Asian Case Reports in Surgery
Vol.05 No.02(2016), Article ID:18715,5 pages

The Clinical Feature and Treatment of Colitis Cystica Profunda

—With a Case Report and Review of Chinese Literature

Hanzhang Huang, Feng Zhou, Zhou Du, Pengfei Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Zengrong Jia, Shaoliang Han*

Department of General Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou Zhejiang

Received: Sep. 14th, 2016; accepted: Oct. 9th, 2016; published: Oct. 12th, 2016

Copyright © 2016 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


Objective: The clinical manifestation and treatment results of colitis cystica profunda were analyzed to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment. Methods: The nearly twenty-year Chinese literature report of colitis cystica profunda and our report were comprehensively analyzed. Results: The average age was 34.0 years, with the male to female ratio of 7:10; the lesion location was iliocecum in 6 cases, rectum in 4, ascending colon in 3, diffuse colon disease in 2, descending colon and sigmoid colon in each of the 1 case. The clinical manifestation was leaded by abdominal pain with bloody stool in 8 cases, followed by abdominal pain with diarrhea and abdominal mass with intermittent bloody stool in each of the 2 cases, intestinal obstruction in one, intussusceptions in one and shifting right abdominal pain in one. Physical examination revealed abdominal mass in 8 cases, rectal mass found by digital exam in 4 cases, anemia in 2 cases, peritonitis sigh in one and negative finding in 2 cases. All 17 cases underwent abdominal ultrasound; abdominal mass was detected in 8 cases, localized thickening of colorectal wall in 2 cases, and no abnormal finding in 7 cases. CT scanning revealed abdominal mass in 8 cases, localized thickening of colorectal wall in 5 cases, and no abnormal finding in 4 cases. Colorectal lesions were observed in fourteen of 15 cases with endoscopy, and colitis cystica profunda was determined by endoscopy with biopsy in one case. Barium examination was in 8 cases, localized thickening of colorectal wall in 2 cases, tumor-like lesion in 5 cases and diffuse disease in one. All cases underwent surgery, with smooth recovery and discharge, and there was no recurrence of disease during the follow-up. Conclusions: The medical conservative treatment was the choice of therapy, and the surgery is indicated in colitis cystica profunda cases when it is difficult to distinguish with malignant disease.

Keywords:Colitis Cystica Profunda, Surgery, Differential Diagnosis




温州医科大学附属第一医院普外科,浙江 温州


摘 要


关键词 :囊性结肠炎,外科,鉴别

1. 引言

深在性囊性结肠炎(colitis cystica profunda)是一种少见的良性疾病,以结直肠粘膜肌层深部出现含有粘液的囊肿为特征 [1] - [3] 。截止2009年底国外文献报道约200例,而国内仅有零星报道 [1] - [6] 。由于本病发病率较低,但因其临床表现、X线征象及内镜所见与结直肠肿瘤甚为相似,易误诊为癌瘤等疾病 [1] [4] - [6] 。为提高对深在性囊性结肠炎的临床诊疗水平,我们收集国内近20年的文献报道及结合自己1例报道,进行综合分析。

2. 临床资料

2.1. 一般资料

作者检索中国生物学文献数据库(CBMDis)和清华同方医学期刊数据库(CNKI),收集1994年1月至2016年6月国内文献有关深在性囊性结肠炎报道11篇共计16例,加上作者报道1例,共计深在性囊性结肠炎17例。本组中男7例,女10例,男女之比为1:1.4,平均发病年龄为34.0 (20~73)岁,其中40岁以下12例(70.5%),60岁以上仅5例。

2.2. 临床表现与辅助检查



2.3. 手术方式与疾病转归

本组均接受外科治疗,病变位于回盲部6例、升结肠3例、直肠4例、降结肠1例、乙状结肠1例及结肠弥漫性病变2例,局限性病变15例及结肠弥漫性病变2例。手术方式包括右半结肠切除6例、回盲部切除3例、全结肠切除1例、结肠次全切除1例、左半结肠切除1例、乙状结肠切除1例、Dixon手术1例、经骶直肠肿物切除1例、Hartmann手术1例及经腹会阴直肠切除(Miles手术) 1例。


2.4. 作者报道病例

患者女性、21岁、学生。主诉大便形状及习惯改变1个月,日解大便2~3次,含有黏液。既往直肠腺瘤摘除术后5年,否认肺结核、肝炎病史。入院时查体一般状态好,结膜苍白(-)、巩膜黄染(-)、全身浅表淋巴结无肿大、心肺无异常所见、腹部平坦、腹软、肝脾未及、直肠指诊示距肛缘5 cm处可及一个2 × 1.5 cm肿物,质中等硬、表面光滑、指套无血液。内镜示距肛缘5 cm处直肠前壁见一个黏膜下肿物,表面黏膜光滑、其近段直肠黏膜充血糜烂(距肛缘12~15 cm),提示直肠间质瘤可能(图1(a))。CT扫描示直肠部分肠壁肥厚(图1(b))。AB型血、凝血酶原时间13.5 (11.7~14.9) s、凝血酶原活动度91% (70~140%)、国际标准化比值1.06 (0.85~1.15)、葡萄糖5.33 (4.10~5.90) mmmol/L、血清钾4.03 (3/50~5.30) mmmol/L、血清钠138 mmol (136~145)、血清氯101 (96~108 mmol/L)。

临床上拟诊为直肠间瘤,于2009年7月2日在全身麻醉经骶直肠肿物切除,术后恢复顺利,控便功能良好。术中见肿物位于直肠前壁、约2 cm × 1.5 cm × 0.4 cm大小、肿物呈囊性,内含淡棕色浑浊液体。术后光镜下观察在粘膜肌层深部可见大小不等的腺体和粘液囊肿种存在,腺体结构与正常直肠基本相同,囊内壁衬以单层刻扁平或立方以至柱状的上皮细胞,囊腔充满粘液,部分囊肿壁被覆盖上皮消失,形成所谓粘液池。病理诊断为(直肠)浅表性囊性结肠炎(图1(c))。

3. 讨论

自从Stark首次(1766)报道深在性囊性结肠炎后,陆续出现胃、小肠及食管等消化道部位的深在性囊性炎症的零星报道,以结直肠报道病例最多 [1] [3] [5] [6] 。本病的主要病理特征是黏膜下层及浅肌层可见被覆腺上皮的充满黏液的囊肿,而病变位于黏膜表面、且广泛的病例则称为浅在性囊性结肠炎(colitis

Figure 1. Endoscopy revealed that a submucosal tumor was found at the anterior wall of the rectum, with a smooth mucosa and adjacent rectal tumor (a). A CT scanning revealed that localized thickening of the rectum (arrow, (b)), and microscopically, cystic dilation of gland was observed at the submucosa, filled with mucus without cellular atypia, and partial gland rupture wit surrounding inflammation were also found (short arrow showing mucosal muscles, (c)) (HE × 400)

图1. 内镜检查提示直肠前壁见一个黏膜下肿物(箭头),表面黏膜光滑、其近段直肠黏膜充血(a);CT扫描示直肠部分肠壁肥厚(箭头、(b));光镜观察在黏膜下层见囊性扩张腺体(长箭头),腺上皮无异型性,囊内充满黏液,部分腺腔破裂伴周围炎症反应(短箭头为黏膜肌、(c)) (HE × 400)

cystica superficial) [6] [7] 。深在性囊性结肠炎好发于30~40岁,女性多见,且多为局限性病变,少数为弥漫性病变 [2] - [6] 。本组平均发病年龄为34.0 (20~73)岁,其中70.5%病例是40岁以下的,男女比例为7:10,且局限性病变15例及结肠弥漫性病变2例。另外,文献本病好发于直肠、其次结肠、偶尔也发生于胃及小肠 [3] - [5] ,本组深在性囊性结肠炎的发病部位分别为回盲部6例、升结肠3例、直肠4例、降结肠1例、乙状结肠1例及结肠弥漫性病变2例。

深在性囊性结肠炎的发病率原因及机制尚不清楚,考虑与如下因素相关:① 由于黏膜肌层及肌层先天性或后天性薄弱,而致黏膜上皮嵌入黏膜下层而发生黏膜囊肿;② 由结肠黏液腺长入黏膜下层而形成的先天性畸形;③ 由于黏膜下层组织炎性坏死而形成的缺损,再由黏膜上皮长入修补溃疡面而形成。文献报道本病可伴发黑斑息肉病(P-J综合征)、错构性息肉、克罗恩病及溃疡性结肠炎 [1] - [9] 。


由于本病缺乏特异性临床表现,有时甚至行纤维镜检查,都很难明确诊断。所以,在临床实践中要与以下疾病相鉴别:① 结直肠癌:特别是粘液癌,有时活检标本过小,鉴别有一定的困难,主要从上皮细胞结构异型性来加以识别。本组报道的1例术前就误诊为直肠间瘤;② 结直肠息肉:可出现炎性水肿的间质和增生的血管,而不是形成以粘液为主的囊肿;③ 结直肠壁气囊肿:主要以粘膜层衬覆多核巨细胞为主,缺乏粘液囊肿和粘液湖等成分;④ 子宫内膜异位:虽可表现似息肉状肿块,但是镜下可以看见子宫内膜腺体和子宫内膜间质,尤其是找到子宫内膜间质就可以确诊;⑤ 肠套叠肠梗阻 [3] [4] [6] 。

对确诊为囊性结肠炎病例,治疗目的是为减轻症状或消除病因,首选内科保守治疗,高纤维素饮食、适度应用泻药及生物负反馈等措施。据Beck等 [10] 报道应用保守治疗深在性囊性结肠炎,可使大多数患者的临床症状减轻。对于① 内科保守治疗失败病例;② 并发肠梗阻或直肠脱垂者;③ 复发病例,则具有手术适应症 [5] [10] [11] 。手术方式包括对局限性病变实施肠段切除、而弥漫性分布病变或复发病例可选择次全或全结肠切除。本组所有病例仅1例术前内镜检查及黏膜组织活检确诊为深在性囊性结肠炎,但由于患者过度忧虑还是选择了外科治疗,而其余病例则因为无法除外恶性肿瘤,则选择手术切除。手术方式包括右半结肠切除6例、回盲部切除3例、全结肠切除2例、结肠次全切除1例、左半结肠切除1例、乙状结肠切除1例、Dixon手术1例、经骶直肠肿物切除1例、Hartmann手术1例及经腹会阴直肠切除(Miles手术) 1例。


黄瀚章,周 峰,杜 舟,王鹏飞,章晓东,贾曾荣,韩少良. 深在性囊性结肠炎的临床特征与治疗—附一例报道与中文文献分析
The Clinical Feature and Treatment of Colitis Cystica Profunda—With a Case Report and Review of Chinese Literature[J]. 亚洲外科手术病例研究, 2016, 05(02): 5-9.

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