Biodiscovery CNS
Vol.01 No.01(2017), Article ID:19810,2 pages

Xueming Li in Tsinghua University and Jian Yang in CAS Discover the Cyclic-Nucleotide-Gated Channel Structure in C. elegans

清华李雪明与昆明动物所杨建研究组 合作揭示线虫离子通道结构

[Nature系列] 2017年1月18日,清华大学生命中心李雪明研究组与哥伦比亚大学和昆明动物所的杨建研究组合作在《Nature》杂志在线发表题为《Structure of a eukaryotic cyclic-nucleotide-gated channel》的研究论文,该工作通过原子分辨率冷冻电镜技术首次揭示了秀丽线虫的环核苷酸门控离子通道(cyclic-nucleotide-gated channel, CNG) TAX-4的全长结构。通过一系列的结构分析和生化验证,该工作研究了CNG离子通道各组成单元的功能和相互作用,阐释了CNG通道开关的分子机制。


利用原子分辨率的冷冻电镜,该工作首次解释了为什么CNG通道虽然具有电压门控离子通道的诸多特征但是不受膜电压调控的结构机理。分析发现,这个通道结构具有一个异于其他电压门控离子通道的类电压感受结构域,致使此通道对电压不敏感。通过对cGMP结合位点与周围结构的相互作用的分析,该工作进一步阐述了cGMP打开通道的方式,以及离子选择性过滤器的工作机理。此外,在结构解析中发现,分离提纯获得的蛋白复合物在结构上并不均一,除了期望的四重对称结构之外,还存在一些局部结构受损或不稳定的复合物。通过采用一种有监督分类的图像处理方法,该工作成功地将受损或结构不稳定的复合物分离去除,最终保证了3.5 Å原子分辨率结构的获得。

Cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels are essential for vision and olfaction. They belong to the voltage-gated ion channel superfamily but their activities are controlled by intracellular cyclic nucleotides instead of transmembrane voltage. Here we report a 3.5-Å-resolution single-particle electron cryo-microscopy structure of a cyclic-nucleotide-gated channel from Caenorhabditis elegans in the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-bound open state. The channel has an unusual voltage-sensor-like domain, accounting for its deficient voltage dependence. A carboxy-terminal linker connecting S6 and the cyclic-nucleotide-binding domain interacts directly with both the voltage-sensor-like domain and the pore domain, forming a gating ring that couples conformational changes triggered by cyclic nucleotide binding to the gate. The selectivity filter is lined by the carboxylate side chains of a functionally important glutamate and three rings of backbone carbonyls. This structure provides a new framework for understanding mechanisms of ion permeation, gating and channelopathy of cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels and cyclic nucleotide modulation of related channels.
