Hans Journal of Surgery
Vol. 08  No. 04 ( 2019 ), Article ID: 32492 , 5 pages

Effect of Immobilization of Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint on Wrist Function with Distal Radius Fracture and Ulnar Fracture

Xiuguo Li*, Yongtao Liu, Xiaozhi Liu, Botao Pang, Yingying Wang, Kunxiu Song#

Department of Hand & Microsurgery, Binzhou Medical University Hospital, Binzhou Shandong

Received: Sep. 9th, 2019; accepted: Oct. 5th, 2019; published: Oct. 12th, 2019


Objective: To study the effect of distal radio-ulnar joint fixation on postoperative function in patients with distal radius fracture and ulnar styloid fracture after both distal radius and ulnar styloid fixation. Methods: From July 2016 to January 2019, 28 cases of distal radius fractures and ulnar fractures were fixed with plate of radius. The stress experiment of the distal radio-ulnar joint showed that the distal radio-ulnar joint was unstable. At the same time, the ulnar styloid fracture was immobilized. Among them, 13 cases were fixed with a Kirschner’s needle at the neutral position (group A), and 15 cases were not fixed (group B). Record the patient’s general data, grip force, joint activity and imaging data, using Gartland & Werley’s functional score [1] to compare the therapeutic effects of the two groups. Results: All 28 cases were followed up for 6 - 36 months. The X-ray examination showed that the fractures were all healed, the joint surface was restored, and the metacarpal inclination, ulnar declination, and radius height returned to normal. There were no complications such as fracture malformation and nonunion, plate screw loosening or fracture. In group A, 1 case wrist function was unsatisfactory, and in group B, 1 case wrist function was unsatisfactory. Gartland & Werley’s function score [1] was analyzed and its difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The distal radius fracture and ulnar styloid fracture, after all internal fixation, there is no need for internal fixation or external fixation of the distal radio-ulnar joint, and functional exercise can be performed early after operation.

Keywords:Distal Radius Fracture, Ulnar Sytloid Fracture, Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint



滨州医学院附属医院,手(显微)外科,山东 滨州


摘 要

目的:研究桡骨远端骨折并尺骨茎突骨折的患者在桡骨远端及尺骨茎突均固定后,是否行下尺桡关节固定对其术后功能的影响。方法:我院自2016年7月到2019年1月,有28例桡骨远端骨折并尺骨茎突骨折的病例在桡骨行钢板内固定后,术中行下尺桡关节应力实验显示下尺桡关节不稳定,同时行尺骨茎突骨折内固定。其中13例用1枚克氏针固定下尺桡关节于中立位(下尺桡关节固定组A组),15例不固定下尺桡关节(下尺桡关节不固定组B组)。记录患者的一般资料、抓握力、关节活动度及影像学资料,用Gartland & Werley功能评分表 [1] 进行评分,比较两组患者治疗疗效。结果:28例均获得随访,随访时间(6~36)个月。复查X线片显示骨折均愈合,关节面恢复平整,掌倾角、尺偏角及桡骨高度恢复正常。术后无骨折畸形愈合及不愈合、钢板螺钉松动或断裂等并发症发生。A组1例出现腕关节功能不满意,B组1例出现腕关节功能不满意。利用Gartland & Werley功能评分 [1] 后进行分析,其差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。结论:桡骨远端骨折并尺骨茎突骨折,在均进行内固定后,不需要对下尺桡关节进行内固定或外固定,术后早期即可进行功能锻炼。

关键词 :桡骨远端骨折,尺骨茎突骨折,下尺桡关节

Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


1. 引言

桡骨远端骨折是骨科最常见的骨折类型之一,大概占急诊骨折的17%,约50%~65%的患者 [2] 同时合并尺骨茎突骨折。回顾分析我院自2016年7月到2019年1月,28例桡骨远端骨折并尺骨茎突骨折的患者在桡骨行钢板内固定后,术中行下尺桡关节应力实验显示下尺桡关节不稳定,同时行尺骨茎突骨折内固定。通过对其术后随访,看是否需要临时固定下尺桡关节(DRUJ)以保护下尺桡关节处韧带的修复。

2. 资料和方法

2.1. 一般资料

纳入标准:① 资料完整;② 受伤前腕关节功能正常;③ 不合并明显的骨关节炎及其他关节疾病;④X片检查诊断为桡骨远端骨折并尺骨茎突骨折。共纳入28例,男8例,女20例;年龄28~79岁,平均54.1岁。桡骨远端骨折均采用切开复位掌侧锁定钢板内固定,尺骨茎突骨折根据骨折类型采用爱惜邦缝线或钢丝8字固定。13例患者用1枚1.6 mm克氏针固定下尺桡关节于中立位,15例患者下尺桡关节不固定。

手术方法:手术均由同一组医师完成。臂丛神经阻滞麻醉后,采用常规掌侧Henry入路显露桡骨远端骨折,恢复关节面、桡骨高度、掌倾角及尺偏角后用桡骨远端解剖锁定钢板内固定。透视见复位及固定满意后,用“应力试验” [3] 评估下尺桡关节的稳定性。方法:一手握住桡骨远端,将前臂置于中立位,另一手握住尺骨远端做相对于桡骨的向背侧及掌侧推动,若活动度明显增大,存在漂浮感、摩擦感,与对侧比较有明显差异者,可判定为下尺桡关节不稳。判定下尺桡关节不稳后,固定尺骨茎突。尺骨茎突固定的手术方法:取腕尺侧切口,于皮下保护尺神经手背支及尺侧腕伸肌腱鞘,显露骨折,直视下复位,用细钢丝或爱惜邦缝线分别经骨折近端骨孔及尺骨茎突TFCC止点处8字缝合固定;固定完成后,再次检查确认下尺桡关节稳定性良好。其中13例患者用1枚1.6 mm克氏针固定下尺桡关节于中立位加以辅助保护(图1),15例患者下尺桡关节不固定(图2)。

Figure 1. The distal radioulnar joint is fixed

图1. 下尺桡关节固定

Figure 2. The distal radioulnar joint is not fixed

图2. 下尺桡关节不固定

2.2. 术后护理


2.3. 观察指标与统计学方法

术后定期拍摄腕关节正侧位X线片检查,测量并记录桡骨远端的掌倾角、尺偏角以及桡骨高度,同时评估骨折愈合情况,末次随访时采用Gartland & Werley评分表 [1] 对腕关节功能进行评估。数据采用 SPSS 22.0软件进行统计学分析,采用Fisher精确检验,P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

3. 结果

所有患者术后切口均一期愈合,无感染发生。28例均获得随访,随访时间(6~36)个月。复查X线片显示骨折均愈合,关节面恢复平整,掌倾角、尺偏角及桡骨高度恢复正常。术后无骨折畸形愈合及不愈合、钢板螺钉松动或断裂等并发症发生。根据Gartland & Werley评分表 [1] 进行功能评分,评分结果的关系见表1。我们将优、良的患者定义为满意,可的患者定义为不满意,可得出表2。A组1例出现腕关节功能不满意,B组1例出现腕关节功能不满意。其差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。

Table 1. The relationship between fixation of the distal radioulnal joint and scoring results

表1. 是否固定下尺桡关节与评分结果之间的关系

Table 2. The relationship between fixation of the distal radioulnal joint and satisfaction of patients

表2. 是否固定下尺桡关节与患者是否满意之间的关系


4. 讨论

桡骨远端骨折常合并尺骨茎突骨折,尺骨茎突是腕关节尺侧柱重要的组成部分,是腕关节软组织的尺侧止点,在腕关节生物力学方面起着重要的作用 [4] 。尺骨茎突基底部与桡骨远端关节面尺侧缘之间存在三角纤维软骨复合体(TFCC)结构,TFCC由三角纤维软骨、掌侧桡尺韧带、背侧桡尺韧带、腕尺侧副韧带、尺侧腕伸肌腱鞘等构成 [5] ,具有传导轴向负荷和缓冲外力冲击的作用,轴向负荷经TFCC传导至尺骨,大约18%的轴向负荷由尺骨远端承受,在应力的传导中起次要作用 [6] 。

TFCC通过牵拉尺骨远端及桡骨远端来维持下尺桡关节(DRUJ)的稳定性,同时下尺桡关节旋转和腕骨的运动也是通过TFCC来完成的。当桡骨远端骨折时可能会牵拉TFCC导致尺骨茎突骨折,TFCC本身也可能损伤,TFCC损伤后会丧失对尺骨远端及桡骨远端的牵拉,改变腕关节的生物力学,最终导致下尺桡关节不稳定,影响腕关节的功能 [5] [7] 。

在桡骨远端并尺骨茎突骨折中的病例中,尺骨茎突骨折是否需要固定,目前有不同的看法。大部分人认为 [2] 当DRUJ稳定时,尺骨茎突无需处理,当不稳定时,需手术干预 [1] [8] 。在满意复位并妥善固定桡骨远端骨折的基础上,对尺骨茎突骨折者应行下尺桡关节稳定性检查,若存在不稳定,应尽可能解剖复位并妥善固定 [9] 。

下尺桡关节不稳可表现为尺桡关节半脱位、脱位,拍片可见下尺桡关节间隙变大;旋转活动时疼痛、不适,握力下降。Wijffels等 [3] 介绍6种检验下尺桡关节稳定性的方法,包括应力试验 [3] 、桡骨牵拉试验、“咔嗒”试验、尺侧腕伸肌试验和按压试验。其中应力试验 [3] 被认为是诊断下尺桡关节不稳最可靠的检査 [10] 。




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  14. 14. Schmidt, H.M. (2004) The Anatomy of the Ulnocarpal Complex. Orthopade, 33, 628-637.

  15. 15. Kleinman, W.B. (2007) Stability of the Distal Radioulnar Joint: Biomechanics, Pathophysiology, Physical Diagnosis, and Restoration of Function What We Have Learned in 25 Years. Journal of Hand Surgery—American Volume, 32, 1086-1106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhsa.2007.06.014

  16. 16. Henry, M.H. (2008) Management of Acute Triangular Fibrocarti-lage Complex Injury of the Wrist. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 16, 320-329. https://doi.org/10.5435/00124635-200806000-00004

  17. 17. Haugstvedt, J.R., Berger, R.A., Nakamura, T., et al. (2006) Relative Contributions of the Ulnar Attachments of the Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex to the Dynamic Sta-bility of the Distal Radioulnar Joint. Journal of Hand Surgery—American Volume, 31, 445-451. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhsa.2005.11.008

  18. 18. 李晓, 侯忠军, 于胜军, 等. 探讨具有手术指征的特殊类型的尺骨茎突骨折[J]. 实用手外科杂志, 2017, 1(31): 108-109.

  19. 19. 曾卡斌, 潘俊晖, 吴天旺. 尺骨茎突骨折类型对桡骨远端骨折治疗效果的影响[J]. 中国骨与关节损伤杂志, 2018, 33(1): 88-89.

  20. 20. Wijffels, M., Brink, P. and Schipper, I. (2012) Clinical and Non-Clinical Aspects of Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability. The Open Orthopaedics Journal, 6, 204-210. https://doi.org/10.2174/1874325001206010204

  21. NOTES


