Advances in Psychology
Vol. 12  No. 12 ( 2022 ), Article ID: 59341 , 7 pages

中小学生遭受校园欺凌与抑郁、焦虑症状的 关联


1成都市温江区公平学校,四川 成都

2西南交通大学心理研究与咨询中心,四川 成都






Association of School Bullying with Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Primary and Secondary School Students

Surong Ji1, Muchen Liu2*

1Gong Ping School, Wenjiang District, Chengdu Sichuan

2Psychological Research and Counseling Center, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu Sichuan

Received: Nov. 1st, 2022; accepted: Dec. 12th, 2022; published: Dec. 22nd, 2022


Purpose: In recent years, there have been numerous incidents of bullying in schools, and bullying in schools has become one of the prevalent social problems in countries around the world. Exposure to school bullying can cause individuals to develop negative emotions, such as low self-esteem, low self-esteem, depression and a higher risk of mental illness, and the effects can persist into adulthood. Depression is the most common psychological problem for anxious primary and secondary school students during adolescence, and there are few reports on whether its susceptibility is related to school bullying in primary and secondary school students. The aim of this study was to investigate the current status of school bullying and depressive symptoms among primary and secondary school students in Chengdu and their association, which is important for the prevention of mood disorders and psychological problems among primary and secondary school students. Methods: A stratified random whole-group sampling method was used to select 1750 primary and secondary school students from the third grade to the second grade of junior high school in a school in Chengdu in June 2022. The survey included general information, the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2-C), the Generalized Anxiety Inventory (GAD-7) and the Violence Encounter Scale. The relationship between school bullying and depression among adolescents was analyzed using the χ2 test and logistic regression. Results: The detection rate of depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms among primary and secondary school students in Chengdu was 15.2% and 11.4%. The results of the univariate analysis showed that family type, parents’ marital status, family economic situation, and whether or not they had experienced school bullying were correlated with depression and anxiety symptoms among primary and secondary school students. The results of the multi-factor logistic regression analysis showed that being bullied in school was still significantly and positively associated with depression and anxiety symptoms. Conclusion: Depression and anxiety symptoms of primary and secondary school students are closely related to bullying in schools. Schools and parents should enhance their attention to the bullied and pay attention to the mental health education of the bullies to avoid bullying in schools at source.

Keywords:School Bullying, Depression, Anxiety, Regression Analysis, Primary and Secondary Schools

Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).

1. 引言

校园欺凌是指一个或多个同龄人对一个学生故意的进行攻击行为,并且该行为会在一段时间内反复发生(Olweus, 1993)。近年来,校园欺凌作为重大公共健康问题,被越来越多的人关注到(Díaz-Caneja et al., 2021)。有研究发现,大约有10%~25%的儿童、青少年遭遇过校园欺凌(Erhart et al., 2009),遭遇校园欺凌可能会让青少年出现焦虑、抑郁等心理问题,损害身体健康,甚至可能增加青少年的自杀倾向(Fraguas et al., 2021)。因此,中小学生遭遇欺凌的问题十分值得关注。

抑郁是一种消极的情感障碍,源于个体无法应对生活中的紧张和压力的事件(Gotlib & Hammen, 2008)。有一项元分析发现2011~2018年的小学生抑郁症状检出率显著高于2001~2010年(刘福荣等,2021),说明抑郁症的发病年龄逐渐出现年轻化趋势。焦虑是指在面对不确定性情景及各种生活变动时感受到紧张、忧虑和烦恼的主观体验,是一种负面情绪(Bekker et al., 2003)。有研究发现79.8%的中学生对学业成绩存在过度焦虑的现象(胡春梅,1997),这种过度焦虑可能会损害学生的学业能力,更可能导致抑郁情绪产生(Cole et al., 1998)。抑郁、焦虑作为妨碍中小学生心理健康、学习生活的重要因素之一,其发生情况是否会与遭遇校园欺凌有关,少有研究报道。基于此,本研究旨在调查成都市中小学生遭遇校园欺凌与抑郁、焦虑症状的现状,探究抑郁、焦虑症状与遭遇校园欺凌的相关性,为中小学生心理健康教育工作提供思路。

2. 方法

2.1. 对象与方法


Table 1. Basic information on survey respondents

表1. 调查对象基本情况

2.2. 工具

1) 遭遇校园欺凌采用张延婷编制的暴力遭遇量表(张延婷,2014)中的8道题目,从身体伤害和精神伤害两个方面判断中小学生在学校中是否遭遇校园欺凌,采用李克特4点计分,评分等级为0~3分。本研究将近两个月内受欺凌次数 > 1次定义为遭遇校园欺凌。该量表的Cronbach’s α系数为0.733。

2) 抑郁症状采用患者健康问卷(2条目)中文版(Chinese Version of the Patient Health Questionnaire, PHQ-2-C)评估中小学生的抑郁症状,该量表具有良好的信效度,Cronbach’s α系数为0.576。问卷题目内容为“做事情没什么兴趣”和“感到沮丧、压抑或绝望”,采用李克特4点计分,评分等级为0~3分,代表由“完全没有”到“几乎每天”。题目得分相加为总分,当总分≥3时存在抑郁症状(廖娟娟等,2017)。

3) 焦虑症状采用Spitzer等人编制的广泛性焦虑量表(GAD-7),确定调查对象的焦虑症状。该量表共7个条目,采用李克特4点计分,其中“完全没有 = 0”,“有些天存在那种感觉 = 1”,“超过一半的时间都是如此 = 2”,“几乎每天 = 3”。总分<5,5~9,10~14,15~21分别代表无、轻度、中度、重度焦虑症状(Wetherell et al., 2003)。该量表的Cronbach’s α系数为0.859。

2.3. 统计分析

由研究人员对问卷填写的完整性及有效性进行核查与筛选。采用Excel进行数据录入,SPSS21.0进行数据分析。描述性统计用例数和百分率表示,采用χ2检验进行统计推断。采用多因素Logistic回归分析遭遇校园欺凌对中小学生抑郁、焦虑的影响。均采用双侧假设检验,检验水准α = 0.05。

3. 结果

3.1. 中小学生抑郁、焦虑症状报告率

成都市某中学中小学抑郁症状的报告率为15.2% (266名),焦虑症状为11.4% (200名)。表2中显示,不同年级、家庭类型、父母婚姻情况、家庭经济情况学生的抑郁、焦虑症状报告率存在差异(P值均<0.05)。是否遭遇校园欺凌与是否有抑郁、焦虑症状的卡方检验显著(P值均<0.00)。见表2

Table 2. Comparison of bullying reporting rates among secondary school students by demographic characteristics

表2. 不同人口统计学特征中学生遭遇欺凌报告率比较

3.2. 遭受校园欺凌与抑郁、焦虑症状的相关性分析

3.2.1. 遭受校园欺凌与抑郁症状的多因素Logistic回归

采用二元Logistic回归方法,以是否抑郁(非抑郁 = 0,抑郁 = 1)作为因变量,以被人用难听的话指责、辱骂:否 = 0,是 = 1;被人恶意取外号或喊侮辱性的绰号:否 = 0,是 = 1;被人故意推倒、使劲踢、绊倒等:否 = 0,是 = 1;被人用棍、刀、砖头等使劲打、刺:否 = 0,是 = 1;觉得别人对你很冷漠,被人忽视、蔑视自己的存在:否 = 0,是 = 1;你无法融入到班级、朋友圈中,感到被排挤:否 = 0,是 = 1;你的财物被私自拿走、占用:否 = 0,是 = 1;被人在网上故意恶搞:否 = 0,是 = 1作为自变量纳入方差。如表3所示,遭遇校园欺凌的行为中,被人用难听的话指责、辱骂、觉得别人对你很冷漠,被人忽视、蔑视自己的存在、无法融入到班级、朋友圈中,感到被排挤的中小学生检出抑郁症状的风险更大。

Table 3. Multifactorial Logistic regression of exposure to school bullying and depressive symptoms

表3. 遭受校园欺凌与抑郁症状的多因素Logistic回归

3.2.2. 遭受校园欺凌与中重焦虑症状的多因素Logistic回归

用二元Logistic回归方法,分别以是否中重度焦虑(非中重度焦虑 = 0,中重度焦虑 = 1)作为因变量,以被人用难听的话指责、辱骂:否 = 0,是 = 1;被人恶意取外号或喊侮辱性的绰号:否 = 0,是 = 1;被人故意推倒、使劲踢、绊倒等:否 = 0,是 = 1;被人用棍、刀、砖头等使劲打、刺:否 = 0,是 = 1;觉得别人对你很冷漠,被人忽视、蔑视自己的存在:否 = 0,是 = 1;你无法融入到班级、朋友圈中,感到被排挤:否 = 0,是 = 1;你的财物被私自拿走、占用:否 = 0,是 = 1;被人在网上故意恶搞:否 = 0,是 = 1作为自变量纳入方差。如表4所示,被人用难听的话指责、辱骂、被人恶意取外号或喊侮辱性的绰号、被人用棍、刀、砖头等使劲打、刺、觉得别人对你很冷漠,被人忽视、蔑视自己的存在、你无法融入到班级、朋友圈中,感到被排挤的中小学生检出中重度焦虑的风险更大。

Table 4. Multifactorial Logistic regression of exposure to school bullying and anxiety symptoms

表4. 遭受校园欺凌与焦虑症状的多因素Logistic回归

4. 讨论

本研究结果显示,成都市中小学生抑郁症状检出率为15.2%、中重度焦虑症状检出率为11.4%,其结果虽然低于陈婷的调查结果(陈婷等,2020),但仍处于较高水平,表明抑郁、焦虑症状在成都市中小学生中较为普遍。相对于小学生,初中年级的抑郁症状检出率更高,可能是因为与小学生相比,中学生学习负担更重,这将给中学生带来难以承受的心理压力,青少年学业问题是导致其产生抑郁、焦虑情绪问题的主要原因(徐勇,2006)。卡方分析结果发现,与父母居住、父母感情良好、家庭经济情况良好是中小学生抑郁、焦虑的保护因素,父母是儿童、青少年成长过程中重要的启蒙老师,许多研究发现,父母吸烟喝酒等不良生活习惯会对孩子的身心健康造成巨大影响(Chang et al., 2003),良好的家庭氛围对儿童青少年心理健康发展中起重要作用。此外,本研究发现有50.29%的学生在近两个月内至少遭遇了1次校园欺凌,说明该地区中小学生遭遇校园欺凌问题较为严重,教师与家长应予以重视。



吉素容,刘沐晨. 中小学生遭受校园欺凌与抑郁、焦虑症状的关联
Association of School Bullying with Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Primary and Secondary School Students[J]. 心理学进展, 2022, 12(12): 4164-4170.


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  16. NOTES

