Advances in Clinical Medicine
Vol. 10  No. 11 ( 2020 ), Article ID: 38805 , 4 pages



1青岛大学附属医院妇科,山东 青岛

2青岛大学附属医院产科,山东 青岛



目的:妊娠合并不同类型宫颈息肉与感染及妊娠结局的关系。方法:青岛大学附属医院2000年至2020年的妊娠合并宫颈息肉患者97例,其中息肉来自宫颈黏膜组(A组) 53例,组中行宫颈息肉摘除术者35例,未行宫颈息肉摘除术18例,来自宫颈阴道部分息肉组(B组) 44例,组中行宫颈息肉摘除术者32例,未行宫颈息肉摘除术12例,统计A、B两组患者入院白细胞、中性粒细胞比例、CRP等感染指标,并分别统计两组行宫颈息肉摘除及未行宫颈息肉摘除终止妊娠周数等妊娠结局情况。结果:妊娠合并宫颈黏膜息肉组(A组)的白细胞、中性粒细胞比例、CRP等感染指标均高于宫颈阴道部分息肉组(B组),差别具有统计学意义(P < 0.05),妊娠合并宫颈黏膜息肉组(A组)摘除宫颈息肉者终止妊娠周数大于未行宫颈息肉摘除,差别具有统计学意义(P < 0.05),妊娠合并宫颈阴道部息肉组(B组)摘除宫颈息肉者终止妊娠周数大于未行宫颈息肉摘除者,但差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。



Study on the Relationship between Infection and Pregnancy Outcome of Different Types of Cervical Polyps during Pregnancy

Mingze Sun1, Min Zhao2, Yangyang Jiang2, Liping Fan2, Chong Liu2, Ning Wang1

1Department of Gynecology, Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao Shandong

2Department of Obstetrics, Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao Shandong

Received: Nov. 2nd, 2020; accepted: Nov. 19th, 2020; published: Nov. 26th, 2020


Objective: To investigate the relationship between different types of cervical polyps associated with pregnancy, infection and pregnancy outcome. Methods: The affiliated hospital of Qingdao university from 2000 to 2020, 97 cases of pregnancy with cervical polyp patients, including polyps from cervical mucous membrane group (group A) 53 cases, 35 cases of cervical polyp excision group of boc, no 18 cases, cervical polyp enucleation part from the cervix vagina polyps group (group B) and 44 cases, 32 cases of cervical polyp excision group of boc, 12 cases without cervical polyp excision, statistics A, B two groups of patients admitted to hospital infection such as white blood cells, neutrophils ratio, CRP indicators, and statistical line two groups of cervical polyp excision and no termination of gestation weeks pregnancy outcomes such as cervical polyp excision. Results: The pregnancy with cervical mucous membrane polyp group (group A) infection such as the proportion of white blood cells, neutrophils, CRP indicators were higher than in the cervix vagina part polyps group (group B), the difference statistically significant (P < 0.05), pregnancy with cervical mucous membrane polyp group (group A) termination of gestation weeks is greater than the removal of cervical polyp is no cervical polyp was removed, the difference statistically significant (P < 0.05), pregnancy with cervical vaginal department polyp group (group B) termination of gestation weeks was greater than the removal of cervical polyp was no cervical polyp was removed, but there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05).

Keywords:Pregnancy, Cervical Polyp, Infection, Pregnancy Outcomes

Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).

1. 前言

宫颈息肉一般认为是长期炎症刺激导致 [1],引起宫颈内膜堆积,分为宫颈黏膜和宫颈阴道部分。常见的临床表现为呈鲜红色的少量点滴出血 [2]。临床发现,宫颈黏膜息肉似一条连接宫腔及宫腔外的导火线,与宫颈阴道部息肉相比,致宫腔感染、流产、早产的风险极高,为进一步提供临床数据支持,本论文研究如下。

2. 材料与方法

2.1. 临床资料


纳入标准:① 通过妇科检查发现的宫颈息肉;② 彩色多普勒超声提示宫颈息肉;③ 病理结果为金标准。④ 患者入院后均给予了严格规范的产科护理及对症治疗;排除标准:① 合并糖尿病、高血压、心脏病等严重并发症的患者。② 合并前置胎盘、胎盘植入、胎盘早剥、宫颈锥切术后、宫颈功能不全等其他导致先兆流产或先兆早产的患者。

2.2. 统计学处理

利用SPSS统计软件,对计数资料采用T检验,取P < 0.05有统计学意义。

3. 统计指标


4. 结果

① A、B两组患者年龄(31.67 ± 3.95)岁、(32.13 ± 3.99)岁差别无统计学意义。

② 妊娠合并宫颈黏膜息肉组(A组)的白细胞数、中性粒细胞比例、CRP均高于宫颈阴道部分息肉组(B组),差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),见表1

Table 1. Comparison of indicators of different types of cervical polyp infection

表1. 不同类型宫颈息肉感染指标比较

③ 宫颈黏膜息肉组(A组)摘除宫颈息肉者终止妊娠周数大于未摘除者,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),见表2

Table 2. Prognosis of different treatments in the cervical mucosa polyp group

表2. 宫颈黏膜息肉组不同处理预后

④ 宫颈阴道部息肉组(B组)摘除宫颈息肉者终止妊娠周数大于未摘除者,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),见表3

Table 3. Prognosis of cervico-vaginal polyp group after different treatment

表3. 宫颈阴道部息肉组不同处理预后

5. 讨论

慢性炎症的长期刺激可使宫颈管局部黏膜增生,子宫有排除异物的倾向,使增生的黏膜向宫颈外口突小而形成息肉,呈一个或多个,质软而脆,易出血,去除后可复发 [3]。宫颈息肉是慢性宫颈炎的一种,分为宫颈黏膜和宫颈阴道部分,育龄妇女的发病率为5.1% [4],宫颈息肉在妊娠时有三种变化 [5]:1) 宫颈息肉内的间质细胞可转化为蜕膜细胞。2) A-S现象,即腺体上皮细胞核大深染,甚至异形,呈跳跃式排列。3) 微腺型增生过长,息肉内充满增生或新生小腺体,腔内充满黏液。宫颈息肉应与子宫内膜形成的蜕膜息肉相区别,其是早期妊娠子宫峡部内膜蜕膜组织局部生长突出到颈管,这种息肉全部为蜕膜组织,无柱形上皮及宫颈腺体,形成原因为在妊娠早期血绒毛膜促性腺激素值增高到高峰,促使子宫蜕膜增生、水肿明显甚至脱垂至宫颈外口,脱垂的蜕膜与宫腔血运相连,也极易发生坏死感染 [6]。对确诊本病继续妊娠的患者应及时给予抗生素预防感染。脱垂的蜕膜可随妊娠进展及血绒毛膜促性腺激素值的下降而逐渐萎缩消失。


因此,应对宫颈黏膜息肉提高重视,资料显示,妊娠期对于宫颈息肉的管理并未达到共识。有学者建议对于无症状的宫颈息肉不建议早孕期处理,必要时阴道镜检查提高诊断率,如果妊娠期宫颈息肉的诊断已经明确了可以采取期待保守的方法,对于反复出血、有感染倾向且常规治疗无效者建议息肉摘除术 [7],本次统计分析亦发现宫颈黏膜息肉及时行宫颈息肉摘除术的患者终止妊娠周数明显提高,因此对于宫颈黏膜息肉建议早期抗感染处理,同时行宫颈分泌物培养,待分泌物培养正常后,可考虑行宫颈息肉摘除术,以改善母婴预后。



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