Journal of Water Resources Research
Vol. 11  No. 05 ( 2022 ), Article ID: 57310 , 9 pages

淮北平原水系连通工程对水生态环境 改善效果分析


1长江水利委员会河湖保护与建设运行安全中心,湖北 武汉

2安徽省水利水电勘测设计研究总院有限公司,安徽 合肥






Analysis on the Improvement Effect of Water System Connection Project on Water Ecological Environment in Huaibei Plain

Yachen Dong1, Wei Zhao2

1River and Lake Protection and Safety Center, CWRC, Wuhan Hubei

2Anhui Survey & Design Institute of Water Resources & Hydropower CO., LTD., Hefei Anhui

Received: Aug. 16th, 2022; accepted: Oct. 21st, 2022; published: Oct. 28th, 2022


It is of great significance to realize the pattern of water system connection that helps each other to improve the resource guarantee capacity and safety guarantee capacity of water conservancy for economic and social development. Taking the Huaibei Plain water system connection project in Anhui Province as an example, this paper analyzes the improvement effect of the cross city and county scale water system connection project on the water ecological environment. Based on the analysis of a long series of measured flow data and operation rules in the study area, the ecological flow assurance of typical sections before and after the implementation of the water system connectivity project is statistically analyzed. The results show that through the ecological flow scheduling of the Huaibei water system connectivity project, the total number of days that Mengcheng gate, Guzhen gate and Suxian gate do not meet the ecological flow is reduced from 5379, 4740 and 7024 days to 2033, 1493 and 1463 days, respectively. The average guarantee degree of ecological flow of Mengcheng gate, Guzhen gate and Suxian gate increases from 52.5%, 58.1% and 37.9% to 82%, 86.8% and 87.1%, respectively. Therefore, the water system connection project exhibits a significant effect on improving the guarantee degree of ecological base flow. It helps to maintain the ecological health of rivers and lakes and improve the water ecological environment.

Keywords:Water System Connection, Ecological Environment, Ecological Base Flow, Huaibei Plain

Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and Wuhan University.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).

1. 引言


目前众多学者开展了水系连通相关方面的研究,主要聚焦于水系连通模型与方案研究 [1] [2] [3]、典型地区的水系连通工程优化分析 [4] [5] [6]、水系连通工程综合效应评价体系研究 [7] [8] [9]、水系连通对水生态环境影响等方面。在水系连通对水生态环境影响方面,纪昌明等 [10] 提出了改进的Tennant法,分析计算了开都河丰、枯等不同时期的生态基流量和对应最小生态需水量。结果表明:开都河在保证其自身最小生态需水量、河损及地表用水量后,剩余水量在丰、平水年均能支撑博斯腾湖及流域水系连通生态需水保障任务,但在偏枯和特枯水年无法满足对博斯腾湖的生态供水。杨创等 [11] 基于对矿区水文地质条件的分析,通过水系连通,模拟自然地表水系状态,实现了经济高效的河湖一体化修复治理,为逐步恢复木里地区水源涵养和生态系统功能打下了基础。刘玉玉等 [12] 以济南西部多水源连通交汇区为研究对象,定量分析1988~2014年研究区水系连通过程中土地利用转型及其对生态环境的影响。结果表明:1988~2014年,济西多水源连通交汇区林地、耕地和建设用地分别减少了7.76、3.26和4.77 km2,水域和草地分别增加了9.77和6.03 km2;研究区生态服务价值由9.04亿元增至15.01亿元,说明当地生态质量不断提高,生态系统逐渐趋于复杂。以上研究均表明,水系连通工程对水生态环境具有一定的改善作用。

安徽省淮北平原水系连通工程,是跨市县尺度的水系连通项目(见图1)。由于当地水资源不足和地表水污染,长期以来皖北地区工业和城市不得不依靠超采中深层地下水维持发展,导致阜阳、亳州、宿州等市部分区域地下水位持续下降,超采面积接近3000 km2,诱发了一系列生态环境问题。安徽省淮北平原国土面积3.74 km2,分布有颍河、涡河、新汴河等众多南北向天然河道,通过疏挖、新开东西向河道,可以连通颍河、涡河、新汴河等河道。连通河道建成后,河流之间水力联系加强,水量交换加快,为水生态环境的改善创造了条件。本文以生态基流作为切入点,基于长系列实测流量资料,拟定相应的工程调度规则进行分析计算,统计实施水系连通工程前后典型断面的生态流量保证情况,分析该水系连通工程对水生态环境的改善效果,为工程的生态调节作用提供参考。

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of connected water system of Huaibei Plain water system connection project

图1. 淮北平原水系连通工程连通水系示意图

2. 研究区概况及研究数据

2.1. 研究区水资源概况


Table 1. Comparison of rainfall and characteristic values of representative water resources zones of relevant rivers

表1. 相关河流代表水资源分区降雨量、特征值对比表

Figure 2. Comparison diagram of rainfall and characteristic values of representative water resources zones of relevant rivers

图2. 相关河流代表水资源分区降雨量特征值对比图

2.2. 研究区河流生态基流情况


Table 2. Statistical table of ecological flow and assurance degree of representative sections of relevant rivers (Unit: m3/s)

表2. 相关河流代表断面生态流量及保证程度统计表(单位:m3/s)


2.3. 研究数据


Table 3. Statistical table of measured flow series of representative stations of relevant rivers

表3. 相关河流代表站实测流量系列统计表

3. 研究方法


Figure 3. Schematic diagram of ecological flow scheduling calculation method

图3. 生态流量调度计算方法示意图

4. 研究结果


Table 4. Statistical table of days of Wo River, Baohui River and Xinbian River fail to meet the ecological flow before and after the ecological flow regulation of Jiesuxin River

表4. 界宿新河生态流量调度前后涡河、包浍河和新汴河不满足生态流量天数统计表

Figure 4. Comparison chart of days of Wo River not meeting ecological flow

图4. 涡河不满足生态流量天数对比图

Figure 5. Comparison chart of days of Baohui River not meeting ecological flow

图5. 包浍河不满足生态流量天数对比图

Figure 6. Comparison chart of days of Xinbian River not meeting ecological flow

图6. 新汴河不满足生态流量天数对比图

5. 结论



董亚辰,赵 威. 淮北平原水系连通工程对水生态环境改善效果分析
Analysis on the Improvement Effect of Water System Connection Project on Water Ecological Environment in Huaibei Plain[J]. 水资源研究, 2022, 11(05): 518-526.


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