Advances in Clinical Medicine
Vol.07 No.03(2017), Article ID:21657,4 pages

Analysis by Pelvic Ultrasonography on the Impact of Pregnant and Vaginal Delivery on the Pelvic Floor Function

Bin Yang1, Hui Zhang1, Chunmei Zhou2, Shuping Zhao1 Rongquan Yang3*

1Department of Ultrasonography, Baoji Maternity and Child Care Hospital, Baoji Shaanxi

2Department of Postpartum Rehabilitation, Baoji Maternity and Child Care Hospital, Baoji Shaanxi 3Department of Special Clinic, Third Hospital of PLA, Baoji Shaanxi

Received: Jul. 10th, 2017; accepted: Aug. 2nd, 2017; published: Aug. 10th, 2017


Objective: To explore the diagnostic value of pelvic floor ultrasound in female pelvic floor dysfunction through pelvic floor ultrasonography with the pregnant women, vaginal delivery women and normal non pregnant women. To analyze the effect of different time on female pelvic floor function during pregnancy. Methods: 20 women with Vaginal Delivery in the our hospital, 20 pregnancy women with 24 weeks, 20 pregnancy women with 37 weeks and 20 normal non pregnant women were enrolled in this study from July 2015 to July 2016. They were at the age of 20 to 35 and averaged (29.31 ± 2.93). Inspectors will be divided into four groups. Group A: pregnancy women with 24 weeks; Group B: pregnancy women with 37 weeks; Group C: pregnancy women; Group D: non pregnant women. Then they accepted the perineal pelvic ultrasonography. Perineum ultrasound was examined at both resting position and valsalva position and the following data were measured: bladder neck down distance (BND), the cervix down distance (CD), the rectal ampulla down distance (RAD) between resting position and valsalva position. The measurement results were recorded with graph. Data were analyzed by using SPSS18.0 statistical software. Results: The incidence of stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in the Groups A, B and C is higher than the other. The p < 0.05 difference has statistics significance; The Group B and Group C has no obvious difference was found between the measured values. The p > 0.05 difference has no statistics significance. Conclusion: Pregnancy and vaginal delivery has influence on the pelvic floor function. The incidence of female pelvic floor functional disorder is significantly higher than non pregnant women.

Keywords:Pregnancy, Vaginal Delivery, Pelvic Ultrasound, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

经会阴盆底超声评估妊娠及阴道分娩对 盆底功能的影响


1宝鸡市妇幼保健院超声诊断科,陕西 宝鸡

2宝鸡市妇幼保健院产后康复科,陕西 宝鸡

3解放军第三医院特诊科,陕西 宝鸡


摘 要

目的:通过对孕妇、经阴道分娩女性以及正常未生育女性的盆底超声检查,探讨经会阴部盆底超声检查对女性盆底功能障碍性疾病的诊断价值,分析不同时段孕期对女性盆底功能的影响。方法:研究对象为2015年7月~2016年7月在我院进行产检的24周、37周孕妇及在我院经阴道分娩产妇共60例,年龄20~40岁,平均(29.31 ± 2.93)岁。将检查者分为三组,A组:孕中期孕妇(孕24周);B组:孕足月孕妇(孕37周);C组:足月经阴道分娩产妇(产后14天);D组:未生育妇女(空白对照),分别对其进行经会阴盆底超声检查,选择从静息至Valsalva状态下测量产妇的膀胱颈移动度、宫颈外口移动度、直肠移动度、肛提肌裂孔面积。将测量结果记录并存图,运用SPSS18.0统计学软件进行数据分析。结果:孕中期组、孕足月组及产后组压力性尿失禁及盆底器官脱垂情况发生率均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);孕晚期组、产后组各组测值比孕中期均明显增大,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);孕晚期组与产后组各测值无明显差异,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。结论:孕期及经阴道分娩过程对妇女的盆底功能均有影响,其女性盆底功能障碍性疾病发生率明显高于未生育妇女。

关键词 :妊娠,阴道分娩,盆底超声,盆底功能障碍

Copyright © 2017 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

1. 引言

女性盆底功能障碍性疾病(female pelvic floor dysfunction, FPFD) [1] [2] 的诊断和治疗已成为近些年社会关注热点,FPFD主要表现在盆腔器官脱垂 [3] (pelvic organ prolapsed, POP)和压力性尿失禁(stress urinary incontinence, SUI) [4] [5] 两方面。然而引起FPFD最主要原因就是妊娠和分娩,本研究通过经会阴盆底超声评估妊娠及正常分娩对女性盆底功能的影响,从而探讨FPFD的发病因素。

2. 资料与方法

2.1. 一般资料

选取2015年7月~2016年7月在我院进行产检的24周、37周孕妇及在我院经阴道分娩产妇 [6] [7] 各20例为研究对象,年龄20~40岁,平均(29.31 ± 2.93)岁。(均符合以下标准:初产妇,单胎,通过超声证实符合孕周,无不良产史。并且排除早产、羊水量异常、前置胎盘、妊娠期糖尿病、妊娠高血压、胎儿宫内生长受限等并发症。 [8] 将检查者分为三组,A组:孕中期孕妇(孕24周);B组:孕足月孕妇(孕37周);C组:足月经阴道分娩产妇 [9] (产后14天);D组:未生育妇女(空白对照)。

2.2. 研究方法

对所有患者进行经会阴盆底超声检查(检查前产妇应排尽小便,患者取膀胱截石位。进行检查时先将探头消毒后外覆一次性保护膜,将探头放在尿道外口正下方,在产妇阴道前庭部位行盆底超声盆底)。盆底超声检查采用美国GE公司的voluson E8超声诊断仪,探头经腹内D4-8 MHz诊断患者,选择在安静状态下和Valsalva动作下测量产妇的膀胱颈移动度 [10] (bladder neck down distance BND)、宫颈外口移动度(the cervix down distance CD)、直肠移动度(the rectal ampulla down distance RAD)。将测量结果记录并存图,运用SPSS18.0统计学软件进行数据分析。

2.3. 统计学方法

采用SPSS 13.0软件对数据进行分析。计量资料以均数 ± 标准差表示,不同组间比较采用方差分析,各因素对盆底功能的影响采用Logistic 回归分析。P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

3. 结果

孕中期组、孕足月组及足月产后组妇女各测量值与未生育妇女组比较(表1),膀胱颈移动度、宫颈外口移动度、直肠移动度、肛提肌裂孔面积均明显增大,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。孕中期与孕足月组比较,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),说明怀孕整个过程对妇女盆底功能有影响。产后组与孕足月组比较,各测值之间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),说明生产过程会加重妇女盆底功能的损伤。

4. 讨论

孕期压力性尿失禁是孕期多种因素影响的结果,其发病与劳动强度、既往阴道分娩次数、孕前体重指数及本次胎儿体重等因素相关 [11] [12] 。正常经阴道分娩产妇在分娩过程中通过子宫收缩和腹压增的作用力会对盆底“3个水平”支持结构,若产后复旧不良或产后康复不利者,会使盆底韧带松弛,严重者肌肉损伤,以至于出现产后尿失禁,更甚者会发生器官脱垂等病症,然而本研究的创新性在于在单纯经阴道分娩产妇盆底功能检测的基础上增加孕期对照组:孕24周孕妇组及孕37周孕妇组,通过一系

Table 1. Each group of transperineal ultrasound examination results (± s)

表1. 各组患者经会阴超声检查结果(± s)

*P < 0.05.

列研究发现,整个孕期产妇的盆底功能都有所变化,且随孕周增加,功能损伤越严重。以此说明妊娠过程和分娩过程同样会对产妇盆底功能有所损伤会,导致日后压力性尿失禁以及盆腔器官脱垂等病症,这将严重影响女性在社会中的正常交往,导致生活质量下降 [13] 。

妊娠期妇女的子宫随着妊娠的进展而逐步增大,对于盆底功能的损伤也相应增加,导致盆底功能障碍性疾病的发生率也会增大。不同的分娩方式同样会对盆底结构和功能产生影响。阴道分娩的方式会导致产道牵拉、盆底纤维损伤以及会阴撕裂伤等 [14] 。本次研究中就是通过临床病例的分析,证实妊娠及经阴道分娩对盆底功能均有影响,各测量指标与正常对照组均存在较大差异。



杨 彬,张 卉,周春梅,赵书平,杨荣泉. 经会阴盆底超声评估妊娠及阴道分娩对盆底功能的影响
Analysis by Pelvic Ultrasonography on the Impact of Pregnant and Vaginal Delivery on the Pelvic Floor Function[J]. 临床医学进展, 2017, 07(03): 167-170.

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  15. NOTES

