Overseas English Testing: Pedagogy and Research
Vol. 02  No. 01 ( 2020 ), Article ID: 34765 , 16 pages

Critical Thinking Skills for Students Taking Standard English Tests: A Comparative Study of KET 5 and TOEFL Primary Step 2

Xiaofei Li

China Management Center of ETS TOEFL Junior, Beijing

Received: Dec. 6th, 2019; accepted: Feb. 28th, 2020; published: Mar. 26th, 2020


Critical thinking skills are core competences of English discipline. Authentic English tests exert backwash effect before and after the test. This study represents the attempt to show the differences of action frequency (critical thinking skills usage) between two most popular international English tests in Mainland China, namely KET and TOEFL Primary (step2), which illustrate the different level settings of critical thinking abilities.

Keywords:Critical Thinking Skills, Level, Verbs

英语阅读考试中的批判思维对比研究 ——以TOEFL Primary 2级官方样题 与KET官方真题5为例


ETS TOEFL Junior中国管理中心,北京


摘 要

批判性思维能力是英语学科核心素养下思维品质的一个重要构成部分。英语测试通过考试形式对学生的批判思维能力学习训练起反拨作用。本文通过对比小学阶段最流行的两种国际英语测评,剑桥大学出版社的KET与美国ETS出版的TOEFL Primary当中的高级思维技巧动作种类与次数,来展现两种考试在批判思维能力方面对考生的不同要求。

关键词 :批判思维,等级,动作

Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).


1. 引言

基于新课标,我国英语教学中的目标由“双基”(基础知识,基础能力)走向“三维”(知识能力,过程方法,情感态度价值观),由“三维”走向“英语学科核心素养” [1]。英语学科核心素养包括语言能力、学习能力、文化意识和思维品质。因此,学生在选择国际标化英语考试时,除了会考虑该考试的全球认可度,对知识面拓宽,跨文化体验,尤其是批判思维等思维品质的关注也逐步提升。本文通过明确对比英国的KET以及美国的TOEFL Primary考试批判思维动作次数这一参数,为考生选择贴合自身需求的测试提供数据参考。

批判思维包括感性参与和理性参与,其中,理性参与的思维技巧被分为6个等级,等级从低到高分别是:一级记忆与回忆(2~3岁开始习得),二级理解(早起教育期间习得),三级应用(中学教育期间习得),四级分析(高中期间习得),五级评估(大学即更高教育阶段),6级创造 [2]。每一个级别的思维技巧对应多种动作,如排列(sequence),识别(identify)属于一级思维技巧回忆与记忆;简要总结(conclude),描述(describe),例证(illustrate)等属于二级思维技巧理解;应用(apply),说理(demonstrate),报告(report)属于三级思维技巧应用。分析(analyze),分类(classify),比较(compare),对比(contrast),推断(infer),概述(outline)等属于4级思维技巧分析;复杂的比较(compare),复杂的对比(contrast),反对(criticize),支持(support),复杂的总结(conclude)等属于五级思维技巧评估,创造(create),设计(design),属于六级思维技巧创造。

TOEFL Primary 2级和KET在批判思维方面,目前没有针对动作频率的对比。因此本文就两个测试批判思维等级上的差别进行研究。我们会比较,两个测试关于批判思维有哪些等级的动作,尤其是高级别动作的频率。

2. 研究问题与研究方法

2.1. 研究问题



2.2. 研究方法

(由于大陆地区参考KET和TOEFL Primary 2级的学生在年龄上的相近性,本研究忽略了词汇量,语法知识带来的误差,以同考点,同文体的不同设题,导致的高等级思维动作次数的统计为参数。并给出详解案例。)


2.3. 研究样本

TOEFL Primary STEP 2官方样题,剑桥通用五级考试KET官方真题。

3. 理论依据

3.1. 批判思维的起源和理论现状


之后,批判思维经过不同学者更新发展,到现在,最具有影响力的关于批判思维的理论,来自1950年Benjamin Bloom提出的Bloom’s Taxonomy——布鲁姆分类法。在这套分类法中,布鲁姆依据思维复杂程度,将思维技巧依次分为6个层次:知识常识,理解,应用,分析,合成,评估。这套分类法在2001年的《学习,教学和评估的分类法:布鲁姆的教育目标分类法修正本》中被Lorin Anderson,David Krothwohl,L. W. Anderson进一步解析阐明 [2]。

3.2. 批判思维定义

批判思维是一个复杂的思考流程。Stella Cottrell在2005年出版的Critical Thinking Skills中曾提出:批判思维是一个深思流程,在实施过程中要启动一系列技能,比如:识别他人立场,论证以及结论;为备选观点评估论据;公正评估对立论断及其证据;能够体会言外之意,通过字面意思看到错误或者不公平的前提;能够识别出令某一具体立场比其它立场更有力的技巧,如错误逻辑,以及其它说服方式;能够系统地对事物提出见解,找出其中的逻辑和观点;能判断某一论断是否有效,是否可证真伪,并给出有力论据和合乎情理的前提设置;用系统,清晰,有力的证据说服他人接受你的观点 [3]。而本文讨论的批判思维,既基于此定义和阐释,又由于KET真题第五册,和TOEFL Primary Step 2官方真题所针对群体的特殊性,在批判思维的复杂程度和思维等级上,低于此定义。作为针对K12阶段儿童的两项国际标化英语测评,本文作为样本的两册考题,所涉及的批判思维等级,最高达到布鲁姆定义的思维等级5级。具体情况请见本文第五部分的案例详解。

3.3. 批判性思维的特点

一般说来,批判性思维具有这样的特质:合理性、反思性、建设性。恩尼斯1987年提出了一系列跟批判思维相关的特质,比如:能够提出礼貌的质疑。通常,人们喜欢把批判思维和驳论相提并论,驳论(argument)本身就是观点,无论这套观点是以议论文,还是以演讲等文体给出的。而批判思维则是帮助我们思考一套观点的形成流程的工具,尤其是辅助我们明晰这套观点当中字面或隐藏的各类信息。比如,分析证据并得出结论 [4]。


其次,批判思维也需要情绪的参与。因而同样需要自我情绪管理的能力。在整个思维流程中,参与个人会涉及情绪反应甚至是非理性情绪——在面对对立的观点的时候,反对他人,或被他人反对,都会引发情绪反应:比如气愤,焦虑,沮丧等等。没人能对情绪免疫。因此在思考流程中管理自己的情绪同样是批判思维流程的一部分。举个最简单的例子,能够冷静的聆听并沉着而有逻辑的给出自己的观点,显然更让自己具有说服力。能够耐心地关注细节,回顾信息并识别其中的走向以及模式,回味并检测遗漏,隐含细节,用开放的心态换位思考,甚至给出同情,从不同角度看问题。能不带倾向,喜好,甚至信仰的给出最精确的理解。能够不贪婪的考虑到长远后果,放弃短期成果。能够依从且意识到自己是依从后果,而非情绪或冲动有所决定。因而,在TOEFL Primary Step 2官方样题中,对于小说的考查,涉及人物情绪体验,同属批判思维范畴。

3.4. 为什么批判性思维如此重要

2010年5月耶鲁大学校长莱文(Richard Charles Levin)在第四届中外大学校长论坛(南京)上指出,一些亚洲国家的大学和欧洲大学,学生在18岁的时候就选定专业,不再学习其他专业之外的课程。他认为,这种模式对于培养一些流水线上的工程师或者是中层的管理干部可能是有用的,但是如果培养领导力和创新人才就显得过时了。最后,在他点评中国留学生时说,“跨学科知识广度和批判性思维是中国学生缺乏的。”两年之后的2012年10月,杜克国际教育发布了《2012中国SAT年度报告》,该报告通过所采集的来自北京、上海、广东、河南等地近50所公立高中、国际学校的近3000份有效样本的数据,基于LHM-SAT模考分析系统,对所有样本加以分析,得到本次报告所发布的各项数据。该研究报告的一个惊人的结果是:参加美国高校入学考试的中国高中生中,只有不到7%的人成绩达到1800分“及格线”,而达到美国优质大学普遍要求的2000分以上成绩的更是只占2%。究其根源,国家基础教育课程教材专家委员会委员夏谷鸣分析了中、美两国的高考内容后指出,这是由于中国的教育缺乏对批判性思维的训练。因此,专注的洞察力,清晰的分析,理性的决策,都是学生们未来面对一个复杂问题时能够自信的提出解决方案的必备能力 [5]。

3.5. 批判性思维能力组成

3.5.1. 理性参与

1) 能够识别重要细节。

2) 能够识别细节,且总结细节之间的联系,如相似与不同;在场与不在场,或者排列顺序。

3) 能够识别模式,通过模式比较相同和不同,且预测可能的结果。

4) 能够对事物进行分类,并给出属性标签和内在分组逻辑。

5) 能够运用对某一类别属性的理解,去判断全新的现象或事物 [6]。

3.5.2. 感性参与

针对感性参与最重要的一点,就是体验文本情绪,并管理思维流程进行中的个人情绪。比如,能够通过人物行为,语言定义其情绪,亦或在驳论过程中,不是为了逆反而反驳,而是基于理由,事实,让有背景知识或毫不知情的听众都能够被说服。因此,批判思维流程中的情绪管理不仅仅存在于驳论这一事件发生的时候,它存在于需要做出决策的各个领域及其事件当中。属于运用批判思维做决策过程中的个人情绪管理 [7]。

4. 实验结果:批判思维动作频率对比

4.1. 考查单词的题目体现的思维能力差

4.1.1. 考查形容词的题目所体现的思维能力差异

在KET真题5当中,part 2专门设置了考查形容词动词的题型;在TOEFL Primary 2级的Reading Part 1当中,同样运用了填空选择的方式对动词形容词进行考查。然而,两项考试在同等级思维技巧动作次数,和处理材料的长度上这两个参数上存在量级差异,如下图1图2所示:

Figure 1. Action times of level 4 critical thinking skills except inferring

图1. 推断以外的四级技巧动作次数

Figure 2. Numerical length of the material dealed by Level 1 critical thinking skills

图2. 一级思维技巧处理材料长度

我们抽出clear,这个同时出现在KET和TOEFL Primary 2级中,且在两项考试中同题型、同考点设置的单词,来具体呈现一下等级差:

KET真题5P35 (7)

The water there is warm and beautifully________

(A) light (B) clear (C) nice

TOEFL Primary 2级官方样题 P4 (5)

This word describes some colors. People use this word to talk about the light from the sun. This word can also describe a smart person.

(A) clear (B) bright (C) clever

首先,同为选择题的设置,都需要学生根据原文题干进行infer,针对选项进行recalling回忆and contrast对比。然而细分证据细节数额和推测以外的四级动作数额两个颗粒度,就会发现量级不同。在recalling and remembering环节,KET针对多义词的考查,并无针对词意交集的infer推测动作。即,KET当中的思考流程是证据数额1,思维流程remembering and recalling 1 details,接下来contrast对比一次ABC三个选项。而在TOEFL Primary 2的官方样题中,证据数量3,思维流程是证据数额3,remembering and recalling 3 details, infer的过程经历contrast-compare-contrast,即根据detail1,排除C,根据detail 2比较A和B的相同意义,根据detail 3 contrast A和B的不同意义。

4.1.2. 考查名词的题目体现的量级差异

在KET真题5当中,part 6专门设置了考查名词的填空题;在TOEFL Primary 2级的Reading Part 1当中,运用了选择题的方式对名词进行考查。两项考试针对同考点的不同题型设置差异,决定了所需要运用的同等级思维技巧动作以及次数的差异,处理材料的长度上量级差异,如下图3所示:

Figure 3. Numerical length of the materials (level 1 critical thinking skills)

图3. 一级思维技巧处理材料长度

我们抽出college和school这一组带有包含关系的同义词来看具体的事例对比,这两个单词同时出现在KET和TOEFL Primary 2级中,且在两项考试中不同题型,但同考点设置,来具体呈现一下等级差:

KET真题5P62 (36)

People can study different things here. c______

TOEFLPrimary2级官方样题 P3 (1)

Students go to class here. Teachers work here. It has many desks.

What is it?

(A) A house

(B) A school

(C) A bank

或者 P(4) 4

There are many things to drink in your kitchen. For example, you can drink some juice. Or, you can drink some water instead.

You have a______.

(A) friend

(B) choice

(C) gift

通过对比可知,KET真题5要求学生通过事实细节,首字母,单词长度这三项线索进行推测infer,思维等级4,但涉及的同等级动作只有infer,非常单一。而TOEFL Primary 2级官方真题要求学生同等级思维技巧,4级Analyzing的同时,涉及的动作种类有compare,contrast,infer三种。因而虽同为名词词义考查,但思维技巧强度设置差异一目了然。

4.2. 考查语法的题目体现的差异

在TOEFL Primary 2级的考试当中,并无针对介词,连词、冠词,副词以及动词变位形式等等针对语法的考查设置。在TOEFL Junior考试当中才出现了专门的语言形式与意义部分。而KET当中Part 5,Part 7是设置了语法考点的。

4.3. 考查非小说类文体的题目体现的能力量级设置差

在KET当中,Part4设置了一个200字的记叙文,依据这200字的信息,设置了7道选择题,题干均为需要根据原文进行推断的命题,选项为right,wrong,doesn’ tsay,即动作种类被规定为support,criticize,evaluate (即样本和命题前提不匹配,无法判断),思维层级5,evaluating。即,200字7次不同种类的5级思维动作。


在TOEFL Primary 2级的题目当中,与KET类似的地方是阅读材料同样选择了邮件和通知公告这两种特殊文体设题,邮件内容均为叙事。与KET不同的人是,TOEFL Primary 2级选择对两种文体分别命题,即,不同文体之间不存在infer动作。且将需要evaluate的命题置于选项的位置,题干均采用,what why这一类型的提问,即,学生需要在读完题干之后,首先去原文当中找到support的证据,给出conclusion,选出答案,再在有可能的情况下,判断另外两个选项是criticize还是doesn’t say。动作次数除了经历必有的infer,support以及conclusion,还有可能达到额外的两次criticize以及doesn’t say。也就是每道题的5级动作在2~4次之间。因此每篇邮件文章100字,2道题,动作共4~8次,一共3篇邮件阅读,总和300字/12~24次。通知公告类文章一篇,题目4道每道题2~4次之间,总和80字/8~16次。此外还有3篇100~150字的议论文,这是KET没有涉及的。即100~150字2次5级思维动作,动作种类support和conclude,思维等级5。总和300~450字6次。

最后,TOEFL Primary 2级还设置了一种特殊文体:科学实验说明,这也是KET没有涉及的,195~212字/篇。每篇3道选择题,同样是题干设为话题类提问,每个选项需要学生做出support,或者support,criticize的动作。即,每道题1~3次5级动作,每篇文章3道题,3~9次,两篇文章约400字,6~18次动作。

4.4. 考查小说类文体的题目体现的能力量级设置差

在KET当中,Part 3设置了补全对话5道和补全长对话两种题型。即,补全对话用选择题的方式让学生完成5次contrast动作。在补全长对话的5道题目中,让学生根据空格前后两句话在8个选项中进行infer,compare and contrast。而在TOEFL Primary 2级的题目当中,有2篇100~150字的小说,即100~150字2次5级思维动作,动作种类support和conclude,思维等级5。

5. 案例详解

5.1. TOEFL Primary 2级阅读官方样题中的批判思维考查

首先,按照布鲁姆的思维等级划分,记忆回溯(remember and recall)是最低级别的思维技巧(skill set)。意思是从记忆中检索重复信息或某概念的能力,也是人类幼儿从蹒跚学步起,接触数字,字母,颜色等等信息以后,最先开始调用的能力。这一技能当中的具体动作包括:数数,涂鸦,简单描述,识别,打标签,罗列,匹配,引用,回忆,背诵,搜寻,选择,列队,简单讲述等。

比记忆回溯(remembering and recalling)高一个等级的思维能力称为理解(understanding),在早期教育阶段涉及最多,要求学生能够做到解读,推断,建构意义,解释多种来源的信息。阅读是最常见的理解技能运用流程。这一技能当中的具体动作包括:总结,识别,例证,解释,预测,重评,回顾,报告,意译。


下面我们以TOEFL Primary官方样题为例,具体分析一下各个题目对应的思维能力等级以及具体动作分类:

5.1.1. 题型一:议论文阅读 P20 (32, 33)

Hot air balloons are special balloons that are very large and can fly in the sky. Hot air balloons can even carry people! People can stand in big baskets attached to the bottom of the balloon and fly up in the air. The balloon floats up into the air because of hot air. When air is heated, it becomes lighter and it rises on top of the colder air. That’s why there is a small flame at the bottom of the balloon. This small fire heats the air inside the balloon. The hot, light air inside the balloon causes it to go up into the air.

1. Why does hot air rise?

(A) Because it is light

(B) Because it is clean

(C) Because it is small

2. What is the reading about?

(A) When to travel in a hot air balloon

(B) Who rides hot air balloons

(C) How hot air balloons fly




Animals protect themselves from danger in many different ways. Some animals changes colors so other animals cannot see them. The white-faced owl is a bird that has an interesting way to scare away other animals. White-faced owls changes their shape when they meet dangerous animals. For example, if the owl sees another animal that is the same size, the owl will puff its feathers and wings so that it looks really big. But if this owl sees a large bird, it will make itself look very thin, as if it is sick. These owls pretend to be sick and thin so that larger birds will not want to eat them.

1. What is the reading about?

(A) How an animal protects itself

(B) How an animal changes color

(C) How animals talk to one another

2. When does a white-faced owl look sick and thin?

(A) When it sees a bird of the same size

(B) When it sees a smaller bird

(C) When it sees a larger bird



5.1.2. 题型二:手工流程

How to Make a Puppet

If you have one sock but not the other, what can you do? Have some fun and make a puppet! A puppet is a toy you put on your hand. Learn how to make on with a sock.

Things you need:

• One sock

• Glue

• A pair of scissors

• 2 buttons

• Colored paper


1) Put your hand inside the socks. Practice opening and closing the sock with your hand so it looks like a mouth talking.

2) Now that you know where the puppet’s mouth is, you need to decide where you want to put the eyes. Take your hand out of the puppet and glue two buttons where you want the eyes to be.

3) With scissors, cut the colors paper into long pieces. This is the puppet’s hair.

4) Take one of the long pieces of colored paper and put some glue on one end. Glue it above the puppet’s eyes. Do this for each piece of paper. Now your puppet has hair.

Your puppet is done. Now you can play with your puppet and pretend that it can talk. You can even put on a show for your family and friends!

1. What do you need for the first step?

(A) Sock

(B) Two buttons

(C) Colored paper

2. What are the buttons used for?

(A) The puppet’s eyes

(B) The puppet’s hair

(C) The puppet’s clothes

3. What is the last step before your puppet is done?

(A) Gluing buttons on the sock

(B) Gluing colored paper to the sock

(C) Cutting colored paper into pieces

题目1:要求学生找出第一步所需的材料,具体动作属于sequence,列步骤,思维等级属于一级 remembering and recalling记忆回溯。

题目2:要求学生找出纽扣的用法,需要学生阅读directions当中的第二个步骤如何做一个木偶的脸之后,的出结论,纽扣是当眼睛用的,因而动作定义为Identify,属于一级remembering and recalling

题目3:考查木偶完成之前的最后一步。要求学生首先能够remembering and recalling 到最后一个自然段的定位点“Your puppet is done.” 之后阅读step 4,在木偶完成之前的最后一步是粘头发,动作recall,思维层级1级,remembering and recalling.

5.1.3. 题型三:小说

Read a story about Amy and Betsy. Answer questions 1-4.

“I want to go camping like you and Dad did a few weeks ago,” Betsy said to her older sister Amy. “I will like it.”

“I am not so sure, Betsy,” Amy explained. “You need to be older, and you have to be brave in the forest. I think that the wild animals will scare you.”

This made Betsy angry. If her sister could do it, she could, too! She wanted to show Amy that she was brave.

“Amy, we can ask mom if we can camp out tonight in the yard behind our house. I can show you that I can stay out there the whole night and not be scared.”

“That is a good idea, Betsy. And when you get scared, I will be there to take care of you!”

Amy said, Betsy wanted to show that Amy was wrong.

That night, Betsy and Amy were in a tent behind their house. They used two small flashlights to read books to each other. Amy tried to scare her sister, but Betsy was not scared.

Suddenly, Betsy saw a dark shadow covering the side of the tent. She smiled because she knew that the shadow belonged to their cat, Max. Betsy turned to Amy, and Amy’s eyes were wide open. Amy shouted, “Wild animals!” Max burst into their tent, happy to see the children.

Betsy was happy, too. She showed that she was not afraid to go camping.

1. What is the story about?

(A) Taking care of a pet

(B) Learning how to play a new game

(C) Camping behind a house

2. Where did Amy go with her dad?

(A) To the forest

(B) To the park

(C) To the school

3. Why did Amy and Betsy use flashlights?

(A)To make shadows

(B) To read books

(C) To find their pet

4. Why did Betsy smile at the end of the story?

(A) Because she saw her father

(B) Because she knew the cat was outside the tent

(C) Because she saw a wild animal


题目2:考查小说当中的一个小细节,即,Amy跟爸爸去哪里露营了,需要学生找到第二自然段人物对话中的in the forest,并在选项当中重复。所以动作定义为find,思维等级属于remembering and recalling。

题目3:第三题考查小说当中的一个情节,即,小姐妹一起用手电筒读书,需要学生首先定位flashlight出现的位置,即动作find,然后读情节,read the books,最后选出选项to read books,动作recall,跟find同属remembering and recalling。

题目4:本题考查Betsy微笑的原因,需要学生首先阅读整个情节,找到smile出现的位置,有标志词because,即首先find,思维等级属于remembering and recalling,接着得知她微笑的原因是知道影子属于宠物猫,动作属于explain,思维等级属于understanding。

5.1.4. 题型四:图表公告类阅读


1. Evan likes to learn about famous people from the past. He goes to the

(A) 1st floor

(B) 4th floor

(C) 5th floor


解析Explanation:根据题干中的“the past”可知,Evan想读的书籍跟历史相关,通知当中,历史书后面的波折号表示,书位于第四层。故而答案选B。

2. Carol has a library card and wants to check out a book. She goes to the

(A) ground floor

(B) 1st floor

(C) 2nd floor


解析Explanation:根据题干中的card可知,Carol要用卡check out books,因而舍弃(A) ground floor, 选择(B) 1st floor。

3. Ana plans to visit a country far away. She needs a book from the

(A) 2nd floor

(B) 3rd floor

(C) 5th floor


解析Explanation:根据题干中的visit a country可知,Ana需要出游,因而需要旅游书,去(A) 2nd floor找。

4. Gary wants to read about frogs. He goes to the

(A) 1st floor

(B) 2nd floor

(C) 3rd floor


解析Explanation:根据题干可知,Gary想读青蛙方面的知识,属于生物学science,因而要去(C) 3层找。

第一题:要求学生能够把famous people from the past summarize成history历史,故而思维等级是2: Understanding。

第二题:要求学生能够回原文去找到checkout,并重复ground floor这个单词。动作归属find and recall,均属于remembering and recalling。

第三题:要求学生能够理解visit a country faraway是travel的一种,属于illustrate,同属understanding。



1. What does Asher do on Wednesday?

(A) Empty the trash

(B) Wash the dishes

(C) Clean his bedroom



2. When does Veronika clean her bedroom?

(A) Monday

(B) Wednesday

(C) Friday


解析Explanation:根据题干,首先找到clean bedroom收拾卧室,再找到Veronika,对应的是周三,故而选B作为正确答案。

3. Who empties the trash on Friday?

(A) Asher

(B) Veronika

(C) Byron


解析Explanation:根据题干,首先找到empty the trash倒垃圾,再找到Friday周五,对应的是Byron,故而选C作为正确答案。

4. When does Asher wash the dishes?

(A) Monday

(B) Wednesday

(C) Friday


解析Explanation:根据题干,首先找到wash the dishes刷盘子,再找到Asher,对应的是Monday,故而选A作为正确答案。

本题设置均为,读图表,动作列表chart思维等级3:applying;接下来找信息并重述动作find and recall,思维等级1:remembering and recalling。

5.1.5. 题型五:读句子选词

例1:Seasons do this. Leaves do this. People do this when they put on different clothes.


(A) end

(B) change

(C) fall

本题要求学生通过三个现象推测总结共同属性,动作属于compare and summarize。4级 analyzing和2级understanding同时发生。

例2:You borrowed a book from the library. You think it is on your table. You want to read it, but it is not there.

The book is______.

(A) owned

(B) bought

(C) lost

本题目要求学生基于题干给出的借书、预测在桌上,结果发现不在这三个现象,推测一个可能合理的结果,即,(C) lost,书丢了。动作为推测infer,思维等级4:analyzing。

例3:There are many things to drink in your kitchen. For example, you can drink some juice. Or, you can drink some water instead.

You have a______.

(A) friend

(B) choice

(C) gift

本题要求学生匹配情景与相应定义,同样时果汁和水,被人赠送的时候叫做gift,在厨房里自取的时候叫choice,动作compare and identify,思维等级同时启用1级remembering and recalling,以及4级 analyzing。

例4:You are waiting in line at the water fountain. Your friend is in front of you. She tells you to drink first.

She tells you to____.

(A) go ahead

(B) calm down

(C) pick out


例5:This word describe some colors. People use this work to talk about the light from the sun. This word can also describe a smart person.

(A) clear

(B) bright

(C) clever

本题考查多义词。要求一个单词,能够同时具有描绘颜色,描绘光线,描绘人的功能。所以需要学生去比较compare三个单词,排除clever这个单功能词,再contrast对比clear和bright的不同,clear不可以描述人,所以选bright, 思维等级4:analyzing分析

例6:You have four piece of candy. You want to share the candy with three friends. You give on piece of candy to each friend. Now everyone has the same amount of candy.

You are being______.

(A) proud

(B) fair

(C) difficult

本题考查用两个事件进行推测,首先你有4块糖,分给3个朋友,每人一个。然而这并不足以让人定性这种行为的动机是为了fair公平,还是proud——为了炫耀自己糖多才分享的,还是第四块糖不知道怎么分difficult,才给了每人一个。因而需要加上另外一条证据作为辅助,everyone has the same amount,人人糖量一样才是目的。于是此时可以选择(B) fair公平。作为正确答案。动作compare and contrast, summarize。思维等级4:analyzing和思维等级2:understanding同时发生。

5.2. KET阅读中的批判思维考查

5.2.1. 题型一:Matching匹配

1. Young people and their parents may choose different meals.

2. You can eat here in the evenings。

3. The waitress will show you where to sit。

4. You can stay the night here.

5. You should not usually use this door to go outside.


B. Bed and Breakfast Only £24.95.

C. This way to the restaurant garden.

E. Dinner is served in the restaurant.

F. There is a special children’s menu-please ask your waitress.

F. Galaxy Restaurant We have high chairs for young children.

G. RIVERSIDE RESTAURANT: Please ask us to find you a table.

H. Antec Computers: All staff must use light entrance 8 p.m.~6 a.m.

在做匹配是,学生首先需要阅读两列短文字信息,且尽力记住,在匹配的过程当中,首先用到的就是recall这个思维等级1:remembering and recalling的动作。

题目1:young people and their parents may choose different meals. 对应There is a special children’s menu-please ask your waitress,首先,要通过young people和children进行paraphrase来定位,different meal对应special menu。思维等级2:understanding。过程当中还要排除B、C、D、F、G这几个也关于饭馆的选项,同时排除F这个即关于饭馆,又提及young children,期间用到了compare and contrast,思维等级4:Analyzing分析。

题目2:You can eat here in the evenings 对应Dinner is served in the restaurant。同样用到compare and contrast,思维等级4:Analyzing分析。Paraphrase,思维等级2:understanding。


5.2.2. 题型二:Part 2填空

例1:On Saturdays, a lot of people visit the library where Elena works and it is always______.

A. busy B. heavy C. strong

填空通常考查动词和形容词。形式如上,需要学生首先阅读题干,接着通过总结a lot of people visit the library 总结出busy,动作conclude,思维等级2:understanding。

例2: “The job is______because I meet a lot of different people.” Elena says.

(A) friendly (B) interesting (C) favourite

原文题干给出because,可依此infer,Elena给这个工作下的褒义的形容的一句是见到很多不一样的人,接着contrast A、B、C三个选项,(A)友好和(C)最佳选择不匹配,因而选interesting。思维等级4:Analyzing

例3:Elena has to put all the books back on the_____shelf.

(A) good (B) possible (C) right

本题题干中给出has to,引导学生思考,一个图书管理员必须,不得不做的是把书放回哪种架子上,此处已动用recalling,要求学生首先唤起常识。之后再compare and contrast,(A)好的,(B)可能的都不符合不得不,或者说“图书馆存书规矩”这一常识,故而选right对的。思维等级4:analyzing。

例4:Sometimes people______to return their books on time.

A. think B. forget C. mind

本题的核心落点在于sometimes,由此副词,首先限定人们选择的动词的频率,且此动作是关于on time准时的。(A) think,(C) mind从语法上来说都可以放回空里,但是关于还书准时这件事情,think to是常识,频率过高,mind to需要特殊情景,是小概率事件,能够达到sometimes频率的事件,只有forget。需要考生做到compare and contrast,思维等级4。

6. 小结

从数据对比和具体案例分析当中可以看出,KET真题集第五册和TOEFL Primary STEP 2官方样题,所涉及的思维技巧,在等级高低上差别不大,最高都达到五级批判思维动作。但是,在承载文本长度,文体种类,以及批判思维动作密集强度上,TOEFL Primary Step 2官方样题显然更胜一筹。对学生思维的逻辑性、严密性乃至脑容量都要求更高。因此,学生在选择尝试哪种国际测评的时候,在样题的选择上,本文可为学生以及指导学生参与测评的机构,都提供一定的参考。


李晓霏. 英语阅读考试中的批判思维对比研究——以TOEFL Primary 2级官方样题与KET官方真题5为例
Critical Thinking Skills for Students Taking Standard English Tests: A Comparative Study of KET 5 and TOEFL Primary Step 2[J]. 国外英语考试教学与研究, 2020, 02(01): 36-51. https://doi.org/10.12677/OETPR.2020.21005


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