Advances in Clinical Medicine
Vol. 11  No. 09 ( 2021 ), Article ID: 45202 , 5 pages










Cooperation between Doctors and Nurses in the Surgery of Delivering High-Dose Steroids to the Surface of the Intact Endolymphatic Sac and Incus Treating Refractory Ménière’s Disease

Zhongrong Cao1, Hongbin Li2, Zikai Zhao2, Xiaomei Zhu2, Guoping Zhang2, Jing Zou2*

1Operating Theater, Department of Anaesthesiology, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai

2Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Center for Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery of Chinese PLA, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai

Received: Aug. 9th, 2021; accepted: Sep. 1st, 2021; published: Sep. 14th, 2021


Objective: To summarize the cooperation between doctors and nurses in the surgery of delivering high-dose steroids to the surface of the intact endolymphatic sac and incus treating refractory Ménière’s disease. Methods: The clinical data of 6 patients with refractory Ménière’s disease during the period from August 2018 to April 2021 was reviewed, the cooperation between doctors and nurses in the surgery of delivering high-dose steroids to the surface of the intact endolymphatic sac and incus were described including pre-operation preparation, cooperation during the surgery, application and maintenance of equipment for the surgery. Results: The surgeries in all 6 patients were smoothly completed without any port-operation complication. Conclusions: When a novel surgery was carried in the clinic, the nurses should closely cooperate with the doctors, be familiar with the procedure and associated medicines as well as the preparation, and master the application and maintenance of equipment involved in the surgery.

Keywords:Meniere’s Disease, Endolymphatic Sac, Ossicular Chain, Delivery of Steroids, Cooperation in Surgery

Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).

1. 引言

梅尼埃病是一种原因不明的、以膜迷路积水为主要病理特征的内耳疾病。其临床表现为发作性眩晕和波动性听力下降,伴有耳鸣和耳闷。邹静等人于2000年首次报道内淋巴积水的钆增强MRI表现并进行了组织学验证 [1] [2],目前临床上可以对梅尼埃病进行特异的影像学诊断 [3]。梅尼埃病的治疗方法多种多样,总体来说是一个循序渐进的治疗策略,即先饮食和失活习惯调节加上保守的药物治疗,对于顽固病例可以实施破坏性的化学迷路切除(鼓室注射庆大霉素)及外科手术治疗。其中经典的手术治疗是由法国医生Portmann于1964年报道的内淋巴囊减压手术 [4],该手术的原理是基于内淋巴囊作为内淋巴液吸收的器官并且出现了功能障碍;然而,后来的临床和颞骨病理学研究均不支持该手术的原理 [5] [6]。通过鼓室注射激素进行局部抗炎治疗梅尼埃病是当前新的治疗策略 [7];但是,部分患者疗效仍然欠佳 [8]。Kitahara等人于2001年报道开放内淋巴囊加局部大剂量投放激素治疗梅尼埃病,然而,临床效果与传统的内淋巴囊手术比较无显著区别 [9]。为了将对内耳的骚扰降到最低程度,邹静于2019年报道了向完整内淋巴囊和砧骨表面投放大剂量激素治疗顽固梅尼埃病的手术治疗 [10],术后患者的眩晕立即消失,听力逐渐改善,耳鸣逐渐减轻并于术后1年消失。从2018年8月至2021年4月,我院一共开展了该手术6例。现将手术的医护配合要点报告如下。

2. 资料与方法

2.1. 临床资料


Figure 1. Endolymphatic hydrops in the right ear of case 4 demonstrated by gadolinium-enhanced MRI. MRI was performed as previously reported [11]. Grade II cochlear endolymphatic hydrops (A) and grade III vestibular endolymphatic hydrops (C) were detected in the right ear, butendolymph hydrops was found in neither cochlea (B) nor vestibule (D) of the left ear, which were evaluated using previously reported criteria [12]

图1. 钆增强MRI显示病例4右侧内淋巴积水。按照先前报道的检查方法实施MRI [11]。右侧耳蜗II度内淋巴积水(A),前庭III度内淋巴积水(C),左侧耳蜗(B)、前庭(D)无内淋巴积水,判断标准参照文献报道 [12]

Table 1. Basic information on patients undergoing surgical treatment with high-dose corticosteroids administered over the intact endolymphatic sac and incus

表1. 接受完整内淋巴囊和砧骨表面投放大剂量激素外科治疗的患者基本信息

2.2. 手术方法

详细步骤见文献报道 [10],简述如下:全麻下完成手术操作直到显露砧骨短突和内淋巴囊。然后按照下列方法投放激素:将浸润于80 mg/ml甲强龙的明胶海绵块放置于内淋巴囊表面,将浸润10 mg/ml地塞米松的明胶海绵条分别放置于上述明胶海绵块和砧骨短突上方。用大量浸润于10 mg/ml地塞米松的明胶海绵颗粒填塞于上述明胶海绵条及明胶海绵块的表面,用纤维蛋白组织胶粘合明胶海绵。再用浸润于环丙沙星和地塞米松的明胶海绵块填塞乳突腔其余部分。其中,1例患者用纳吸绵代替明胶海绵按照常规关闭术腔、并加压包扎。

3. 护理与体会

在临床工作中,手术室为外科治疗的重要场所,手术做得好,医护在手术中的配合默契度越高,患者的预后也会更好。手术室的护理风险高,工作量很大,并且技术性强。因此,提高手术室护理工作质量为目前关注的重点 [13]。为了达到每一个手术环节的精准配合、及时高效,手术室的护士需要扎实掌握理论知识,以便台上配合熟练。本组患者为梅尼埃病,需要综合考虑手术适应证和听力保护的问题,这样才能在保证手术成功率的同时尽可能减少手术并发症和后遗症。患者术前访视及术后随访也应做相应的调整与改进。

3.1. 知识储备

由于该类手术尚未推广,手术医生已经获得充分的理论支持并详细报道了手术细节与临床结果 [10],实施该手术前已告知患者该手术为新手术,并签署《手术知情同意书》。在面对新手术的开展时,护士要随医生一起查房听讲宣教,了解新手术的原理。

3.2. 术前访视


3.3. 仪器设备的管理

内淋巴囊手术需在手术显微镜下操作,我院使用Zeiss手术显微镜(S8,德国耶拿),需熟练掌握显微镜使用的注意事项及操作,掌握镜头的保养与使用说明,仪器设备的管理。该手术需暴露内淋巴囊表面,面神经因位于内淋巴囊的前方而存在受损的风险。护士在术前需协助医生完成面神经监测设备的连接和设置。我院采用的是Medtronic (NIM-Response®3.0)面神经监测仪(美国弗罗里达),根据医生的要求调节肌肉刺激所需电流量,面神经处于厚壁骨管内时0.5~0.8 mA。我院耳科磨钻为Bien air (OSSEODUO) (瑞士比尔),自动冲水系统,操作过程中注意调节水泵速度,磨除乳突浅表骨质时使用较高冲水速度配合5.0 mm以上切割钻头,磨除深部狭窄部位骨质时使用较低冲水速度配合2.0~3.0 mm切割钻头或金刚钻头。

3.4. 激素的准备

本手术使用的甲强龙和地塞米松浓度均较高,注意往每支安培注入生理盐水的体积,尤其是甲强龙是自带1 ml溶剂,需要事先抽出0.5 ml盐水,注入空气,再往下按压,由于减少了盐水体积,其施加的压力减轻,有时向下挤压液体不顺利,需反复挤压。

4. 小结



曹中荣,李鸿彬,赵梓凯,朱晓梅,张国平,邹 静. 完整内淋巴囊和砧骨表面投放大剂量激素治疗顽固梅尼埃病的医护配合
Cooperation between Doctors and Nurses in the Surgery of Delivering High-Dose Steroids to the Surface of the Intact Endolymphatic Sac and Incus Treating Refractory Ménière’s Disease[J]. 临床医学进展, 2021, 11(09): 3990-3994.


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  14. NOTES

