Hans Journal of Ophthalmology
Vol. 10  No. 02 ( 2021 ), Article ID: 43129 , 5 pages



济南明水眼科医院,山东 济南



目的:探讨折叠式人工玻璃体球囊(foldable capsular vitreous body, FCVB)治疗严重眼外伤及硅油依赖眼伴眼球萎缩的安全性及有效性。方法:回顾性分析自2017年8月至2019年10月,在我院完成的FCVB植入于严重眼外伤及硅油依赖眼伴眼球萎缩18例(18眼),其中男性14例,女性4例,最小的2岁,最大的45岁,视力均为无光感,眼压4~8 mmHg,平均6.11 mmHg,眼轴13 mm至19 mm,平均16.5 mm。其中眼外伤4例,外伤术后45天至3个月,硅油眼14例,注入硅油术后6个月至8年。眼外伤患者进行常规三通道玻璃体切除术,硅油眼患者进行常规三通道硅油取出术,将折叠式人工玻璃体折叠并植入玻璃体腔,囊袋内硅油填充。结果:手术均顺利完成,随访至8个月,视力无变化,眼压7~15 mmHg,术后B超显示眼球结构良好,未见视网膜脱离,FCVB回声平滑,未见排斥等并发症,2岁儿童的患眼眼球形态恢复接近健眼。眼球萎缩严重的患者,为美容订制了义眼片,效果满意,佩戴后无不适感觉。结论:FCVB植入是治疗严重眼外伤及硅油依赖眼伴眼球萎缩安全有效的方法,短期内观察可以很好的维持眼球形态和眼压,只要有适应症尽早行FCVB植入术,以尽量预防眼球萎缩的发生。



Clinical Application Observation of Foldable Capsular Vitreous Body in the Treatment of Eyeball Atrophy

Ke Niu, Yanhui Han, Fanchao Meng, Yongbin Lv, Guangwei Yu, Xiaohua Yang, Donglin Wang*

Jinan Mingshui Eye Hospital, Jinan Shandong

Received: May 15th, 2021; accepted: Jun. 1st, 2021; published: Jun. 15th, 2021


Objective: To investigate the safety and efficacy of foldable capsular vitreous body (FCVB) in the treatment of severe ocular trauma and late silicone oil-dependent eyes with eyeball atrophy. Methods: From August 2017 to October 2019, 14 patients (14 eyes) of FCVB implanted in our hospital with severe ocular trauma and silicone oil-dependent eyes with eyeball atrophy were retrospectively analyzed, including 14 males and 4 females. The youngest is 2 years old and the oldest is 45 years old. The vision acuity of all patients is no light perception, the intraocular pressure is 4~8 mmHg, the average is 6.11 mmHg, the eye axis is 13 mm to 19 mm, the average is 16.5 mm. Among them, 4 cases were ocular trauma after 45 days to 3 months, 14 cases were silicone oil eye after silicone oil injection 6 months to 8 years. Patients with ocular trauma underwent conventional three-channel vitrectomy, and patients with silicone oil underwent conventional three-channel silicone oil removal. The FCVB was implanted into the vitreous cavity, and the FCVB was filled with silicone oil. Results: The operations were all successfully completed. The follow-up was 18 months to 8 months. The visual acuity was unchanged. The intraocular pressure was 8~12 mmHg. The postoperative B-ultrasound showed good eyeball structure, no retinal detachment. Moreover, FCVB-supported fundus was stable and no complication was found. And the reactions were good in postoperative anterior chamber and conjunctiva. The shape of the eyeball of the 2-year-old child’s returned close to that of healthy eye. For patients with severe atrophy of the eyeballs, artificial eye tablets have been customized for beauty, with satisfactory results and no discomfort after wearing. Conclusion: FCVB implantation is a safe and effective method for the treatment of severe ocular trauma and silicone oil-dependent eyes with eyeball atrophy. Short-term observation can well maintain eyeball shape and intraocular pressure. As long as there are indications, FCVB implantation should be performed as soon as possible to prevent eyeball atrophy.

Keywords:Eyeball Atrophy, Foldable Capsular Vitreous Body, Treatment, Clinical Observation

Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).


1. 引言

严重的眼外伤、复杂性视网膜脱离和部分陈旧性视网膜脱离等疾病在行玻璃体视网膜手术后会导致硅油依赖眼 [1],无法行硅油取出术,硅油长期存在于眼内,会并发角膜病变 [2]、硅油乳化 [3]、继发青光眼等并发症 [4],最终导致眼球萎缩,从而行眼球摘除。折叠式人工玻璃体球囊(foldable capsular vitreous body, FCVB)对严重眼外伤及硅油依赖的患眼取得了良好的疗效,但是在萎缩眼球的应用报道较少,我院自2017年8月开展FCVB手术来,完成严重眼外伤及硅油依赖眼伴眼球萎缩18例,现报道如下。

2. 资料和方法

2.1. 一般资料

回顾性分析自2017年8月至2019年10月,在我院完成的FCVB植入于严重眼外伤及硅油依赖眼伴眼球萎缩18例(18眼),确诊标准:严重眼外伤及硅油依赖眼伴眼球萎缩的患者。排除标准:全身不能耐受手术的患者。其中男性14例,女性4例,最小的2岁,最大的45岁,视力均为无光感,眼压4~8 mmHg,平均6.11 mmHg,眼轴13 mm至19 mm,平均16.5 mm。其中眼外伤4例,外伤术后45天至3个月,硅油眼14例,注入硅油术后6个月至8年。

2.2. 手术方法

本研究遵循《赫尔辛基宣言》并通过济南明水眼科医院伦理委员会审批,所有患者均在手术前签署知情同意书。眼外伤患者进行常规三通道玻璃体切除术,硅油眼患者进行常规三通道硅油取出术,将折叠式人工玻璃体折叠并植入玻璃体腔,囊袋内硅油填充。手术步骤:1) 术前常规消毒,球后神经阻滞麻醉,颞下角膜缘后3.5 mm灌注,上方角膜缘后3.5 mm剪开结膜,穿刺巩膜放出硅油。2) 在水下检测人工玻璃体球囊的密闭性。3) 将人工玻璃体球囊折叠装入推注器。4) 扩大巩膜穿刺口至3~4 mm,将推注器头部置入玻璃体腔,注意不能进入睫状体上腔。5) 将球囊的晶状体部朝上,充分展开球囊。6) 经球囊的引流阀部推入硅油,观察FCVB的位置,充填至眼压15 mmHg左右。7) 插入导光纤维,在全视网膜镜下观察视网膜情况。8) 结扎FCVB尾部,固定在结膜下,缝合结膜。术后1月内给予全身及局部抗炎治疗。术后观察患者的视力、眼压、视网膜和FCVB状态。

2.3. 统计学方法

所有数据均使用SPSS21.0统计学软件进行处理。患者一般资料采用 x ¯ ± s 表示,手术前后矫正视力比较采用χ2检验,手术前后眼压比较采用配对样本t检验,检验水准α = 0.05。

3. 结果

3.1. FCVB植入疗效分析

手术均顺利完成,随访8个月,18例患者手术前后视力无变化,均为无光感,差异无统计学意义(p = 1.000),18例患者手术前后眼压变化见表1,术前、术后差异有统计学意义(p < 0.01)。

Table 1. The comparison of intraocular pressure before and after operation in 18 patients

表1. 18例患者手术前后眼压比较

3.2. FCVB植入安全性分析


4. 讨论

折叠式人工玻璃体球囊(FCVB)自临床应用以来,在保留眼球方面获得了良好的临床效果,使眼球摘除率降低 [5]。目前主要用于严重眼外伤、视功能丧失,常规手术可以保留眼球,但会形成硅油依赖的患眼,以及已经形成硅油依赖的硅油眼 [6]。FCVB在严重眼外伤及硅油依赖眼伴眼球萎缩的优势主要有:1、可以在玻璃体腔长期填充,保持各组织结构“不擅离职守”,以维持眼球的形态 [7];2、由于硅油被限制在球囊内,即使硅油乳化,也不会“四处乱窜、祸害四方”,避免了继发青光眼、角膜变性、硅油向其他组织的迁移等问题的发生 [8];3、对硅油依赖眼,不用受多次取油–注油反复手术之苦,一次手术、终生享用,减轻患者的心理及经济负担 [9]。

笔者认为,在严重眼外伤及硅油依赖眼伴眼球萎缩手术中需注意以下几点:1、玻璃体切割手术一定要处理“干净”,增殖膜尽量切除或者切断,残存的视网膜一定尽量复位,能行视网膜激光光凝的患者者一定要行视网膜激光光凝,给FCVB留一个充足、稳定的空间。2、由于眼球萎缩、球壁挛缩,切口时一定确定内口完全切开,以防在植入球囊时引起阻滞,导致内口葡萄膜撕裂、出血,甚至误植入脉络膜上腔。3、选择合适的球囊型号:1) 术前认真、仔细、全面评价眼球的大小、状况;2) 有些眼轴测量困难者,可以通过多种手段进行测量评估,比如双眼的A超、B超、CT,进行各种检查结果之间及双眼之间的比较、衡量;3) 如果术中发现球囊与实际情况不符,要术中及时更换球囊;4) 术后1月如果发现眼压持续低(<6 mmHg)排除切口漏的情况下,建议适量补充硅油。4、确保球囊位置合适:球囊前表面有一平面,由于萎缩的眼球前房空间变小,所以一定保证球囊位置正,以防偏位甚至翻转导致前房变浅或消失,导致角膜的营养代谢障碍。如果植入后发现球囊偏位,要及时调整,通过引流管的合模线判断球囊的位置正否。





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