Mechanical Engineering and Technology
Vol.05 No.02(2016), Article ID:17731,7 pages

The Visual Design of the Double Knife Bank of the Compound Boring and Milling Center

Jiang Liu*, Jianye Sun

Shenyang Li gong University, Shenyang Liaoning

Received: May 6th, 2016; accepted: May 28th, 2016; published: May 31st, 2016

Copyright © 2016 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


Composite boring milling machining center which has complete function is the NC machine. The processing efficiency is 5 to 10 times than the ordinary machine tool. So far, it has been widely used in the machining industry, but the traditional CNC machining center with only a Knife Bank spends longer time of changing knife. In this paper, automatic changing tool thought of double tool bank was applied in composite boring milling machining center. Namely, fixed knife bank and random changing knife bank were used to improve the efficiency of changing knife in the machining process. At the same time, machining efficiency and machining precision were improved. Generally, the knife bank of machining center was sealed. But for the random knife bank, the knife type on the knife seat which was installed on the spindle and knife bank couldn’t be identified in the machining process. According to above problems, by means of VB6.0 programming language, the visual human computer-interface of double knife bank was designed in the machining center. And the visual control of random changing knife bank was accomplished. At the same time, running state of random changing knife was controlled in the real time. The experiment showed that the system was stable, accurate and real-time.

Keywords:Boring and Milling Center, Automatic Tool Changing of Double Knife Bank, Human-Computer Interface, Random Tool Change



沈阳理工大学,辽宁 沈阳


摘 要


关键词 :镗铣加工中心,双刀库的自动换刀,人机界面,随机换刀

1. 前言


机床的自动化程度的高低是与机床的刀库电气控制的发展有很大的关联的 [1] ,机床的刀库电气控制的设计合理性是机械加工设计的重要组成部分,也是机床设计的核心内容之一,其设计的水平关系到机床的自动换刀的技术发展的程度,也直接决定着加工中心的设计水平。所以开展该课题的目的就是为了提高加工中心的刀库的自动化换刀的设计水平,提高机床的工作效率和加工精度,减少机床的非切削的时间,从而提高机床的生产效率。本文针对此问题使用vb6.0编程语言 [2] [3] 研究设计了复合镗铣加工中心双刀库可视化的人机界面,实现机床随机换刀刀库的可视化控制,实时监控机床随机换刀的运行状态。

2. 界面的开发设计过程


Table 1. Control property settings table

表1. 控件属性设置表

Figure 1. Tool magazine for the first time

图1. 刀库首次装刀

3. 界面开发vb6.0程序语言设计

Private Sub Command1_Click()


If Text26.Text = 主轴刀具号 Then

Text25.Text = Text27.Text

Else: Text25.Text =

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()


If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then


End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()


If Data1.Recordset.BOF Then


End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()


If Text26.Text = 主轴刀具号 Then

Text25.Text = Text27.Text

Else: Text25.Text =

End If

Call sx

Call sx

Call sx

Call sx

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()


End Sub

Public Sub dawei()


If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then


End If

End Sub

Public Sub shuaxin()

If Text26.Text = 1号刀夹 Then

Text1.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 2号刀夹 Then

Text2.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 3号刀夹 Then

Text3.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 4号刀夹 Then

Text4.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 5号刀夹 Then

Text5.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 6号刀夹 Then

Text6.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 7号刀夹 Then

Text7.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 8号刀夹 Then

Text8.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 9号刀夹 Then

Text9.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 10号刀夹 Then

Text10.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 11号刀夹 Then

Text11.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 12号刀夹 Then

Text12.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 13号刀夹 Then

Text13.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 14号刀夹 Then

Text14.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 15号刀夹 Then

Text15.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 16号刀夹 Then

Text16.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 17号刀夹 Then

Text17.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 18号刀夹 Then

Text18.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 19号刀夹 Then

Text19.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 20号刀夹 Then

Text20.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 21号刀夹 Then

Text21.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 22号刀夹 Then

Text22.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 23号刀夹 Then

Text23.Text = Text27.Text

ElseIf Text26.Text = 24号刀夹 Then

Text24.Text = Text27.Text

End If

End Sub

Public Sub sx()

Call dawei

Call shuaxin

Call dawei

Call shuaxin

Call dawei

Call shuaxin

Call dawei

Call shuaxin

Call dawei

Call shuaxin

Call dawei

Call shuaxin

End Sub

Private Sub Data1_Validate(Action As Integer, Save As Integer)

End Sub

4. 复合式双刀库随机换刀界面运行


换刀过程的可视化的实现:当加工中心开始调用刀库中的刀具时,随着刀库中的刀具的变化,该开发界面中的主轴刀具在按键主轴刀具后会自动更新主轴上现在正在加工的刀具信息,点击大号刀具可以查看刀库中刀套号较大数值的刀座中的刀具信息,点击小号刀具可以查看刀库中刀套号较小数值的刀座中的刀具信息,当加工中心完成一次加工后,点击开关按钮刷新键可以将刀库中所有刀套中的刀具进行刷新,实现刀库中刀具信息实时更新,检测刀库中的刀具,实现刀库中刀具的可视化。通过实验运行证明,该运行系统具有有效稳定性,精确性,实时性 [4] 。

5. 总结


在对普通机床的刀库和电气研究的基础上对加工中心双刀库刀库和电气进行合理的设计和改进,以减少制造陈本、减少非切削用时来提高镗铣加工中心的工作效率,从而提高加工中心的整体的工作效率 [5] 。从而对机床加工中心的刀库进行的可视化设计的,主要是为提高加工的安全性和可靠性。


刘 江,孙建业. 复合镗铣加工中心双刀库可视化设计界面
The Visual Design of the Double Knife Bank of the Compound Boring and Milling Center[J]. 机械工程与技术, 2016, 05(02): 59-65.

参考文献 (References)

  1. 1. 韩忠山. 机械自动化发展趋势的分析[J]. 中国对外贸易, 2010(14): 317.

  2. 2. 郑阿奇, 梁敬东, 主编, 曹戈, 刘金定, 编著. Visual Basic实训[M]. 第2版. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2010.

  3. 3. 郑阿奇, 主编, 曹戈, 编著. Visual Basic教程[M]. 第2版. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2010.

  4. 4. 任灵平, 杨玲. Vb程序设计实验教程[M]. 天津: 南开大学出版社, 2011.

  5. 5. 罗朝盛, 余文芳. Visual Basic 6.0程序设计基础教程[M]. 北京: 人民邮电出版社, 2005.

