Medical Diagnosis
), Article ID:
1广州市花都区人民医院皮肤科,南方医科大学附属花都医院皮肤科,广东 广州
2广州市中西医结合医院皮肤科,广东 广州

目的:探讨对于特殊情况下(如有药物过敏史,尤其或可能麻醉药过敏等)如何进行皮肤活检。方法:采用“活剪钳法”进行皮肤活检。结果:采用活检钳法取得了显著效果,明显不同于传统方法,不良反应少。它的优点或适应症有:1) 有药物过敏(尤其或可能麻醉药过敏)史的患者;2) 特殊部位:如:肛门口新生物,足趾间或手指间,糜烂处,等;3) 病重患者,高龄患者,行动不便患者(如:瘫痪在床,在轮椅上);4) 不用局部麻醉及缝合。它的缺点有:1) “浅”:有时达不到皮下层,血管肌肉层更不可能;2) 皮肤太厚太硬处不宜用此法:如:足底,头皮。结论:活检钳法对特殊情况下皮肤活检具有重要意义,操作简单,无风险,值得进一步研究和推广。

A Method of Skin Biopsy under Special Circumstances
Jianguo Huang1*, Chaodi Huang2, Qiying Gong1, Guiming Li3
1Department of Dermatology, Huadu District People’s Hospital of Guangzhou City, The Affiliated Huadu Hospital of Southern Medical University, Guangzhou Guangdong
2Department of Dermatology, Guangzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, Guangzhou Guangdong
3Department of Dermatology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing
Received: Jan. 12th, 2022; accepted: Mar. 16th, 2022; published: Mar. 23rd, 2022

Objective: To explore how to carry out skin biopsy under special circumstances (such as drug allergy history, especially or possibly anesthetic allergy). Methods: Skin biopsies were performed by “biopsy forceps method”. Results: The method of biopsy forceps has achieved remarkable effect, which is different from the traditional method, with less adverse reactions. Its advantages or indications are: 1) patients with a history of drug allergy (especially or may be allergic to anesthetics); 2) special parts: such as new organisms in the anal area, between toes or fingers, erosions, etc.; 3) patients with serious disease, elderly patients, and patients with mobility difficulties (such as paralysis in bed, in wheelchair); 4) no local anesthesia and suture. Its disadvantages are: 1) “shallow”: sometimes it can’t reach the lower skin layer, and it’s impossible to reach the musculovascular layer; 2) it’s not suitable to use this method when the skin is too thick and hard: for example, the sole of the foot and the scalp. Conclusion: The biopsy forceps method is of great significance for skin biopsy under special circumstances. It is simple and risk-free and worth further study and promotion.
Keywords:Skin Biopsy, Biopsy Forceps
Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
1. 前言
皮肤活检术是皮肤科临床诊断、鉴别诊断常用方法,病理诊断常称为“金标准” [1]。皮肤活检术最常用的方式是手术切取缝合法,术前必须注射麻醉药 [2]。但对于有药物过敏(尤其或可能麻醉药过敏)史,特殊部位,特殊患者不适合做手术切取缝合法的,怎么办呢?我们自2007年至今采用“活剪钳法”解决这一难题,取得了较好的效果。现报道如下。
2. 资料与方法
2.1. 一般资料
该病例选自我科病房患者。男,45岁。因全身泛发紧张性大疱,伴疼痛,瘙痒4月,于2020年2月19日步行入院。4月前,无明显诱因出现全身泛发水疱,大疱,伴明显疼痛,瘙痒,水疱破后形成淡黄色,油腻样,厚痂,手抓外观正常皮肤处也可出现水疱,疱液呈黄色或清亮,疱破后呈糜烂面,有渗液。大疱大小约1~15 cm不等。同时出现口腔粘膜糜烂,溃疡,灼痛,影响进食。患者曾多次治疗,疗效不明显(药名不详)。患者无心衰﹑肝功能不全﹑肾功能不全﹑青光眼﹑前列腺肥大﹑糖尿病﹑胃溃疡病史。药物过敏史不详。体查:全身泛发水疱,大疱,水疱破后形成淡黄色,油腻样,厚痂,手抓外观正常皮肤处也可出现水疱,尼氏征阳性。疱液呈黄色或清亮,疱破后呈糜烂面,有渗液。大疱大小约1~15 cm不等(图1~3)。口腔粘膜糜烂,溃疡。肛门生殖器无糜烂,无溃疡。门诊以“天疱疮(寻常型)”收入院。向患者解释清楚活检的目的,意义,注意事项,可能的副作用,征得患者的同意,并签署《知情同意书》。
2.2. 取材方法
材料准备:活检消毒包(内含活检剪一把,无菌孔巾一块,无菌纱布2块) (标注:有效期内),84消毒液,胶布,病理标本袋(内含10%甲醛溶液)。
Figure 1. Vesicle, Bullae
图1. 水疱,大疱
Figure 2. Blisters, bullae, blisters are erosive after breaking, with exudation. Nikolski’s phenomenon was positive
图2. 水疱,大疱,疱破后呈糜烂面,有渗液。尼氏现象阳性
Figure 3. Blisters, bullae, blisters break and form yellowish, greasy and thick scabs. Nikolsky sign was positive
图3. 水疱,大疱,水疱破后形成淡黄色,油腻样,厚痂。尼氏征阳性
A. 正确选取活检最佳部位(皮损完整,典型,新鲜处)。
B. 84消毒液消毒三次,直径范围15 cm。
C. 铺无菌孔巾。
D. 右手持活检剪(图4),左手提捏起活检皮肤,将活检剪嘴夹住“活检最佳部位”,右手用力“卡嚓一下”(图5),皮损即取下,立即放入病理标本袋。
E. 立即无菌纱布2块压住止血,帖上2条胶布。
Figure 4. Right hand hold biopsy scissors
图4. 右手持活检剪
Figure 5. Pick up the biopsy lesion with your left hand. Bite the mouth of the biopsy scissors to “the best part of the biopsy” and “cut” with your right hand
图5. 左手提捏起活检皮损处。将活检剪的嘴咬住“活检最佳部位”,右手用力“切取”
Figure 6. The spinous cell layer in the epidermis was obviously loosened (HE × 100)
图6. 表皮内棘细胞层松解明显(HE × 100)
Figure 7. There are fissures or blisters in the epidermis. There are acantholysis cells in the blister cavity, which are larger than normal spinous cells (HE × 100)
图7. 表皮内裂隙或水疱,疱腔内有棘层松解细胞,它较正常棘细胞大(HE × 100)
3. 结果
从(图6,图7)可以看出,表皮内棘细胞层松解明显,表皮内裂隙或水疱,疱腔内有棘层松解细胞,它较正常棘细胞大,圆形,胞质均匀一致,核大而深染,核周有浅蓝色晕。病理诊断 [1] [2]:天疱疮(寻常型)。
4. 讨论
我们自2007年至今采用本活检钳法取得了显著效果,明显不同于传统方法 [3] [4],不良反应更少 [5] [6]。本研究发现它的优点,适应症有:1) 有药物过敏(尤其或可能麻醉药过敏)史的患者;2) 特殊部位:如:肛门口新生物,足趾间或手指间,糜烂处,等;3) 病重患者,高龄患者,行动不便患者(如:瘫痪在床,在轮椅上);4) 不用局部麻醉;5) 不用缝合。
本研究发现它的缺点有:1) “浅”:有时达不到皮下层,血管肌肉层更不可能;2) 皮肤太厚太硬处不宜用此法:如:足底,头皮。
由此可见活检钳法对特殊情况下皮肤活检具有重要意义,为临床诊断及治疗提供了科学依据 [7] - [13],值得进一步研究和推广。
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