Advances in Clinical Medicine
Vol. 13  No. 05 ( 2023 ), Article ID: 64983 , 5 pages


陈正乾1,2,李兰馨1,2,李建毅2,邵佳乐2,徐同帅3,张丽4,何蕾4,单悦2,历建伟2, 西永明2*

1青岛大学医学院,山东 青岛

2青岛大学附属医院脊柱外科,山东 青岛

3滨州医学院烟台附属医院脊柱外科,山东 滨州

4青岛大学附属医院手术室,山东 青岛



目的:调查青岛市崂山区6年级儿童扁平足的流行状况,探究其与性别、BMI的关系,为预防扁平足提供参考。方法:使用足迹动态筛查仪对青岛市崂山区17所小学校6年级儿童共1408人进行足迹筛查,分析其患病率、男女比例、BMI。结果:青岛市崂山区1408名6年级儿童总体扁平足检出率为22.6%,高弓足的检出率为5.3%。男童扁平足检出率为25.7%,女童扁平足检出率为19.4%。其检出率具有统计学意义(c2 = 5.409, p < 0.05),6年级男生中扁平足的检出率高于女生。男童高弓足检出率为2.9%,女童高弓足检出率为7.9%。其检出率具有统计学意义(c2 = 14.662, p < 0.01),6年级女生高弓足的检出率高于男生。超重组占所有检出扁平足儿童的15.7%,肥胖组占21.4%,体重过轻组则占4.1%。结论:6年级儿童中,男性发生扁平足的风险比女性更高,女性发生高弓足风险比男性更高。超重与肥胖者发生扁平足的风险可能更高。对于学龄期儿童的扁平足应该做到早预防、早发现、早纠正。



Analysis of Screening for Foot Abnormalities in Children in Grade 6 in Laoshan District, Qingdao

Zhengqian Chen1,2, Lanxin Li1,2, Jianyi Li2, Jiale Shao2, Tongshuai Xu3, Li Zhang4, Lei He4, Yue Shan2, Jianwei Li2, Yongming Xi2*

1Medical College, Qingdao University, Qingdao Shandong

2Department of Orthopedics, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao Shandong

3Department of Orthopedics, Yantai Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical University, Binzhou Shandong

4Operating Room, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao Shandong

Received: Apr. 7th, 2023; accepted: Apr. 29th, 2023; published: May 8th, 2023


Objective: To investigate the prevalence of flatfoot in grade 6 children in Laoshan District, Qingdao City, and to investigate its relationship with gender and BMI, in order to provide reference for the prevention of flatfoot. Methods: A total of 1408 children in grade 6 in 17 primary schools in Laoshan District, Qingdao was screened for footprints using a footprint dynamic screener, and their prevalence, male/female ratio and BMI were analyzed. Results: The overall flatfoot detection rate of 1408 children in grade 6 in Laoshan District, Qingdao was 22.6%, and the detection rate of high arched feet was 5.3%. The detection rate of flatfoot in boys was 25.7% and in girls was 19.4%. The detection rate was statistically significant (c2 = 5.409, p < 0.05) and the detection rate of clubfoot was higher among boys than girls in grade 6. The detection rate of high arched feet was 2.9% in boys and 7.9% in girls. Their detection rates were statistically significant (c2 = 14.662, p < 0.01), with higher rates of high arched feet among girls than boys in grade 6. The overweight group accounted for 15.7% of all children with detected flat feet, while the obese group accounted for 21.4% and the underweight group for 4.1%. Conclusions: In grade 6 children, males were at higher risk of flatfoot than females, and females were at higher risk of hyperkyphosis than males. The risk of flatfoot may be higher in overweight and obese individuals. Early prevention, detection and correction of flatfoot in school-age children should be achieved.

Keywords:Flatfoot Screening, Prevalence, Children, Epidemiological Studies

Copyright © 2023 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).

1. 引言

扁平足(flatfoot),是由多种因素引起的足纵弓塌陷或弹性消失为主要特征的一种足部畸形 [1] 。在因下肢疾病就诊的儿童中,存在扁平足畸形的儿童大约占41.6%,在青少年群体中颇为常见 [2] 。它主要表现为在负重过程中内侧足弓的塌陷、跟骨外翻,前足外展及内翻等。大多数柔韧性扁平足患者不会导致疼痛和其他症状,部分病人会表现出足、踝及腿部疼痛、行走时易疲劳以及运动受影响 [3] 。

目前普遍认同的观点是根据其特点分为柔韧性扁平足和僵硬性扁平足 [4] 。柔韧性扁平足在负重时足弓塌陷或消失,负重消失时足弓正常。僵硬性扁平足则不管是负重还是不负重,其足弓都存在塌陷或消失的现象 [5] 。在新生儿和婴儿时期,扁平足通常被认为是正常的生理状态,随着年龄的增长,扁平足的患病率会逐渐下降。足弓在2~6岁时迅速发育,6岁时足弓初步形成,到10岁时,足弓基本发育成形 [6] 。近年来,有研究发现儿童柔韧性扁平足如果不加干预,足部畸形可能会一直持续到患者成年,并在后期导致更严重的并发症 [7] 。本文对青岛市崂山区17所小学的6年级学龄期儿童共1408人进行扁平足的流行病学筛查,并根据患者情况对其进一步检查及治疗进行指导,同时为预防检测治疗扁平足提供参考。

2. 对象与方法

2.1. 研究对象


2.2. 研究方法

2.2.1. 数据收集


Figure 1. Dynamic footprint screening instrument

图1. 足迹动态筛查仪

2.2.2. 足印测量及判定

使用尺笔连接足跟中心k与第二趾趾尖,以此线为轴。画一条垂直于该轴线的第二条线,使其与足底的主体轮廓的最前端相切,交点为j点。然后过jk的三等分点做jk的垂线,将足底的主体分割成3分,自前到后为A (前足)、B (足中)、C (后足)。AI (arch index)为B与整个足迹的面积比:

A I ( arch index ) = B / ( A + B + C )


2.2.3. BMI筛查及判定


2.3. 统计学处理

数据通过SPSS 26.0进行分析,利用c2检验完成计数资料分析,p < 0.05表示差异具有统计学意义。

3. 结果

3.1. 扁平足、高弓足总检出率


3.2. 扁平足、高弓足检出率与性别的关系

1408名6年级儿童中,男童有716名,女童有692名。318名患有扁平足的6年级儿童中,男童占184名,女童占134名。男童扁平足检出率为25.7%,女童扁平足检出率为19.4%。其检出率具有统计学意义(c2 = 5.409, p < 0.05),6年级男生中扁平足的检出率高于女生。

76名存在高弓足的6年级儿童中,男童占21名,女童占55名,男童高弓足检出率为2.9%,女童高弓足检出率为7.9%。其检出率具有统计学意义(c2 = 14.662, p < 0.01),6年级女生高弓足的检出率高于男生(见表1)。

3.3. 扁平足、高弓足检出率与BMI的关系


Table 1. Detection of flat feet and high arched feet at all levels of weight in boys and girls in grade 6 of 17 primary schools in Laoshan District, Qingdao

表1. 青岛市崂山区17所小学6年级男女儿童各级体重扁平足、高弓足检出情况

4. 讨论

扁平足是儿科常见的疾病,它可以表现为无痛,也可以表现为关节僵硬、疼痛等症状。婴儿生来就存在扁平足,由于生理性韧带松弛,在幼儿时期内侧足弓通常是缺失的,但随着年龄增长,足弓会逐渐增高直至发育成形 [8] 。Morley等 [9] 记录了97%的18个月大的婴儿有扁平足,而只有4%的10岁婴儿有扁平足。在Pfeiffer等 [7] 对835名儿童进行的研究中,得出了54%的3岁儿童和26%的6岁儿童有扁平足,男孩更有可能是平足的结论。

影响儿童扁平足形成的因素有多种,主要因素包括年龄、性别、肥胖等。Chang等 [10] 对2083名7~12岁台湾儿童进行研究发现肥胖或超重的儿童患扁平足的可能性是正常体重儿童的2.66倍和1.39倍。且男性扁平足的患病率是女性的2倍。Mohsen Pourghasem等 [11] 研究了1158名学童,得出BMI增加与扁平足的患病率之间存在正相关关系。王化玲等 [12] 对郑州市2782名中小学生的调查中,男性扁平足发生率29.40%,高于女性20.16%。在Shay Tenenbaum等 [13] 的研究中,证明了男性相较与女性更容易出现扁平足,且严重程度与BMI升高和身高下降有关。张丽华等 [14] 对沧州市1629名3~18儿童青少年进行研究,得出男性扁平足检出率为47.8%;高于女性35.9%。并且随着年龄增长,扁平足检出率由3岁时男性为84.1%,女性为66.7%,直至12岁时男性32.0%女性22.2%。钟雨婷等 [15] 研究了上海市3226名7~14岁儿童扁平足与年龄性别的关系,认为扁平足的风险随年龄增加而减小,且在每个年龄段,男童发生扁平足的风险始终高于女童。这提醒我们应该重视疾病的筛查和预防,改善儿童生活习惯,加强对足部肌肉韧带的锻炼,早预防、早发现、早纠正 [16] 。



陈正乾,李兰馨,李建毅,邵佳乐,徐同帅,张 丽,何 蕾,单 悦,历建伟,西永明. 青岛市崂山区6年级儿童足部异常筛查分析
Analysis of Screening for Foot Abnormalities in Children in Grade 6 in Laoshan District, Qingdao[J]. 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(05): 7103-7107.


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