Overseas English Testing: Pedagogy and Research
Vol. 02  No. 04 ( 2020 ), Article ID: 38943 , 6 pages









Analysis on IELTS Writing from the Perspective of Cohesion

Yuzhen Wu

New Oriental Chongqing School, Chongqing

Received: Nov. 4th, 2020; accepted: Nov. 16th, 2020; published: Nov. 30th, 2020


Chinese candidates have failed to score well in the IELTS writing, which is mainly caused by the lack of logic in their answer due to the unscientific application of cohesive devices. To increase the discourse awareness of those examinees, and to prompt the development of a systematic approach to the usage of cohesive devices among them, this study, based on Halliday and Hasan’s taxonomy of cohesive devices, together with the IELTS Writing band descriptors for Coherence and Cohesion, makes a brief analysis of a series of sample answers in terms of cohesion from the following aspects: reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical conjunction, giving relevant teaching advice.

Keywords:Cohesive Devices, IELTS Writing, Band Descriptors

Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).


1. 引言

雅思(IELTS)是得到广泛认可的英语语言能力测试,议论文写作是其四大组成部分之一,其重要性显而易见。我国考生2012~2016五年间的平均雅思成绩虽有小幅提升,但写作分数依然在听、说、读、写四项中最低 [1]。分析我国学生的雅思作文,可以看出其主要问题在于句子之间、段落之间联系不够紧密,导致读起来不通顺、不紧凑,逻辑性不强。究其原因,是因为传统英语教学“一直以句子为教学的重点,而非整个语篇” [2]。中国学者严萍也认为,汉语的文章注重“意合”而“形散”,而英语语篇则注重“形合” [3]。


2. 雅思写作评分标准简介(学术类)

首先,我们有必要了解一下雅思写作及其评分标准。“雅思考试写作(学术类)部分总共用时60分钟,考生需完成两篇作文的写作要求。在作文一中,题目中会给出一些视觉性的信息,如一个或多个互相关联的图表、图解或表格,考生需对这些信息或数据进行描述。…… 完成这部分内容成绩将文章字数不能少于150字,建议考生用20分钟完成。……在作文二中,题目中会给出一个看法、问题或议题,考生需就此进行论述。……文章字数不能少于250字,建议考生用40分钟完成。” [4]。不同于大学英语考试四、六级或托福的整体评分,雅思写作是分项式评分,即根据写作任务完成/回应情况、连贯与衔接、词汇丰富程度和语法多样性及准确性这四项评分细则分别给分,每个部分都是从0到9分,且比重相同 [5]。



3. 衔接理论在雅思写作中的应用

衔接手段的使用是为了更好地增强语篇连贯性,Halliday和Hasan把衔接方法分为以下几类:照应(reference)、替代(substitution)、省略(ellipsis)、连接(conjunction)和词汇衔接(lexical conjunction) [6]。

3.1. 照应/替代/省略(Reference/Substitution/Ellipsis)

正如Halliday和Hasan认为,照应性具体地引导读者从某个方向理解有关语言成分所需要的信息 [6]。照应分为以下三类:人称照应、指示照应和比较照应。

“用人称代词(如he, she,him,them等)及其相应的限定词(如his,her,their等)和名词性所有格代词(如his,hers,theirs)所对应的照应关系叫做人称照应。” [7]。例如以下示例:Global warming is now top of the agenda for most governments. However, they are unlikely to take the steps necessary to tackle it. [8]。其中“it”指代“global warming”,“they”指代“governments”,使用人称代词在准确表达语音的同时又避免了重复,使行文更加紧凑。

“用指示代词或相应的限定词以及冠词等所表示的照应关系叫作指示照应。” [7]。如:These days, it is often the case that children are neglected. This may be because of the fact that many parents in cities now both have to work so are often not around to give their children support when needed. [8]。而“this”指代其前的“children are neglected”,指示代词的使用,既起到了承上启下的作用,又避免了相同内容的重复,增强了整个语篇的连贯性。

比较照应,即通过对比的方式照应,如两个东西是相同或是不同或一个更大更长或更重 [9]。Many alternative sources of energy, however, are expensive because (it is still under-developed). … I believe more effort should be applied to the development of alternative sources of energy. [10]。在这个句子中,理想状态的“effort”跟现实的“effort”(under-developed)就量方面进行了对比,通过对比数量或质量展开了特定的比较,加强了衔接性。

三种照应方法,前两种,即人称照应和指代照应在考官范文中出现较多,且容易掌握,不过考生在使用时应注意人称一致,也就是it指物品,he/she指单数,they指复数等;另外,“就指示词所指的时间和空间概念来说,this,these,now和here指近,that,those,then和there指远,而the是中性的” [7]。

替代是用简单的词组取代复杂且冗长的表达,省略是省去文中多余且啰嗦的表达,二者虽然定义不同,但目的相似,都是为了减少文章中过多的重复。在写作中,替代和省略通常可以用来连接两个句子 [11]。

The spread of multinational products can often bring in its wake a loss of jobs, as people turn to buying the new brand, perhaps thinking it more glamorous than the one they are used to. [12]。在这个句子中后半部分的one指代brand,不仅很好地连接了两个部分,更使句子简洁明了。

From 20q and 15q respectively in 1980, gas showed an initial fall and coal a gradual increase, with the two fuels equal between 1985 and 1990. [13]。第二个“and”前后部分为and连接的平行结构 [14],后者省略了动词“showed”,加强了二者间紧密性的同时,也简化了句子。替代和省略在正式写作中使用较少,考生在使用时需谨慎。

3.2. 连接(Conjunction)

Halliday和Hasan认为:连接成分或衔接词发生其作用的原因不在于其本身,而在于它们本身蕴含的特殊含义使人在逻辑上经过前句来预测后句 [6]。他们把连接要素划分为:加合(additive)、转折(adversative)、因果(casual)和时间(temporal)。

“添加是指讲完—句话之后,还有扩展余地,可以在此基础上再添加某些补充信息。” [7]。In order to prevent people from adopting this dangerous behavior, measures should be taken so as to raise awareness among people. Also, one must learn how to manage his budget in order to get a balance between necessitating and pleasure. [15]。在这两句中,第一句从外部着手,指出应采取措施来提升人们的相关意识,而紧跟前句的语义,考官用“also”表达了除外部措施外,人们自身(内部)也应学习如何理财,这样,内外部结合,考官用“also”从另外一方面增加新的陈述。

转折即接下来的内容与预期相反,常用“however”连接两个句子以达到效果,如:…. However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. [16]。这篇文章前半部分在写间隔年的好处,读者本以为接下来的内容会继续论述其优点,但这里考官用“however”表示与读者预期相反,接下来的内容会不再继续列举其亮点,而是开始论述其坏处。“however”使用恰当,在这里,也可以用“despite this”替代。

除加合和转折外,另外两种连接要素——因果和时间都是通过使用一个成分作为另外一个的补充信息来增强语义。“因果连接在语篇中必然具有承接力,因为它包括两个成分:原因和结果。” [7]。如:A child's education has never been about learning information and basic skills only. It has always included teaching the next generation how to be good members of society. Therefore, this cannot be the responsibility of the parents alone. [17]。节选的范文片段中,“therefore”前面的内容是“幼儿教育绝不仅是学习信息和基本技能,它还包括教授下一代人如何成为好的社会成员”,至此,范文内容都是在指明幼儿教育的内容和重点,并没有点名幼儿教育和学校及家庭的关系,但“therefore”后面的信息作为补充信息,也作为前面观点的结果,点明了正是由于幼儿教育的特殊性,才要求此类教育不能仅靠父母(家庭)就可以达到目的。既表达了作者的观点,又使文章衔接紧凑。

再看这个例句:Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways. Firstly, a person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work, so positive feedback from superiors is very important in this respect. … Secondly, when someone feels they are improving or developing their skills through training opportunities, for example, then there is a sense of progression and purpose that rewards a worker. [18]。此段落中第一句话指明段落主旨大意,即员工通过一些方法获得工作满意度,然后用“firstly”和“secondly”列举其中两个方法,即工作有价值和能力有提升,结构清晰,条理分明,除给读者清晰的逻辑外,“firstly”和“secondly”还作为一个信息对另外一个信息的补充,来增强语义,增加文章内容的丰富性。

3.3. 词汇衔接(Lexical Cohesion)

衔接词汇是指语篇运用的相互有意义关联或相同意群的词汇 [19],与其他衔接手段不同,词汇衔接从词汇的层面上提高篇章的连贯性,而非从语法层面 [6]。它通过直接重复(repetition)、同义词(synonym)、上下义词(hyponymy)和平行结构(parallelism)等方式把篇章中的词汇连接起来,从而增强文章连贯性。

直接重复、同义词、上下义词均属于词汇重述(reiteration),也就是用相同或不同的词汇表达同一语意,可以增强文章的词汇衔接,以达到更好的衔接效果,但滥用则会适得其反。McCarthy认为,直接重复是作者有意识地选择合适的词汇写作,这种选择包含了选择合适的同义词和上、下义词 [20]。

如:The arts such as theatre and dance need a lot of money to operate. If they don’t have the necessary funds, they may have to close. [8]。其中money和funds意思相近,这里考官用了同义词既言简意赅,又避免重复。

此外,范文中也不乏通过上下义词来增强衔接的例子,如:The growth of the fast food industry has, without doubt, impacted on the eating habits and the health of many societies around the world. Diabetes, high cholesterol, heart and respiratory problems are all on the rise due to fatty and sugar-rich food. [15] 前一句的“fast food”在第二句中用了其上义词“fatty and sugar-rich food”代替,“health”则用了其一系列下义词“diabetes, high cholesterol and respiratory problems”表达,既避免了重复,又用上下义词把两个句子连接在一起,从词汇角度增强了文章的连贯性。

“平行性是英语写作中的一个重要元素,尤其是当在列举、比较和对比项目或想法时。平行性表示列表或比较中的每一项都遵循相同的语法模式。” [14]。在进行英文写作时,列表中的第一项是名词,那么把下面的所有项目都写成名词。如果第一项是副词,则全部写成副词;如果是状语从句,则其他的全写成状语从句;这样,平行结构既可以显示词汇或词组间的紧密联系,又能加强表达效果。如:Safety is a big problem. Indeed, if there is ever an accident, such as the one that happened in the former Soviet Union in recent years, the consequences can be disastrous. Then, of course, dealing with nuclear waste is a big problem. Not only with where and how to store it, but also how to transport it safely. And once again, should there be an accident whilst the waste is being transported to the storage site, the consequences can be very serious indeed. [10]。本段运用“where and how to store it”和“how to transport it”的状语短语平行结构,强有力地表达了考官的观点,即处理核能是个大问题,不仅是哪里如何储存它,还有如何安全地运输它;另外,划横线的两个句子不仅使用了相同的词汇(indeed/an accident/there等),还用了同义替换(disastrous和very serious),显示了句子间的联系和连贯性,文章紧凑。

4. 结论



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