Advances in Education
Vol.05 No.04(2015), Article ID:15646,3 pages

Application of Simulated Case Teaching Method in Surgery Probation Teaching

Kun Dong, Nan Xiao, Ziqian Liang, Qiang Liu*

The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning Guangxi


Email: *

Received: Jun. 22nd, 2015; accepted: Jul. 5th, 2015; published: Jul. 13th, 2015

Copyright © 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


Objective: To evaluate the effect of simulated case teaching method used in the surgery education. Methods: 100 freshmen of Guangxi Medical University were divided randomly into two groups. Simulated case teaching was introduced based on the traditional teaching in the experimental group, and in every 3 classes 30 minutes were used for group discussion. One member of a group simulated symptoms of the disease, and then the whole group discussed and analyzed the principle of diagnosis and treatment. Finally the teacher summed up the points. At the end of the term, the quality of teaching and the students’ surgery results were evaluated. Results: Scores of inspiration, interest, and practical ability of students who participated in the experimental group were higher than those of the control group, P < 0.05; difference of teacher-student interaction and review of basic knowledge had no statistical significance; at the end of the term, students of the experimental group got higher test scores than the control group, P < 0.05. Conclusion: The simulated case teaching method can improve the teaching quality of the surgery quality.

Keywords:Simulated Case, Surgery, Medical Education

模拟病例教学法在外科学见习教学中的 应用研究


广西医科大学第一附属医院,广西 南宁

Email: *


摘 要

目的:评价模拟病例教学法在外科学教学中的效果。方法:随机将广西医科大学2012级本科生100名分为两组,实验组在传统教学内容中引入模拟病案教学,每3个课时利用30分钟进行分组讨论,由组内成员模拟提出一个已学疾病的主诉症状,全组讨论分析诊疗原则,最后由教师总结。学期末评价教学质量和学生的外科学成绩。结果:统计学生参与的教学评分,实验组启发性、兴趣性、实践能力方面的比较高于对照组,P < 0.05,师生互动和基础知识复习方面的评分差异没有统计学意义;学期末实验组外科学成绩以及主观病例分析题成绩高于对照组,P < 0.05。结论:模拟病例教学法可以提高外科学见习的教学质量。

关键词 :模拟病例,外科学,医学教育

1. 引言


2. 对象

广西医科大学2012级本科生100名,男生43名,女生57名,年龄(22.31 ± 1.46)岁,随机分为实验组和对照组各50名,两组年龄、性别、末次期末考试必修课平均成绩等特征比较,差异无统计学意义(P < 0.05) (见表1)。

3. 方法


Table 1. Comparison of characters between groups

表1. 组间特征比较


评价方法:课程结束后评估课程质量,统一给学生发放测评表,包括20项评价指标,每项1~5分,满分100分,采用无记名调查,收回有效问卷100份;统计并比较两组参与实验学生的外科学考试成绩。使用spss19.0进行统计学分析,运用t检验,检验水准α = 0.05。

4. 结果

4.1. 课程质量评分的比较

实验组得分(87.46 ± 8.08)分,对照组得分(82.76 ± 9.47)分,两组比较差异有统计学意义,P < 0.05 (见表2);实验组在启发性、兴趣性、实践能力方面的比较高于对照组,P < 0.05;在学生与教师互动、对基础知识复习的方面比较差异无统计学意义,P > 0.05。

4.2. 外科学成绩的比较

学期末实验组外科学成绩以及主观病例分析题成绩高于对照组,P < 0.05 (见表3)。

5. 讨论


模拟病例教学法更具有启发性。实验组对课程的兴趣性评分高于对照组。课堂中用启发代替灌输可以灵活机动的适合课堂教学各个环节和时间安排,有利于培养学生的个性,给学生理解时间,认知快慢不受统一思维进度的影响,都能把知识基本掌握 [1] 。在见习中,学生对临床病例诊疗的被动盲目性灌输转

Table 2. Curriculum quality score

表2. 课程质量评分

Table 3. Comparison of final surgical scores

表3. 外科学成绩的比较


模拟病例教学法可以提高学生的兴趣,实验组对课程的兴趣性评分高于对照组。兴趣在教学过程中和工作中有着重要的地位 [2] [3] ,一方面优于参与式的教学提高了学生的学习兴趣,小组间以及师生间的互动可以活跃课堂气氛,提高学习效率,学生在病例场景模拟中身临其境的思考,可以提高学习兴趣,加深学习印象。

模拟病例教学法可以提高学生的实践能力。外科临床教学的最终目的是培养临床诊治的医师,通过缜密的设计有特点的逻辑性强的病例,可以让学生逐渐的主观的发现自己在外科疾病分析中忽略的问题 [4] ,给予一定的引导,可以提高学生面对真实病例的临床决策能力,减少陌生感,鼓励学生独立的分析、归纳、总结和表达临床获得信息,提高临床思维和实践能力[5] 。



董 昆,肖 楠,梁自乾,刘 强, (2015) 模拟病例教学法在外科学见习教学中的应用研究
Application of Simulated Case Teaching Method in Surgery Probation Teaching. 教育进展,04,76-79. doi: 10.12677/AE.2015.54014

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