Advances in Clinical Medicine
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1青岛大学附属医院,山东 青岛
2潍坊市坊子区人民医院,山东 潍坊
尤文肉瘤是恶性程度极高的骨原发肿瘤,好发于儿童和青少年。尤文肉瘤预后极差,具有高度的侵袭性,在青少年儿童肿瘤发病率中排在第二位。我们基于GEO数据库(Gene Expression Omnibus)中尤文肉瘤相关的数据,构建了一个由7个基因构成的风险分数计算模型。该模型联合年龄性别构建的预测模型可用于预测患者预后。在该风险分数计算模型中,筛选出了RN1H4基因。该基因在高风险组中显著表达。RN1H4高表达患者预后较差,辅助T细胞、单核细胞、中性粒细胞和树突细胞的浸润和RN1H4基因的表达量具有显著相关性。这些细胞浸润丰度也显著影响了病人预后。我们又检测了RN1H4基因高低表达两组差异基因。对差异基因做了GO和KEGG分析,预测了RN1H4在尤文肉瘤中发挥的作用。揭示了RN1H4在尤文肉瘤中的作用机制。
Verifying the Function of RN1H4 Gene Predicting Prognosis of Ewing Sarcoma by Bioinformatics
Kai Sun1, Chunyan Wang2, Zhuang Yu1*
1The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao Shandong
2The People’s Hospital of Fangzi District Weifang City, Weifang Shandong
Received: Feb. 11th, 2022; accepted: Mar. 4th, 2022; published: Mar. 15th, 2022
Ewing sarcoma is a highly malignant primary tumor of bone, usually occurring in children and adolescents. Ewing sarcoma has a very poor prognosis and is highly aggressive, ranking second in the incidence of tumors in children and adolescents. We constructed a risk score calculation model consisting of 7 genes based on Ewing sarcoma data from the GEO Database (Gene Expression Omnibus). The prediction model combined with age and sex can be used to predict the prognosis of patients. The RN1H4 gene was screened from the risk score model. The gene was significantly expressed in the high-risk group. The prognosis of patients with high expression of RN1H4 was poor, and the infiltration of helper T cells, monocytes, neutrophils and dendritic cells was significantly correlated with the expression of RN1H4. The abundance of these infiltrates also significantly affected patient outcomes. We also detected the high and low expression of RN1H4 gene. GO and KEGG enrichment analyses were performed to predict the role of RN1H4 in Ewing’s sarcoma. The mechanism of RN1H4 in Ewing’s sarcoma was revealed.
Keywords:Bioinformatics, Ewing Sarcoma, Prognosis, RN1H4, GEO Database
Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
1. 引言
尤文肉瘤(Ewing Sarcoma)是一种极度恶性的原发骨肿瘤,易复发,具有极高的侵袭性,在青少年肿瘤发病率中排在第二位 [1] [2] [3] [4]。尤文肉瘤目前的治疗方案主要是手术切除、化疗和放疗。目前未发生转移的尤文肉瘤的五年生存率为15%~75% [5]。但是还有约25%的病人在诊断初期便发生了转移 [5] [6]。目前靶向药物在肿瘤治疗中展现了广阔的前景,例如纳武利尤单抗治疗PD-1高表达的非小细胞肺癌 [7] 具有显著的疗效。靶向治疗在肉瘤中,尤其是尤文肉瘤中发展缓慢。所以,继续筛选一个新型的靶向分子,为尤文肉瘤靶向治疗发展提供潜在靶点。
核受体超家族1H组4 (NR1H4)在肝脏和小肠中胆汁酸生成和分泌起到作用 [8]。在正常情况下,该基因在调节胆汁分泌、稳定肝肠循环有重要作用 [9]。它也可以通过调节MYC通路影响到结肠癌肿瘤细胞的存活 [10]。同时也可以影响Ras通路和DNA的甲基化 [11]。该基因但是该基因在尤文肉瘤中的作用尚未探索。该基因与肿瘤免疫微环境的关系尚未阐明。
2. 方法
2.1. 数据下载
从GEO数据库(中下载2个数据集(GSE17679、GSE63155) [12] [13],将两个数据集合并后,数据进行清洗和标准化。
2.2. 构建风险分数计算公式
2.3. 表达差异基因筛选和富集分析
依据NR1H4基因表达量中位值,将病人分成NR1H4高低表达两组。利用R语言软件和“limma包” [14] 计算差异基因。差异基因筛选标准为:adjust P value < 0.05且|LogFoldChang| > 0.5。获得的差异表达基因进行KO和KEGG的富集分析。GO和KEGG富集分析通过“clusterProfiler包” [13]。
2.4. 免疫细胞浸润相关分析
通过CIBERSORT [15] 算法对所有病人22种免疫细胞进入情况进行计算。免疫细胞分布和NR1H4基因表达量进行相关性分析,统计方法是Spearman法。
2.5. 统计学方法
该研究中差异性分析使用T检验进行分析,设定P < 0.05为具有统计学差异。
3. 结果
3.1. 构建风险分数计算
在训练组中,通过Lasso回归和多重COX模型(图1(a),图1(b)),构建出了基于6个基因组成的风险分数计算公式。基因分别是CARD18、CENPM、EFHC2、NR1H4、STEAP3、ZBTB39。通过热图展现在各个病人中,六种基因的表达情况(图1(c))。其对应的系数由表1所示。风险分数是每个病人6种基因的表达量乘以基因各自的系数的总和。通过图1(d)和图1(e)来展现,高风险组病人生存期较低风险组病人生存期短,高风险组病人死亡比例较低风险组病人高。ROC曲线显示,该风险分数计算公式预测病人预后具有良好的准确性(图2(a)~(c))。风险分数计算公式为Riskscore = CARD18* − 3.624607368 + CENPM * 2.565920347 + NR1H4 * 2.57112032 + EFHC2* − 1.648318634 + STEAP3* − 1.494970509 + ZBTB39* − 4.248323426。
Figure 1. (a), (b): Six genes were screened out by Lasso regression and multiple Cox regression; (c): The expression of six genes in all patients were showed by heat map; (d): Dot plot shows the risk scores distribution in high-/low-risk group. (e): Dot plot shows the survival state and overall survival in high-/low-risk group.
图1. (a),(b):Lasso回归多重Cox回归筛选6个基因;(c):热图显示所有病人6个基因的表达量;(d):点图表示高低风险组病人风险分数分布情况;(e):高低风险组病人生存状态差异
Table 1. The six genes and their coefficient
表1. 六种基因及系数
3.2. 构建列线图
Figure 2. (a): The accuracy of risk score predicting all patents’ prognosis; (b): The accuracy of risk score predicting train group patents’ prognosis; (c): The accuracy of risk score predicting test group patents’ prognosis; (d): Nomogram that consisted by risk score, age and gender were constructed. 1 stands for male and 2 stands or female; (e): The accuracy of nomogram predicting patients’ prognosis was detected by Calibration
图2. (a):风险分数在整体病人中,预测预后的准确性;(b):风险分数在检验集中,预测预后的准确性;(c):风险分数在训练集中,预测预后的准确性;(d):风险分数联合年龄和性别,构建列线图。在性别选项中:1代表男性,2代表女性;(e):Calibration曲线检验列线图预测预后的准确性
3.3. 差异表达基因的鉴定和富集分析
Figure 3. (a): The different expression genes between NR1H4 high expression group and NR1H4 low expression group; (b): GO enrichment analysis about the different expression genes; (c): KEGG enrichment analysis with different expression genes; (d): The overall survival difference between high/low NR1H4 expression groups
图3. (a):NR1H4高低表达组之间的差异基因分布;(b):差异基因在GO富集分析中的结果;(c):差异基因在KEGG富集分析中的结果;(d):NR1H4高低表达组之间生存预后差异
3.4. 免疫细胞浸润相关性和差异
Figure 4. (a): The infiltration difference of immune cells between high/low NR1HE expression groups; (b): The correlation between dendritic cells activated and NR1H4 expression level is negative; (c): The correlation between dendritic cells resting and NR1H4 expression level is positive; (d): The correlation between monocytes and NR1H4 expression level is negative; (e): The correlation between neutrophils and NR1H4 expression level is positive; (f): The correlation between T cells follicular helper and NR1H4 expression level is positive; (g): The survival difference between high/low dendritic cells resting infiltration groups; (h): The patients in high monocyte infiltration groups has better prognosis; (i): The high neutrophil infiltration patients has worse prognosis
图4. (a):NR1H4高低表达组之间,免疫细胞浸润差异;(b):激活态树突状细胞分布与NR1H4表达成负相关;(c):休眠态树突状细胞浸润与NR1H4表达成正相关;(d):单核细胞浸润程度与NR1H4表达成负相关;(e):中性粒细胞浸润分布和NR1H4表达成正相关;(f):滤泡T细胞分布与NR1H4表达成正相关;(g):休止态树突细胞高低浸润组生存差异;(h):单核细胞高浸润组病人预后较好;(i):中性粒细胞高浸润组病人预后较差
4. 讨论
尤文肉瘤容易发生早期转移。肉瘤出现血运转移较为常见,而尤文肉瘤往往发生在具有造血功能的骨骼中或附近,这导致尤文肉瘤极易发生早期转移 [16] [17]。该特点使得尤文肉瘤病人往往没有接受根治手术的机会。即便接受根治切除术后,也极易容易发生复发和远处转移 [18] [19] [20]。尤文肉瘤因为其常常生长在具有造血功能的骨骼中或附近,这使得放射疗法在治疗尤文肉瘤的治疗中的作用有限 [21]。而目前化疗对尤文肉瘤的效果不佳,病人预后往往十分不理想,寻找新靶点、开发新的靶向药物在尤文肉瘤治疗中极为重要。
5. 结论
孙 楷,王春燕,于 壮. 通过生物信息学验证RN1H4基因预测尤文肉瘤患者预后的作用
Verifying the Function of RN1H4 Gene Predicting Prognosis of Ewing Sarcoma by Bioinformatics[J]. 临床医学进展, 2022, 12(03): 1758-1768.
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