Advances in Clinical Medicine
Vol. 13  No. 04 ( 2023 ), Article ID: 63747 , 5 pages

以LUTS为首发症状膀胱肿瘤病理与 影像特点


青岛大学医学部,山东 青岛






Pathological and Imaging Characteristics of Bladder Tumor with LUTS as the First Symptom

Xingchao Pei, Xudong Kong, Yong Liu

Medical Department of Qingdao University, Qingdao Shandong

Received: Mar. 7th, 2023; accepted: Apr. 1st, 2023; published: Apr. 11th, 2023


Objective: To analyze the pathological types and imaging characteristics of bladder cancer patients with the following urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) as the first symptom, so as to better summarize the corresponding treatment experience. Methods: The clinical data of 576 patients admitted to our hospital with LUTS as the first symptom in the past two years were analyzed retrospectively, including medical history, clinical manifestation, pathological grade, and postoperative treatment plan. Among them, 312 patients were pathologically confirmed as bladder malignant tumor after transurethral cystoscopic random resection biopsy of abnormal mucosa. Results: 312 patients were all admitted because of LUTS as the first symptom, 123 cases of high-grade invasive urothelial carcinoma, 57 cases of high-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma, 129 cases of low-grade urothelial carcinoma, 2 cases of squamous cell carcinoma, 1 case of adenocarcinoma, all of which showed that the bladder wall was not smooth, abnormally thickened or hypoechoic nodules under ultrasound, and the bladder wall was abnormally thickened or nodular shadow under CT. Under common cystoscope, it shows light red changes similar to cystitis and single or multiple tumors, and carries out random electroresection biopsy of abnormal mucosa. Pathological findings show that the probability of malignancy of the tumor is high. Low grade urinary tract epithelial carcinoma and high grade papillary urinary tract epithelial carcinoma can be supplemented by bladder tumor resection (TURBt) and postoperative bladder infusion chemotherapy drug treatment, high grade invasive urinary tract epithelial carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma need radical surgery, neoadjuvant chemotherapy and postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Conclusion: The patients with bladder tumor with LUTS as the first symptom have certain characteristics in imaging, and the pathological type is relatively malignant, so it is necessary to perform abnormal mucosal resection biopsy and active treatment.

Keywords:Bladder Cancer, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, Imaging

Copyright © 2023 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).

1. 引言

膀胱癌在西方国家发病率逐年上升,且已存在年轻化趋势,占男性肿瘤发病率第四,女性膀胱癌的发病率也在逐年上升 [1] ;吸烟是膀胱癌公认的危险因素,约超过50%的膀胱癌患者有既往吸烟史,在芳香胺制造,橡胶、电缆制造,化学染料制造和使用行业中,也会增加患膀胱癌的风险 [2] 。一般来说,膀胱癌的临床表现多为间歇无痛性肉眼血尿,在最初诊断时这种表现高达85% [3] 。尿频,尿急,尿痛被定义为下尿路症状(Lower urinary tract symptoms, LUTS),表现为异常的排尿感觉症状,其严重程度对生活质量造成直接的影响,不同的研究都表示,LUTS的发病率随着年龄的增长而增加 [4] 。然而在一部分膀胱癌患者中,难治性LUTS也可以作为初始症状出现 [5] 。本研究回顾性分析312例以LUTS为首发症状的患者,来寻找此类患者的病理类型及影像学的特点,从而更好的总结治疗经验。

2. 资料与方法


2.1. 入组标准

1) 均行完整实验室检查及影像学检查;

2) 于我院行膀胱镜下随机电切活检;

3) 以下尿路症状(尿频、尿急、尿痛等膀胱刺激症状及排尿困难症状)为首要临床表现就诊;

4) 尿抗酸染色为阴性。

2.2. 排除标准

1) 合并其他泌尿系肿瘤;

2) 明确有神经源性膀胱及尿道功能障碍。

2.3. 检查方法

CT扫描采用Toshiba Acuqion320层CT机,扫描参数:120 kV,200~250 mA,球管转速0.5 s/周,层厚0.5 mm,螺距1.0,重建图像的层厚及层距均为7 mm,行平扫。

彩色多普勒超声检查采用Aloka SSD 5000及GE Logiq彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,探头频率7.5~12.0 MHz,行多切面检查。


2.4. 图像及病理分析


3. 结果




Table 1. Bladder cancer patients admitted to our hospital for LUTS as the first symptom in recent two years

表1. 我院近两年因LUTS为首发症状入院的膀胱癌确诊患者

4. 讨论

患者的泌尿系统超声结果均多表现为膀胱粘膜欠光滑伴异常增厚,CT下均表现为膀胱壁异常增厚。所有患者均在膀胱镜下在异常粘膜增厚处行随机电切活检,术后病理证实为高级别浸润性尿路上皮癌123例,高级别乳头状尿路上皮癌57例,低级别尿路上皮癌129例,鳞癌2例,腺癌1例。其中126例需要行膀胱根治性切除术,必要时联合新辅助治疗。既往研究表明,在膀胱癌独立相关的临床特征中,排尿困难和尿路感染症状是仅次于血尿的临床症状,LUTS在膀胱恶性肿瘤中都应引起重视 [6] 。

膀胱癌最常见临床表现为间隙无痛全程肉眼血尿,先前研究表明,分化程度良好的膀胱肿瘤可往往表现有严重的血尿,而低分化,高级别,恶性程度较高的膀胱肿瘤可能有轻微的甚至无明显血尿症状,非尿路上皮肿瘤可能有轻微的血尿症状,当膀胱肿瘤进展时,可能会出现LUTS症状,一部分高级别浸润性癌的患者则有可能以LUTS症状为首发,同时顽固性LUTS症状也是提示原位癌的重要临床表现 [7] 。LUTS症状包括一系列储尿期,排尿期及排尿后的症状,在男性和女性患者中都非常常见。当存在LUTS时,患者主动排尿后膀胱内会残存一定量尿液,增加了致癌物质在尿液与尿路上皮直接的接触时间,这表明排尿功能障碍与膀胱癌的风险直接存在着一定的正相关关系,从而增加了膀胱癌的发病率;膀胱肿瘤侵及膀胱壁,使得膀胱壁顺应性下降,从而也是可能出现下尿路症状的因素,同时也有大量研究证明,LUTS患者的膀胱壁厚度及膀胱质量会增大,这也与影像学上膀胱壁增厚相对应 [8] 。

对于以LUTS为首发症状的膀胱癌患者,在普通膀胱镜下多表现为炎症性质的浅红色粘膜改变或偶伴有卫星灶,部分原位癌粘膜甚至表现于正常膀胱粘膜无异;既往研究表明 [9] ,以LUTS为首发症状的膀胱癌患者中,原位癌,高级别尿路上皮癌,以及浸润性尿路上皮癌的比例和肿瘤的病理分期明显高于血尿为首发症状患者,该类患者往往需要行膀胱根治性切除术治疗,必要时还需要联合新辅助治疗,研究表明,在新辅助化疗方面,应用新辅助化疗后,浸润性尿路上皮癌患者的肿瘤生存率和复发率显著降低,患者的生存时间可以得到延长:新辅助化疗的优点是可以通过检测原发肿瘤的变化来检测化疗药物的敏感性,可以在根治术前预测患者对化疗药物的耐受性,从而降低术后对化疗药物不耐受的发生率对预后产生影响 [10] 。对于恶性程度相对较低的低级别非浸润性膀胱肿瘤,往往采取再次电切后行定期膀胱灌注治疗,并嘱患者定期复查泌尿系超声及膀胱镜。而目前膀胱镜检查在治疗顽固性LUTS方面也存在一定的讨论,Goldberg RP [11] 等评估了1584名因为顽固性LUTS,泌尿系超声而接受膀胱镜检的妇女,其中10名患者发现诊断为膀胱癌;这说明膀胱镜检在LUTS患者中存在一定的意义。目前各国家指南对是否进行膀胱粘膜随机活检的标准存在一定争议,Vander [12] 等对393名患者进行了膀胱镜下膀胱粘膜电切随机活检,超过95%的患者病理示粘膜无异常,故认为随机活检对肿瘤的分期,治疗及预后无明显意义;然而部分研究证明 [13] ,对部分粘膜行随机活检仍有一定的阳性率,部分患者因此改变治疗方案而收益;且目前没有其他更加安全,准确的方法来替代,因此具有一定的可操作性。虽然按也有文献报道过,随机粘膜活检尚存在一定的风险,如:出血、肿瘤扩散、膀胱穿孔、感染等,但这些因素都可以在我们临床操作及治疗过程中通过相应措施预防或者治疗,对未来不会造成影响。我们认为,对于以LUTS症状就诊患者,且泌尿系超声示膀胱粘膜异常,结合CT显示膀胱粘膜异常增厚时,建议行异常粘膜及其他部位粘膜随机电切活检术,因为此类患者往往提示着大概率膀胱肿瘤可能性,且预后欠佳。



裴兴超,孔旭东,刘 勇. 以LUTS为首发症状膀胱肿瘤病理与影像特点
Pathological and Imaging Characteristics of Bladder Tumor with LUTS as the First Symptom[J]. 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(04): 5292-5296.


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