我们研究的下一阶段,分析了隐喻投射的第二部分。作为隐喻投射的第二部分,我们分析实现人格化的语言手段,例如,对于思想活动的指示(think, consider 等);对语言活动的指示(call, say, announce等);积极的身体活动(come, show, take等);对感觉表现(感知)的行为(see, look, to be hurt等);体验情绪的能力(lose patience, happy, fear等),拥有(have access to data, owns a company, has findings等)以及人的特征(brutal, hostile, poor等)。总的来说,我们确定了9个人格化的实现方式。


Table 1. The ratio of two parts of metaphoric projection in personification models realised in British press news discourse

表1. 英语新闻话语中人格化模型隐喻投射两部分的关系





萨松诺娃松诺娃•玛丽娜•德米特里耶夫娜. 在质量英文报纸中的人格化的隐喻概念
Metaphoric Concept of Personification in Quality British Press[J]. 现代语言学, 2020, 08(03): 365-372.


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