Journal of Oil and Gas Technology
Vol. 41  No. 04 ( 2019 ), Article ID: 32037 , 4 pages

The Performance of Glass-fiber Tubings and Casings under Corrosion Condition

Zilan Tang1, Zhenling Shi2

1Collage of Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University, Wuhan Hubei

2Collage of Engineering and Technology, Yangtze University, Jingzhou Hubei

Received: May 15th, 2019; accepted: Jun. 19th, 2018; published: Aug. 15th, 2019


To prolong the usage life of tubings and casings under corrosion condition, it is proposed that the carbon steel tubings and casings are replaced with glass fiber tubings and casings. By feasibility study and comparative test, it indicates that the compressive strength of glass fiber tubings and casings is very close to that of carbon steel ones, which is resistant to the high corrosion condition in aquifers. The glass fiber tubings and casings are successfully in a block of Jianghan Oilfield.

Keywords:Corrosion Condition, Carbon Steel Tubing and Casing, Corrosion Resistance



1湖北大学材料科学与工程学院,湖北 武汉

2长江大学工程技术学院机械系,湖北 荆州



摘 要


关键词 :腐蚀环境,碳素钢油套管,抗腐蚀能力

Copyright © 2019 by author(s), Yangtze University and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

1. 引言

钻探管,套管,运输船舶、炼油厂管线,金属设备以及各种专用管线,在石油工业生产的各个阶段都会面临腐蚀问题 [1] ,造成极大的经济损失。因此,研究腐蚀环境下油套管的抗腐蚀性至关重要。

2. 可行性分析


Table 1. The parameters of temperature and pressure testings for glass fiber tubings and casings from a Sinopec steel company

表1. 中石化某钢管厂玻璃钢管油套管温度及压力测试参数

3. 对比试验

3.1. 耐腐蚀试验

对玻璃钢管和碳素钢管的耐腐蚀能力进行对比试验。把直径相近的玻璃钢管与碳素钢管放入从江汉油田提取的盐水溶液样品中,3个月后排空盐水溶液,观察发现玻璃钢管外表仅有少许褪色,碳素钢管表层全部被腐蚀掉,铁锈约厚2.54 mm (图1)。

Figure 1. The comparison of corrosion resistance of steel pipe

图1. 不同种类钢管的耐腐蚀能力对比

3.2. 压应力试验

将玻璃钢套管截取长为7.62 cm的小段,放入胶乳水泥中,轻抬油管模拟钻井中出现的水泥与玻璃钢套管之间的剪应力,再用液压机加压,压应力转化为作用于管道外壁的水平力,至套管和油管被破坏,记录试件被破坏时的压应力值。通过对比不同直径碳素钢套管和玻璃钢套管被破坏时的压应力(图2),可以看出玻璃钢套管与碳素钢套管的抗压强度十分接近,且碳素钢套管的水泥黏结力比玻璃钢套管的实际抗压强度还要大,只有当环氧树脂混凝土无法把套管和油管有效黏结在一起时玻璃钢套管才会被破坏。

Figure 2. The comparison between the pressure and stress of steel pipe

图2. 不同种类钢管压应力对比

4. 现场应用

观察江汉油田某区块油井的碳素钢管与玻璃钢管的挤毁压力剖面(图3)可以看出,当油井在4000 m时,玻璃钢管与碳素钢管的抗挤毁压力相近。在油田实际应用中,玻璃钢管应用于含水层可以有效保护管道不受腐蚀。

Figure 3. The collapse pressure profile of glass fiber pipe and carbon steel pipe

图3. 玻璃钢管和碳素钢管的挤毁压力剖面

5. 结语



[1] 孙卫娟, 马来增. 玻璃钢油管力学试验研究[J]. 长江大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 12(2): 48-52.

[编辑] 鲁大丽
