Modeling and Simulation
Vol. 13  No. 03 ( 2024 ), Article ID: 88136 , 9 pages



1桂林信息科技学院电子工程学院,广西 桂林

2桂林信息科技学院数学教研部,广西 桂林






Mathematical Modeling Analysis of Multibeam Sounding Line Problem

Xinhao Hu1, Zhiqiang Xu1, Minghao Liang1, Xiu Liao2*

1College of Electronic Engineering, Guilin Institute of Information Technology, Guilin Guangxi

2Department of Mathematics Teaching and Research, Guilin Institute of Information Technology, Guilin Guangxi

Received: Apr. 30th, 2024; accepted: May 22nd, 2024; published: May 31st, 2024


This study mainly discusses the application of multibeam sounding lines in ocean depth measurement tasks. Multibeam systems play a crucial role in ocean depth measurement and seafloor topography research. The study focuses on the design of line spacing, coverage width, and overlap rate. By deriving the expression of water depth at the center of the sea area using the sine theorem and trigonometric functions, a mathematical model for the coverage width and overlap rate between adjacent bands in multibeam sounding is obtained. Using MATLAB software to calculate and simulate given parameters, the water depth, coverage width, and overlap rate at different distances from the central point of the sounding lines are determined. Further research is conducted on the angle relationship between the direction of the sounding lines and the normal to the seafloor slope, converting two-dimensional graphs into three-dimensional graphs to solve the relationship between slope and the direction of the sounding lines. Based on this, the optimal layout of sounding lines is determined through exhaustive enumeration, with the shortest total distance of sounding lines found to be 118,528 meters, resulting in the optimal layout of sounding lines being designed.

Keywords:Multibeam Sounding Line Problem, Sine Theorem, Optimal Planning, MATLAB Software

Copyright © 2024 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).

1. 引言


目前,我国王天文等 [1] 对多波束倾斜安装方法在极浅水界址测量中的应用进行了研究;夏昊等 [2] 对多波束测线进行了仿真优化;赵保成等 [3] 对无人船的多波束系统在水下地形测量应用;王楠等 [4] 对动态规划的多波束测线布设模型。这些研究在多波束测线设计和优化方面有一定的相似之处,但在应用领域、方法和重点方面存在一定的差异。这些研究共同推动了多波束测深技术的发展,为海洋测量提供了有益的经验和思路。

本研究旨在探讨多波束测线的设计及其在海洋测深任务中的应用。首先,通过分析示意图和运用三角函数推导出海域中心点处的海水深度表达式,进而得到多波束测深的覆盖宽度和相邻条带之间的重叠率的数学模型。其次,利用MATLAB软件进行计算和模拟 [5] ,得出不同测线距中心点处的距离时的海水深度、覆盖宽度和重叠率。然后,通过研究测线方向和海底坡面法向之间的角度关系,进一步优化测线布局,提出了最优的测线设计方法 [6] 。最后,将单波束测量的测深数据绘制在三维立体图中,分析漏测海区占总待测海域面积的百分比和重叠区域中超过20%重叠率的总长度。

通过本研究的结果,可以为海洋测深任务中多波束测线的设计和优化提供理论依据和实际参考,提高海洋测深的准确性和效率 [7] 。此外,本研究的方法和思路还可以应用于其他领域的测量与规划问题,具有一定的实际应用价值。

2. 数学模型的建立

2.1. 覆盖宽度及相邻条带之间重叠率的数学模型的建立


Figure 1. Cross-section diagram of a slope with the angle of 90˚ between the survey line direction and the normal to the seabed slope projected onto the horizontal plane

图1. 测线方向与海底坡面的法向在水平面上投影的夹角为90˚的斜坡截面图


a sin a = b sin b = c sin c

D sin ( π 2 θ 2 + α ) = W a sin θ 2

D sin ( π 2 θ 2 α ) = W b sin θ 2

W = W a + W b

求得海水深度: D i = D i 1 ± d tan α

覆盖宽度: W = D ( sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 α ) + sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 + α ) ) cos α (1)

重叠率: η = 1 d D ( sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 α ) + sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 + α ) ) cos α (2)

D 为海水深度, θ 换能器开角角度, η 相邻条带之间的重叠率, α 海底坡度, W 多波束测深条带覆盖宽度。

2.2. 建立不同方向多波束测深覆盖宽度的数学模型

由二维转变到三维。在坡度 α 为1.5˚的海底坡面上,求解了坡度与测线方向的关系。首先分析当测线方向与海底坡面的法向在水平面上投影的夹角分别为0˚、45˚、90˚的情况,求此时的覆盖宽度。

1) 当角度为0˚时,如图2所示。

Figure 2. The Angle between the direction of the survey line and the normal direction of the submarine slope projected on the horizontal plane is 0˚, and the coverage width W is calculated at this time

图2. 测线方向与海底坡面的法向在水平面上投影的夹角为0˚求此时的覆盖宽度W

得出此时的覆盖宽度为: W = 2 D tan θ 2

2) 当角度为45˚时,如图3所示

Figure 3. The Angle between the direction of the survey line and the normal direction of the submarine slope projected on the horizontal plane is 45˚, and the coverage width W is calculated at this time

图3. 测线方向与海底坡面的法向在水平面上投影的夹角为45˚求此时的覆盖宽度W


b = a tan α c = a cos π 4 tan λ = b c

联立可得 λ 的角度为:

λ = arctan ( tan α cos π 4 )


Figure 4. The seafloor slope of α and the Angle between the measured line and the projection is 45˚ is equivalent to the seafloor slope of λ and the Angle between the measured line and the projection is 90˚

图4. 将海底坡度为α且测线与投影夹角为45˚等效为海底坡度为λ且测线与投影夹角为90˚


W = D ( sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 λ ) + sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 + λ ) ) cos λ

3) 当 β 为90˚时,如图5所示。

Figure 5. Section diagram of submarine slope with 90˚ Angle between the direction of survey line and the normal direction of submarine slope projected on the horizontal plane

图5. 测线方向与海底坡面的法向在水平面上投影的夹角为90˚的海底斜坡截面图


W = D ( sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 α ) + sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 + α ) ) cos α


Figure 6. The slope is α, and the Angle between the direction of the survey line and the normal direction of the submarine slope projected on the horizontal plane is λ

图6. 坡度为α,测线方向与海底坡面的法向在水平面上投影的夹角为λ

所以设底面边长为 a ,坡面的高为 b ,底面对角线为 c ,由题目可知测线与多波束所在的平面垂直,根据坡度为 α ,测线方向与海底坡面的法向在水平面上投影的夹角为 λ 图6。可由几何图形的数量关系得:

b = a tan α , c = a cos ( β π 2 ) , tan λ = b c

则求得 a 角度的等效角 λ 为:

λ = arctan ( tan α cos ( β π 2 ) )


W = D ( sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 arctan ( tan α cos ( β π 2 ) ) ) + sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 + arctan ( tan α cos ( β π 2 ) ) ) ) cos ( arctan ( tan α cos ( β π 2 ) ) )

3. 设计一组测量总长度最短、可完全覆盖整个待测海域的测线

考虑一个南北长2海里、东西宽4海里的矩形海域内,海域中心点处的海水深度为110 m,西深东浅,坡度为1.5˚,多波束换能器的开角为120˚。设计一组测量长度最短、可完全覆盖整个待测海域的测线,且相邻条带之间的重叠率满足一定的要求,可以先将待测海域的最深深度和最浅深度,然后以最深深度为测线求出刚好覆盖边缘度初始测线。在根据迭代求出由深到浅符合覆盖率的测线距离由此类推,当海水深度低于最低海水深度时,说明求完该组测线,利用MATLAB软件求出该组数据,并求出此时的测距宽度。


当给定一个测线与法线夹角 β 小于90˚,测线越靠近东时,测线距离越大,测线总长越小。

当给定一个测线与法线夹角 β 大于90˚,测线越靠近东时,测线距离越小,测线总长越大。

综上所述,当测线与法线的夹角等于90˚时,可调的相邻测线距离 d 越大。设置重叠率为10%,在满足覆盖率的前提下 d 越大,测线的总数越少,测线的总长度就越短。

首先求出所给待测矩形海域的海水最深深度和最浅深度,矩形海域的宽度为 a ,长度为 b ,令此时

测线距离为宽度的一半 d = a 2

Figure 7. Cross-section of a submarine slope with a slope of 1.5˚

图7. 坡度为1.5˚的海底斜坡截面图

该测线布设方法是从航道海水深度由深到浅布设, 在最大水深处布设一条测线来求航道的第一条测线,可根据海水最深深度进行求解。


D min = D 0 d tan α D max = D 0 + d tan α

D min = 13.0073465077 D max = 206.9926534


W = D max sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 + α )

d = W cos α

D 1 = D max d tan α

经过计算可得第一条测线的海水深度 D 1 为198.0117613337米。

Figure 8. Relationship between seawater depth and strip coverage width of multi-beam sounding

图8. 海水深度与多波束测深条带覆盖宽度关系图


d 1 = W 1 ( 1 η )

D i = D i 1 d i 1 tan α ( i = 2 , 3 , )

W i = ( D i sin π 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 α ) + D i sin θ 2 sin ( π 2 θ 2 + α ) ) * cos α ( i = 2 , 3 , )

d i = W i ( 1 η )






4. 结语






胡新豪,徐志强,梁铭豪,廖 秀. 基于多波束测线问题的数学建模分析
Mathematical Modeling Analysis of Multibeam Sounding Line Problem[J]. 建模与仿真, 2024, 13(03): 3343-3351.


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  8. NOTES

